optokinetic reflex pathway

Vestibulo-ocular reflex. In addition, we investigated the cortical input arising from areas V1 and MT to retinal slip cells by means of orthodromic electrical stimulation. We tried to optimize the optics of our animals with contact lenses chosen with a Rodenstock refractometer. Thus, we used orthodromic electrical stimulation to investigate the presence and efficiency of cortical projections arising from primary visual cortex V1 and from motion-sensitive area MT. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. 1996;36(9):568-573. supranuclear lesions, encephalitis, obstructive hydrocephalus, pineal tumors, Wilson disease), trauma, pharmacologic agents, and various other conditions. (PDF) Basic optokinetic-ocular reflex pathways in the fog - ResearchGate - "Visual Pathway for the Optokinetic Reflex in Infant Macaque Monkeys" Figure 8. Anatomical connections of the primate pretectal nucleus of the optic tract. 1C) are given in the polar plots in Figure 1. Ophthalmologic considerations: Testing of the pupillary light reflex is useful to identify a relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) due to asymmetric afferent output from a lesion anywhere along the afferent pupillary pathway as described above[1]. Callosal and superior temporal sulcus contributions to receptive field properties in the macaque monkey's nucleus of the optic tract and dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract. The range of effective stimulus velocities leading to significant discharge differences in opposite directions varied between 0.1/s and >160/s in adults (Fig. Black bars represent data from 2-week-old macaques, dark gray bars, data from a 2-month-old infant, and light gray bars data from adult monkeys. When observers are exposed to sustained visual motion, an alternating pattern of slow and fast eye movements emerges (slow and quick phases), called optokinetic nystagmus (OKN). In mammals, its key visuomotor interface is the nucleus of the optic tract and the dorsal terminal nucleus (NOT-DTN). The pathway is, effectively, part of the central nervous system because the retinae have their embryological origins in extensions of the diencephalon. Numbers at the outer circle of the plots represent stimulus direction in degrees, numbers along the cardinal axes indicate neuronal activity in spikes/s. The horizontal optokinetic nystagmus (hOKN) in primates is immature at birth. Basic optokinetic-ocular reflex pathways in the frog. - Abstract Pathway: The ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve carries impulses to the main sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. Accommodation insufficiency is also less commonly associated with primary ocular disorders (e.g. light shines in eye, afferent pathway down Optic Nerve , information being processed in the pretectal then to CN III which is the oculomotor nerve which is the efferent pathway that controls eye . Lecture 57: Ocular reflexes Flashcards | Quizlet Chino YM, Smith EL, 3rd, Hatta S, Cheng H. Postnatal development of binocular disparity sensitivity in neurons of the primate visual cortex. Basic optokinetic-ocular reflex pathways in the frog Authors S L Cochran , N Dieringer , Abstract Frogs (Rana temporaria) have two midbrain nuclei that receive contralateral retinal afferents, and whose neurons respond to optokinetic stimulation. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Further maturation lasts for several months after birth (Webster et al., 1991; Rodman, 1994). Together, important properties of neurons in the NOT-DTN were qualitatively almost adult-like shortly after birth in infant monkeys. Distler C, Mustari MJ, Hoffmann KP. The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) allows for eye movements in the opposite direction of head movement to maintain steady gaze and prevent retinal image slip[4]. Vestibuloocular reflex inhibition and gaze saccade control characteristics during eye-head orientation in humans. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Asanuma H, Sakata H. Functional organisation of a cortical efferent system examined with focal depth stimulation in cats. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Group 2 neurons (OD 0.30.89) (group 4, OD 0.3 to 0.89) are dominated by the contralateral (ipsilateral) eye but in addition receive input from the ipsilateral (contralateral) eye. Pelisson D; Prablanc C; Urquizar C . The eyes of a dogfish can be caused to move by bending the body of the fish in the absence of labyrinthine stimulation (Lyon, 1900). Rather, cells in a discrete pretectal region have this type of sensitivity: they increase their resting rate with temporal to nasal stimulation and decrease it with nasotemporal stimulation. Distler C, Hoffmann KP. The intracranial pathway of th reflexes th, e manne ir n which more recent studies have added to our understandings of the mechanism, and the scope and value of the optokinetic test in clinical practice will be considered in turn. The Optokinetic Reflex as a tool for quantitative analyses of nervous system function in mice: Application to genetic and drug-induced variation. Blackwood W, Dix MR, Rudge P. The cerebral pathways of optokinetic nystagmus: A neuro-anatomical study. Google Scholar, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, The Miriam Hospital Brown University, 164 Summit Ave, 2906, Providence, RI, USA, You can also search for this author in Pathway: Afferent signals are from the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve[1]. Image motion with color contrast suffices to elicit an optokinetic reflex in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. The increase in the direction selectivity index at 2 weeks of age, however, could be due to maturation of local circuits, e.g., GABAergic inhibition, and/or cortical input. Accessibility It is seen when an individual tracks (pursuit movement) a moving object with their eyes, which then moves out of the field of vision, a point at which their eyes move back to the initial position (saccade movement) when they first saw the object. Retinal ganglion cells projecting to the nucleus of the optic tract and the dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system in macaque monkeys. Examples of direction selective responses in the 1-week-old (Fig. Optokinetic Reflex. 2022 May 23;13(1):2862. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-30405-5. Welcome Address; Contents; Organising Team; Online Session Team; Session Chairs & Co-Chairs; Scientific (Review) Team; Sponsors; Exhibitors; How do we search? Qiao-Grider Y, Hung LF, Kee CS, Ramamirtham R, Smith EL., 3rd Normal ocular development in young rhesus monkeys (. For further explanations see text. Riecansk I, Thiele A, Distler C, Hoffmann KP. Basic optokinetic-ocular reflex pathways in the frog - PubMed Note, however, that OD is calculated only from the activation of a neuron by the contra- and ipsilateral eye and velocity tuning from the modulation only by the contralateral eye, whereas the asymmetry index compares activation and suppression of neurons via the contra- and ipsilateral eye in the two NOT-DTNs. Direct and consensual responses should be compared in the reactive pupil. 2022 Jun 6;32(11):2529-2538.e4. Cortical input to the nucleus of the optic tract and dorsal terminal nucleus (NOT-DTN) in macaques: a retrograde tracing study. There is a close similarity and developmental time course of the two parameters. Maturation of the optokinetic reflex and NOT-DTN In the present study we show that basic response characteristics of retinal slip cells in the NOT-DTN such as direction selectivity and binocularity are already present shortly after birth. Reflex Pathways Flashcards | Quizlet Maxwell, 1919).As the head of the dogfish is not stabilized, but swings from side to side during swimming so . Its function is important because it houses the centers that control reflex functions such as breathing, digestion, blood flow, blood pressure, coughing, swallowing, etc. Adies tonic pupil syndrome is a relatively common, idiopathic condition caused by an acute postganglionic neuron denervation followed by appropriate and inappropriate reinnervation of the ciliary body and iris sphincter[4]. The frequency distributions shown in Figure 7 demonstrate that in the 2-week-old animals a wide range of orthodromic latencies occurred after stimulation in V1 (Fig. Functional development of the corticocortical pathway for motion analysis in the macaque monkey: a. Distler C, Vital-Durand F, Korte R, Korbmacher H, Hoffmann KP. After completion of all surgical procedures the animals were paralyzed with alcuronium chloride (Alloferin). The superior salivatory nucleus in the pons gives off parasympathetic fibers that join other parasympathetic efferents from the salivatory nucleus[1]. Data were taken from 4 adults: medians = 74.3, 88.1, 76.7, and 69.2. Dynamic mapping of human cortical development during childhood through early adulthood. Visual Pathway for the Optokinetic Reflex in Infant Macaque Monkeys Retinal projection to the nucleus of the optic tract in the cat as revealed by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. Ann N Y Acad Sci. These neuronal asymmetry indices were derived from neuronal activity at the best stimulus velocities and OKR asymmetry indices from the average over the velocity range tested because it was impossible to deduce the retinal slip velocity from the stimulus velocity minus the eye velocity with EOG recordings (see Distler et al., 1999, their Fig. Hoffmann KP. The parasympathetic fibers then leave CNVII as the greater superficial petrosal nerve and synapse in the sphenopalatine ganglion. Pages 4 This . Would you like email updates of new search results? 5A,B). The spread of electrical current depends on the strength of the current, the resistance of the electrode, and the excitability constant. Lacrimatory reflex. Nevertheless, in the 1- to 2-week-old animals 5060% of the neurons were dominated by one eye (OD groups 1, 2 and 4, 5) with a strong bias for the contralateral eye (ratio contra/ipsi = 6:1) (Fig. Biology (Basel). Lesion studies in primates demonstrate the relevance of striate and extrastriate visual cortical areas for unperturbed slow eye movements and symmetric mhOKN (e.g., Ter Braak and Van Vliet, 1963; Lynch and McLaren, 1983; Zee et al., 1987; Drsteler and Wurtz, 1988). Definition The optokinetic reflex causes eye movement in response to objects moving in the periphery while the head is stationary. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Ballas I, Hoffmann KP, Wagner HJ. Vestibular Optokinetic Eye Movements Flashcards | Chegg.com Hno, 31(4), 123127. Optokinetic Response - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics They require a receptor, afferent neuron, efferent neuron, and effector to achieve a desired effect[1]. BELLS PHENOMENON: A STUDY OF 508 PATIENTS. As early as at P12, electrical stimulation in V1 elicited orthodromic responses in the NOT-DTN. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Eyelid closure reaction. Gogtay N, Giedd JN, Lusk L, Hayashi KM, Greenstein D, Vaituzis AC, Nugent TF, 3rd, Herman DH, Clasen LS, Toga AW, Rapoport JL, Thompson PM. Here, we observed that the expression of Tau isoforms was modulated by neuronal maturation and visual experience in the mouse retina and in the visual cortex. See this image and copyright information in PMC. ), and electrical stimulation in V1 and MT. Relationship of OKR-asymmetry measured in behavioral experiments (black bars) and NOT-DTN neuronal activity asymmetry measured in electrophysiological experiments (gray bars). Optokinetic reflex dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. Hoffmann KP. 6A,B). Relationship of OKR-asymmetry measured in behavioral experiments (black bars) and NOT-DTN neuronal activity asymmetry measured in electrophysiological experiments (gray bars). Careers. If we assume the neurons in the two nuclei to behave in a mirror symmetric way, which is supported by all physiological data reported so far, we can use our data to estimate the effective activity differences between the 2 NOT-DTN populations driving the OKR. The visual pathway consists of the retina, optic nerves, optic chiasm, optic tracts, lateral geniculate bodies, optic radiations, and visual cortex. Ophthalmologic considerations: The ciliospinal reflex is absent in Horners syndrome due to loss of sympathetic input to the pupil[6] [7] Patients in a barbiturate induced coma may have a more easily elicited ciliospinal reflex and it may mimic a bilateral third cranial nerve palsy with dilated and unreactive pupils or midbrain compression with mid-positioned and unreactive pupils[8]. Optokinetic System Vestibular System Function Produce eye movements that compensate (to maintain eye position) for relatively brief, transient head movements There by stabilizing one's gaze in space Produces the vestibuloocular reflex or response ( VOR) Vestibular System Stimulus Head acceleration During the Dolls eye maneuver (oculocephalic reflex), the patient continuously fixates on an object while the examiner moves his or her head from side to side, and the examiner watches the patients eyes for catch-up saccades. 1991 Oct 22;312(4):537-48. doi: 10.1002/cne.903120405. Jacobs DS, Blakemore C. Factors limiting the postnatal development of visual acuity in the monkey. Image motion with color contrast suffices to elicit an optokinetic Correspondence should be addressed to Klaus-Peter Hoffmann at the above address. VisualEyes | Optokinetic Nystagmus Test | Interacoustics Homeostatic plasticity of eye movement performance in Xenopus tadpoles following prolonged visual image motion stimulation. Kourtzi Z, Augath M, Logothetis NK, Movshon JA, Kiorpes L. Development of visually evoked cortical activity in infant macaque monkeys studied longitudinally with fMRI. The reflex describes unilateral lacrimation when a person eats or drinks[14]. The differences between the infant monkeys as well as between the adults were not significant. Pathway for fast refixation phase: Afferent signals from the retina are conveyed to the frontal eye field, which sends signals to the superior colliculus, activating the horizontal gaze center in the pons[15][16]. As formation of the fovea occurs prenatally in macaques (Kirby and Steineke, 1992; Provis et al., 1998) it is unlikely that retinal maturation plays a crucial role in the changes of response properties observed in the present study (but see Jacobs and Blakemore, 1988). Here we found that the mutation of FRMD7, a gene that is defective in human congenital nystagmus, leads to the selective loss of the horizontal optokinetic reflex in mice, as it does in humans. J Comp Neurol. This result seems difficult to reconcile with the ocular dominance distribution and velocity tuning at first, especially the difference between the ages of 2 weeks and 2 months. Infrared oculography revealed an absent right rotational vestibulo-ocular reflex (r-VOR) and a poor left r-VOR. The optokinetic reflex causes eye movement in response to objects moving in the periphery while the head is stationary. doi: 10.7554/eLife.76101. Functional architecture underlying binocular coordination of eye position and velocity in the larval zebrafish hindbrain. Mason AJ, Braddick OJ, Wattam-Bell J. An official website of the United States government. These primary afferent fibers synapse on secondary afferent fibers in the spinal trigeminal nucleus, which send axons to reticular formation interneurons, which travel to the bilateral facial nuclei. However, this developmental time course was neither reflected in the development of OKR symmetry (Distler et al., 1996, 1999) nor of basic response properties of MT neurons (Movshon et al., 2003). . 20, 22, 25 However, the use of OKR-based testing in animal models of glaucoma has been limited to chronic models and has focused exclusively on photopic measurements. Careers. They receive input from the retina, the cerebral cortex (primarily from the frontal lobe eye fieldsBrodmann's area 8), various brainstem nuclei, and the spinal cord. Hall-Haro C, Kiorpes L. Normal development of pattern motion sensitivity in macaque monkeys. Thus, the direction selectivity index becomes adult-like as early as within the first 2 weeks of life although at a significantly lower activity level (see following paragraph). AD, Frequency histograms of the maximal stimulus driven activity recorded from NOT-DTN neurons in 1-week-old (A), 2-week-old (B), 2-month-old (C), and adult macaques (D). Functional basis of ocular motility disorders. (PDF) Gaze Stabilization by Optokinetic Reflex (OKR) and Vestibulo Kiorpes L, Movshon JA. As with basal optic neurons, these cells have exclusively upward or downward sensitivity, and some also have nasotemporal sensitivity. The oculocardiac reflex is a dysrhythmic physiological response to physical stimulation of the eye or adnexa; specifically, it is defined by a 1020% decrease in the resting heart rate and/or the occurrence of any arrhythmia induced by traction or entrapment of the extraocular muscles and/or pressure on the eyeball sustained for at least 5 seconds[17]. An OD index was calculated as follows: OD = (co-ip)/m, with m being the larger response. myasthenia gravis, botulism toxin, tetanus), focal or generalized neurologic disease (e.g. Pupillary dark reflex. Vestibular reflexes and Cortical projections to the nucleus of the optic tract and dorsal terminal nucleus and to the dorsolateral pontine nucleus in macaques: a dual retrograde tracing study. The .gov means its official. Normal pupils return to their widest size in 12-15 seconds; however, a pupil with a dilation lag may take up to 25 seconds to return to maximal size. 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