when an aquarius man wants to marry you

Aquarius men are known for being very cerebral people. Now im confuse..i tried to communicate with his wife through social media and inquired about the services they are offering.. we chat casually as if like between client and owner. So, how do you know if hes going to propose? How do You Turn an Aquarius Man On Sexually? His attitude is changing a bit, he gives longer hugs..and more attentive. Instead, when an Aquarius man wants to marry you, its because he values who you are and how you operate. Aries is a strong-willed and intelligent commander who can inspire Aquarius' creativity, while Aquarius has the capacity to calm down and sweeten the feisty Ram, she says. Its always a great idea to approach your plans and goals for yourself. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . That communication between you two can be salvaged so dont give up! I even started to doubt my own feminine instincts as he never even got flirty We always talk and I always confide to him. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Afterwards communication seized for a while then it started again as he pursued me this time. Youre going to have to wait him out and have a great deal of patience. He told me before that i am the missing piece and i felt the same. He loves his wife and kids. If an Aquarius guy thinks his current girlfriend isn't the best match for him, he'll take a step back and think about it some more. Not sure what to expect from a marriage to an Aquarius man? These are things hes looking for in his match for life. You have to understand, when you are married to somebody, your time is no longer your own. Hes going to look for someone completely new. That is where I come in to rescue you with a few precious advice. So I asked him if he would mind if I asked one of his friends who enjoys the band to go with me so the tickets didnt get wasted. Unless he is an Aquarius male who has a habit of lying, he will tell you how he feels. However, around that time, I was unsure where I stood with him. Hi. Since these two love learning about people and the world around them, they'll never run out of things to talk about. An Aquarius man is like a smartphone. However, the moment they do, hell be the one to switch his mindset and be exclusive. It is happening. Famous Aquarius Celebrities & Eminent Personalities. But no. If he knows he made a mistake with her then what comes next is that he needs to figure out how to plan things out properly so he can exit the marriage. It may feel like hes grilling you but the truth is, hes trying to see if he fits into your future. Therefore approaching him head-on about marriage probably isnt the best plan. He tells me all about his day at work we are always doing things together. After a week, out of nowhere he called me to check in on me, and I replied to his questions and but I didnt bother to continue the conversation we said bye and havent spoken since then. When he starts getting really into the depths of his life then it means hes seeing you as the one. Aquarius Man Expressing Feelings In These Manners When things are good they are amazing but when hes ignoring me I feel horrible. 4. Do you often see him volunteering to help you out? This man really loves me, he goes out of his way for me. But an Aquarius man wanting to marry you is rarer than a Blue Moon. Aquarius men are usually very independent. I took a job end of the year away and it hurt our relationship, he felt he needed someone with him closer and he put me in friendzone so fast.. we even had talked marriage again on my bday in march 2021.. he brought it up.. next thing I know in May he is seeing someone else. Then you will have to take steps to freshen things up again and become like a new couple doing new things and keeping it exciting. With awareness and sensitivity come caring and understanding. They're also attracted to people who are unique, independent and have no problem standing up for their beliefs. He will be happy when he sees you smile and feel loved. Aquarius isn't any different. Why an Aquarius Man Suddenly Becomes Distant? Astrologify Its not that they dont feel. Your email address will not be published. How do You Get an Aquarius Man to Open Up? No matter what your answer is you have to play this right. I hate to say that but its true. Towards the end of our relationship, we got into a routine, and every time we would hang out we would do the same. He is too detached to reciprocate your passion. He might suffer it for a while but then he will retaliate. He told me he only wanted friendship.. Im here for you my friend. Its wonderful that you feel so close to your Aquarius man. Someone confident and secure enough to give him the freedom he desires is ideal. He is 29 and Im 47( I look about 35). Have you been with an Aquarius man for a while but would like to take the next step in getting married but hes dragging his feet? I have never been treated this way before. Have you been waiting for a long time now? That is sometimes real, and sometimes it isn't. Meeting this individual was unexpected as is how much weve come to be fond of each other. Therefore they also tend to be attracted to those who also march to the beat of their own drum.". Take care of yourself no matter what. He will start giving you surprises. He lets you in and opens up. However, when hes in love and wants to get married, he will start sacrificing his time to make his partner happy. Hell ask things that are fundamental to the future. Youre almost polar opposite to him as youre very emotional and hes one that guards himself and puts up a wall. He kept trying to persuade me to go with him. He is an Aquarius. Sagittarius will never think Aquarius ideas are too out there and may even help take Aquarius ideas to the next level. Tell him what is crap and what is right. However, his gentle, easygoing style might be the salve you need to calm your emotional sore points. This rebel of the zodiac won't settle down with just anybody. It sounds like your relationship changed in some way. However, he wants to remind himself that hes still a free man when clearly he isnt really all that free. 5 Tips to Get an Aquarius Man Back After a Breakup, Will an Aquarius Man Keep Coming Back? If youd like, you can learn more about me on this page here. Even when I initiate he turns me down lots of times saying he is tired (which he is I can see as he works long hours). When he got back from his work trip, we met up again. This is when he may start talking about your future together, he may actually mention marriage, and what life may be like with you two down the line. No one is judging you here but I am trying to help you see what the reality is with the Aquarius guy so that there are no surprises with how things go. If he factors you into these plans as well, he's likely thinking of your relationship as something that will last a very long time. As a fixed sun sign, Aquarius men are programmed to create strong bonds to build on, something they do well in the husbands role. Thats all youll get if you have a relationship with him. I have never felt the type of love I feel from him. As husbands, they are understanding and non-judgmental. I will admit that Aquarius men typically know fairly quickly if someone will be worth their time. I tried to start a conversation with him, but he kept giving me one-word answers. I will always love him no matter what. Perhaps thats why an Aquarius man whos committed to marriage is a gentle, open, and supportive husband. Will he miss me enough to fight and realize what he let go? When a Sagittarius guy has an idea, he cannot stop talking about it. 14. My husband is quiet un romantic person and not even active in sex. Find out more by reading my book Aquarius Man Secrets. That is where I come in to rescue you with a few precious advice. When hes single, the typical Aquarius man is happy to enjoy plenty of dates and short-term, casual relationships. Hes trying to see if you are on the same page as him. 7 Strong Signs An Aquarius Man Wants To Marry You Starts Asking Questions The Aquarius man may actually ask you questions that he finds important when it comes to marriage. His affection for you remains constant. So, he will express interest in meeting them too. Your email address will not be published. Enjoy the time you have with him and make the best out of it. So he has alot of friends and seem like they see him way more than I do. Later that day, when he was taking me home, he was holding my hand, and he appeared agitated and annoyed about something, we both remained silent. Hang in there and do what he asked which is that you speak up and let him know when hes not doing something right. He will want to make it easier for you when or where he can. No doubt, this is a dynamic duo.. Allow your desires to be known, but do not make them commands. Shower him with surprises Making an Aquarius Man Obsessed with You Stop talking to him. Either hell get uncomfortable, or hell ask you questions about it. Hes a very private person. That's him letting go of the time he could've spent doing things he loves. Dipping in and out of conversations like a bee taking pollen from a field of flowers; thats an Aquarian living their best life. Your relationship is growing more romantic by the day. I am not a happy married woman. 8) He will try to make you jealous Remember, independence to an air sign like Aquarius is a basic necessity, but that doesnt make marriage an unworkable option. 5 Best & Freakiest Zodiac Signs in Bed. From the moment you say yes to your Aquarius mans marriage proposal, you can be sure hes one hundred percent genuine and trustworthy. The next day, he called me and invited me to his house, but he again ignored me. According to Monahan, these two complement each other really well. Im so thrilled I can help women understand better what is going on with their Aquarius men. I have been / was w/ an Aquarius man for 36 years. For example, Aquarius guys arent really into holding hands or sending lots of loving texts. Hes looking for you reaction and whether or not it brings you great joy. We were always laughing and having fun together. Its like he cares about my physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Its extremely frustrating but it is what it is and I dont push too hard. Depending on the Aquarius mans circumstances; you need to be very careful that you dont hurt anyone in the process of falling in love with him. He got more and more diszant and cold up to the point where he cut it off. He often read my messages also. He believes in the saying that absence makes the heart love more. Living separately, he still has lots of free time to himself. Spending lots of time doing family or friend oriented things shows that hes rather serious about you and intends to make you part of his tribe. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 6 Seduction Techniques when Texting an Aquarius Man. This makes them quite insular and private, so opening up to a partner is meaningful and precious. Ignoring An Aquarius Man: Will It Draw Him In Or Push Him Away? They may not be very outspoken or obvious about it, but Aquarius men are incredibly loyal. Required fields are marked *. We have kissed and been intamate and its been very nice but I am dying to try again. I always felt that he eas still in love with me, and so i was but he never ever tried to het physical again.. sometimes i also misunderstood his friendlinesd and i thought he eas getting romantic again. He cudnt even hug me. He sees this as serious business. Afterward, he again then returned his attention to the television and started ignoring me again. Its just that he finds a way to communicate with you. He will only say so much to most other people and if youre only dating, he probably wont tell you too terribly much because hes not at the point where he wants to get closer. A Sagittarius woman aged 44. If he ever asks to meet your closest friends or family then hes definitely got his wheels turning in how serious hes capable of getting. This is especially true once you have children. We both werent very talkative and we struggled to communicate especially when it was about our relationship. Be careful, though; dont ever assume a thirst for freedom makes them poor marriage partners. He will help out as much as he can. When you fall for someone like this it just sucks because you know you can do what it takes to make something work.. why cant they see it? Instead, when an Aquarius man wants to marry you, it's because he values who you are and how you operate. The Aquarius sun sign men are governed by Saturn and Uranus. Because we felt that love secretly to each other. We met at work and hit it off immediately the conversations are amazing. If you want to keep your Aquarius man happy, you need to take care of yourself. He figures he can have what he wants from you and doesnt have to give anything back to you in return so why would heopen up? No one has ever questioned the age difference. Anyone who holds the Aquarius guy back is not in his good books. Hes one of the hardest signs to get to commit. You might benefit from checking out my book Aquarius Man Secrets. 8.) Neither of us desire more kids. He is one of those that feels the world love is overused and doesnt like it. That's the first clue he's falling for you. I am trying to be patient yet not wait around.. its hard bc my work takes me in and out of town alot so makes harder to meet new people.. He loves to participate in everything involved in raising his child. He is a great listener and he actually listens to me and pays attention to details. I did date other men while we were seperated, but it never worked out- one man lied he was married the other just changed his mind about what he was looking for.. so I had always hoped we would get one more chance that he would miss me or something.. We had a regular chats until we opened up about our secret feelings during old days. One of the common signs an Aquarius man is not into you is when he doesn't ask you weird or unusual questions. so we remained friends for some yrs and lost contact again for a couple of yrs until somewhere last year we got in touch again bt I was goin out. Thats certainly how some people perceive them. If he does care, he will come around at some point. You wont see a lot of people around you with expertise in this area. 11 Signs An Aquarius Man likes You - Not The Easy Love! - HerGamut When the Aquarius man wants to marry you, he will want to see how you fit into his life in the most important ways. I wish you all the best! Get to know his plans. The Aquarius guy doesnt often talk about his personal business. We have been friends with occasional benefits for 1.5 years. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Aquarius men arent forthcoming so when you ARE, hell actually have to tell you the truth. I realised this hurt him a lot and of course I was hurt myself so jx the next day, we patched up and since things seems to be quite sweet between us which I fear may not last as usual. He needs to step up and be a man. When it comes to issues of Aquarius and marriage, the typical conflict that comes into play is when the dreams and hopes of the Aquarius seemingly conflict with the demands of married life. He told me he always liked me too. This certainly helps Aquarian men achieve whatever they choose to and make for interesting, exciting life partners. What is the first order of importance about this scenario is that when hes telling you that hes not happy in his marriage, shes awful, he wants to leave her, etc; he is most likely not being truthful with you. I love him more than I have ever loved anyone. He will surprise you with gifts. However, there are three zodiac signs Aquarius is most likely to marry. One day I brought these concerns up with him and asked him how serious our relationship was, and he responded that he wasnt sure, that he hadnt thought of our future together. Now there is a difference between discussing the future and pushing him to do something about it. Are Aquarius Men Able To Commit To One Woman Only? - Aquarius Man Secrets The 3 Most Judgmental Zodiac Signs, According To An Astrologer, The 3 Most Obsessive Zodiac Signs Are Skilled In Manifestation, Capricorns Will Thrive In This Career Path, 4 Zodiac Signs Most Affected By The October New Moon, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. To the average Aquarius man, marriage is not always something to get excited about or to even bother with. But then, he expects the same kind of commitment from you. Dont bail out on him. Caution, since you are entering unchartered territories. Youre doing great and I know you have many more years ahead with your Aquarius guy. 14 signs an Aquarius man is testing you (and what you can do about it And he loves and appreciates them for simply being who they are. Ultimately, its the concept of independence he craves, not the green light to be selfish and act like hes single. If you prefer just to be one of the crowd or part of the wallpaper, an Aquarius man will make a pretty poor husband for you. They are very independent and will not allow someone to tell them what to do, how to do it, and in what timing to do it in. Not only that he wasn't looking for some help processing this. Even though I know it may end badly. Some men are just built so hold their feelings in. Im sure many women will find this very useful! Pretend like he is not important to you 2. Aquarius will be attracted to Aries' passion and drive and will fall in love once they realize how open-minded and non-judgmental Aries is. That makes my heart feel full. He shows signs of wanting commitment. He was my best friend. In return, hes prepared to take any amount of honest truths, even if those things are difficult to hear. Thats often the best route. Benjamin Franklin once said you can only depend on two things death and taxes. We are so great together but let that wall go up and I am not the one for him and he starts flirting with all his other girls he calls friends..and then I get jealouswhat a cycle..we are on the outs.I had to block him on social media so I would leave him alone.. My goodness. "Ruled by Uranus, the Joker of the zodiac, Aquarius can be a little quirky. Its between the two of you. An Aquarius man is not drawn to women who accept to be treated poorly. He needs to know. Can I get him back? Once he does commit, its even harder to get him to take the next step in the commitment. Can Taurus Man Marry Aquarius Woman? (Here's What Makes It Work) Its been 8 months. Ignore him for a bit and see what he does honey. You know hes in love when hes open to intelligent conversation and even some gentle debate, always thoughtfully and respectfully, of course. Being less emotionally dependant than other sun signs, an Aquarius husband can quickly turn traditional roles on their head. My continues relationship with my aquarius man is progressing.. Take well care to yourself 4. He expresses hypersensitive or intense emotions around you. If he isnt happy, she may not be either. NEVER PRESSURISE HIM TO DO ANYTHING. The Aquarius guy will definitely make himself obvious when he is feeling more committed to the idea of being with you for the long haul. Try considering the tips Ive given you in this article. What makes an Aquarius man come back to you is when he sees that you are a visionary like he is. He flipped out like I was cheating on him. Afterward, he disappeared for a week ( I didnt try reaching out to him either). In fact, Taurus men are this way as well. Basically a hard pass to a few things. Though as I mentioned; it really will depend on the guy himself. I know its hard for some women to do this. You should be careful with your words and make sure that your behavior is consistent with who you really are. He was always calling me and inviting me to hang out. Being best friends with their spouses is very important for the Aquarius guy. They may take forever and a day to form a long-lasting relationship but that doesn't mean that they never want to get married. Nearly all of them love love love and then get terribly frightened at the prospect of getting hurt so they back down and get cold. Being married to an Aquarius man is like a breath of fresh air. You can tell that a Sagittarius man is going to propose if you see these signs. When we first started dating he said he wasnt looking for anything serious, but asked me to move in with him recently. He wants to see if you get excited about what he says or if you seem resistant or despondent. This will include taking you to meet his friends and family. You need to choose what is best for YOU. While we were hanging out at his house, I noticed that he seemed disinterested in me and that he was sort of giving me the cold shoulder. 13. Once you see the bigger picture; you may realize that you should probably exit your affair and work on your own path. But he called her the love of his life.. lets say fast forward 9 months and he starts talking to me again.. they slowly broke things off and I have been seeing him some recently. Stick all these things together and they all add up to a bad road for you to be on. Just let him grow into it on his own. You need to approach this with him. These two air signs make a great match because they know how to keep each other intellectually stimulated, which is not something many signs can do. Aquarius men have standards but sometimes waive them if they think theyre going to be able to have fun without strings. When he sees you have ideals that he relates to, he'll fall in love. Incredible physical and emotional connection. Aquarius and Capricorn Friendship: Do They Get Along Well? Just realise that a compromise in this line gives you a lot to gain overall. If youre ready, keep reading for more information on how to get an Aquarius man to marry you. I am married with him for 14 years. Once an Aquarius does take the plunge; he means it, and he will do everything in his power to make it last forever. So Ive been dating an Aquarius man for 3 months now. This genuine interest in others experiences adds extra depth to his role as a husband and perhaps a father. This makes him want you and want to keep doing what he has to in order to keep the chase alive. Aquarius Man Pulls Away When In Love - 7 Reasons He Does That He is very intelligent, hard working and intuitive. The last blowout was because I wanted to go to a concert and at the last minute he decided he didnt want to go. The family dynamic is important to the Aquarius man. Like every other aspect of life, Aquarius husbands approach love, marriage, and their specific role within it in their own rebellious way. Trust in his love, yes! If or when he agrees hed like to marry; you will need to keep showing him why youre the perfect person for him. I hate to hear this. Anna, he is genuine to me, he knows he made a mistake to marry her, what shall I do? I was dating an Aquarius man for a year and seven months. He wants to do what he wants to do and commitment just isnt something he is into. Or should I keep trying with other men even though I cant stop with how great it was when it was good. I am married to an aquarius man. He isnt doing this at the beginning of the relationship but when he feels close enough to you, prepare yourself! He only likes to kiss or have sex at very rare locations. I am thinking to break up with him because i know that he will not leave his wife for me.. and currently i have issies woth my husband as well since he is having an affair with someone unknow. Maintain the mystery for his solving 5. I know, that we expect all men to be a little emotionally impaired. It may help you to learn more about Aquarius man though. Be positive! I cannot stress enough how important it is for you to be compatible with this man. 5 Tips to Make an Aquarius Man Obsessed with You I wanted to get your opinion about this guy because to this day I am still confused about what happened and why he was effectively hot and cold with me. You do not want ever to make him feel like he needs to hurry up. Afterward, he disappeared for a week ( I didnt try reaching out to him either). How can you tell when an Aquarius man is ready for marriage? Said that he would though like to stay friends. Aquarius men are not afraid to forge their path rather than do what society expects, and marriage is no different. I was in love with married Aquarius man..ITS not because his looks.it kost because he share jus feeling and his subtly act that he show me he is in love with me.theres a butterfly aroundi was in my lowest down life..but my gut telling me that ia something wrong happenshe clearly tell me that be gas wife butbthey where separates by country because of pandemi . Thank you. After a week, out of nowhere he called me to check in on me, and I replied to his questions and but I didnt bother to continue the conversation we said bye and havent spoken since then. Our community thrives when we help each other. For you. He Believes both of you Are Incompatible. I would say though that you need to tell him if you get back together, there cannot be any affairs. I have no idea why he and the woman he left me for broke up.. they also just unfolllowed each other online. They want you two to constantly show each other love rather than saying it. It hurt me I had a complete breakdown I felt betrayed yet I still loved him so much. The Aquarius husband will not be a helicopter parent. I rili love him too, reason I keep our relationship, bt am unsure how long I can do this. Thank you. They are a handful. Perhaps the most vital thing for all Aquarians is to marry a compatible person and get things right from the start. While he still needs to finalize his divorce from last marriage, and isnt in the same state as her anymore I am supportive but if in that we continue to grow if that is the case, he will need to wrap that up to move forward to next chapter. You will have to give him all his freedom. Some people see Aquarius men as natural psychics, gifted folk blessed with compassion, intuition, and vision. You will notice a new found interest in marriage in him. Hell ask what you believe in spiritually, where you see your future headed, and where you would like to be X amount of years later. I just dont know if its worth the up and down roller coaster ride. Aquarian men have a deceiving way of being both extraordinarily sociable and wildly private. I feel like he shows his love to me by taking me out to nice dinners, or extravagant weekends away, and by working so hard at his job to provide myself and our kids with a good life. He appreciates your love. This is another sign that Aquarius man wants to marry you. Some women claim Aquarius husbands are part lovers and part best friends. He may have a rising sign or a moon that makes him more emotionally open and able to commit again. When you do, though, its smooth sailing from there! We became very comfortable with each other. Aquarius is strong-minded, and he wont do anything he doesnt want. This allows him to see what youre like up close and personal. Aquarius men like women who are with them all the way. It shows him you are ambitious and you dont need him to help you with it. How to Seduce an Aquarius Man in 5 Easy Steps. Enjoy it and embrace the love you have. He has been married twice before, isnt opposed to marriage again but isnt there and thats ok with me. Well getting him to chase you is a good route. I honestly feel he is my soul mate. Is your guy showing signs and you havent noticed? Signs aquarius man misses you : r/getthatguy - reddit.com 6.) Youd only be his affair and never have him whole for yourself. It sounds like quite a journey for you two. Unless youre alright with him doing that sort of thing. You will never have to worry about your life being boring. It makes it easier to maintain their freedom while having fun doing it. That doesnt mean he has no edge, though. Thanks, for all of your advice. Inquiring minds need to know!

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