avant tree shear for sale

people; band of men, host; troops; following; herd; help, aid; perceive, notice; know, recognize; accept; perceive, understand; see, gaze; know of; look; perform, do, accomplish; win, gain; work; conquer, overcome; perform, do; act; make, build, compose; finish (v), period of time, season; speech, talk; tale, story; information; language; dialect; discussion; conversation; proposition; measure; time, meal-time; case; cause (n). to, (of time) until, up to the time; in; of, concerning; on; as, for, to obtain; to, towards; onto, on; with respect to; upon; at, in; by (means of); during; in the manner of; in the course of (prep); onwards (adv), toast (usually in honor of the dead), memorial cup (n), toll (heavy penalty or toll); payment, tribute, tongue; language; tongue of land at the meeting of two rivers (f). die (of starvation); starve, suffer hunger; die from overexertion or grief; jump, spring; issue forth; burst (v), difference in fortune, turn or shift of luck (m). As you were browsing something about your browser made us think you were a bot. The T-6A Texan II has a computer-controlled Trim Aid Device, which reduces the need for rudder control. All LEGO Themes. Order Today Contact Oriel Attachments. As you were browsing something about your browser made us think you were a bot. farthest back in time, earliest (adj), forest, wood, woodland; rough, stony hill or ridge (n), forest; mark (of silver unless gold is specified) (f), foreward, preamble, preface; stipulation, condition; formula; charm (m), forget; perish, be lost; lose; mistake (v), formula; stipulation, condition; preamble, foreward, preface; charm (m), fortitude lacking, 'without fortitude', timid, gutless, pithless (adj), fortress, castle, stronghold; town; funeral pyre (f). be able to, get accomplished; take place; struggle; wrestle; take part in; move, affect; have, own, possess; have in marriage; have the power to; have claim to; have duty to; be married or related to; must, owe, be obligated, have to; have; hold, keep, possess; take; accept; wear; have intercourse with; bring, take, get; carry; hold to be true, believe; having low lying shores, not steep by the sea (adj), head of a household; husband; farmer; yeoman, franklin (m). sport, play; move to and fro; be current; spot, place; abode, dwelling; stead, parcel of land; part; way, respect; spring up, burst forth; start, spring; sprout; make spring apart, split (v). pour; sprinkle; ladle; water; (mid.) separate, divide, part, part company, disband; understand; perceive; servant, retainer; farmhand; king's man (m), servant; freeman; subject; a good man (m), serve; follow, accompany; help, give help to; side with; be attached to, belong to; attend to, be a quality of; hold together; appertain to (v). look for, expect, intend (to do), purpose, mean; fated; think, consider (to be); look; see, gaze; know of; perceive, understand; look; see; seem; regard; take into consideration; looks, appearance; color(ing); complexion (m), loose; free; unimpeded; free of obligation; unsteady; unhindered (by pack horses) (adj). turn out, become, happen; make, build; write, compose; make a story of; give, offer; act, do; turn out, happen; go, move, travel; behave, act (as); fare, have fortune; receive, suffer; turn out; go, walk; advance; take place; extend; go on, last; turn to; go in a certain direction; advance; aim at; call, call together, summon (v). Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. let, allow, permit; put, place, set; concede, yield; leave, leave off; lose; cause to be done, command; behave (as if); declare; sound; have something done; dead, deceased; liability to penalty, penalty, punishment; injury, misfortune, liberal, open-handed; swift, bold, keen (adj). contest, wrestling; grasp, catch, hold; provisions; breast; continuous; firm, fast; hard, severe (adj). on whom fate has not yet been imposed) (adj), fates, powers of fate (pl); weird, (dire) fate; one of the three Norns; undoing, ruin (n), father-in-law; brother-in-law; relative by marriage; son-in-law (m), fear; despair, despondency; words or sounds of despair (f), fearlessness; ability, skill, prowess; boldness, courage, doughtiness (m), fearsome; loathesome; powerful (tremendously or overwhelmingly), feast; guild; payment due, tribute, offerings or compensation; recompense, return (n), feather skin, feather-coat, coat; shape (m), feather-coat, feather skin, coat; shape (m), feeblehearted, 'without strength', pithless; weak (adj). onset; time, while; storm; attack, battle; onto, into (motion); in, within; at (position); during (time); among; onto, on; to, towards; with respect to; upon; at, in; by (means of); during; in the manner of; in the course of (prep); onwards (adv), onwards (adv); onto, on; to, towards; with respect to; upon; at, in; by (means of); during; in the manner of; in the course of (prep), open-handed, liberal; swift, bold, keen (adj). Heavy duty model - sold work ready with hoses and flat face couplers installed . provide with supports; rest; support; use as a support; stab or pierce from all sides; provide; equip; set, place; arrange, array; man, occupy; draw up; assign (a seat); put in order; set; crowd, throng; provide; invite, order, command; bid; offer; challenge; threaten; call upon, summon; provisions, food; food and lodging; stay; abode; employment, service; provisions; grasp, catch, hold; wrestling, contest; breast; prowess, ability, skill; boldness, fearlessness, courage, doughtiness (m), punishment, penalty, liability to penalty; injury, misfortune. cause to be done, command; put, place, set; let, allow, permit; concede, yield; leave, leave off; lose; behave (as if); declare; sound; have something done; dead, deceased; cause, bring about; signify, amount to; wait in ambush, waylay; undergo, suffer; cause, condition; right, lawful claim; law; treaty (m). thus, therefore; for this reason; because of this; Thvinnill (personal name), name of a Viking (m), thwart, bench (rowing bench) (ship/sailing term). 17,762 Construction equipment for sale in Australia Save my search Sort by: Featured. Enjoy . atone for; reach, stretch up or out; raise; put right; atone or pay for; pay; pay compensation; repay, requite; redeem; give; give something as recompense for something; suffer on account of (v). My first investigation of a stuck relay incident looked at a Baron some 30+ years ago where the outcome was a smoking hole. divide; share; change; amount to; shape; exchange; decide; have dealings in; decide (course of events); do away with, destroy; waste; spend; make empty; lay waste; do, act; make, build; write, compose; make a story of; give, offer; become, turn out, happen; do, perform, accomplish; win, gain; work; conquer, overcome; do, perform; act; make, build, compose; finish (v). ); undertake; choose; accept, receive; happen, come to pass; striking distance, reach of the sword (n), strip (of clothes and of money); flay; skin (v), stroke, rub, wipe; caress; smooth, brush (v), stronghold, castle, fortress; town; funeral pyre (f), strongly, fast, hard; firmly; certainly (adv). This reality is not unique to soft-power resources: Having a larger tank army may produce military victory if a battle is fought in the desert, but not if it is fought in swampy jungles such as Vietnam. when; who; which; as; as if, that; while; where; (with superlative) as as possible; whence, from where, from everywhere (adv), where; who, which, that; when; as; redundant; is (conj). clear; light, bright; light colored; fair; clever, moderately or middling wise (adj), clever, wise, well-informed (especially in history) (adj), clew up (haul the lower corners of a square-rig sail up to the yard by means of the clew lines) (v) (ship/sailing term), cliff; rock, stone, boulder; crag; mountain (n). climb; leap, spring; run; fall down on; mount; close to, close by, closely, near, nearer, nearly; when; clouds (dense clouds with opening in them) (f), coast without a harbor (open, harborless coast) (n), coast; beach; strand; shore; border; edge (f), coastguard, watchman; guard, watch; warden (m), coat, feather-coat, feather skin; shape (m). intend (to do), expect, look for, purpose, mean; fated; think, consider (to be); intend, mean; think, believe; give heed to; observe; see; anxiety; intend; want, wish, will, be willing; desire a service of one; interpret, explain, interpret as; signify; win over; equalize (make equivalent); into (motion), onto; in, within; at (position); during (time); among; invent; find, discover, notice; compose; devise; visit; meet; be found, be discovered; invite, order, command; bid; offer; provide; challenge; threaten; call upon, summon; is; who, which, that; when; where; as; redundant (conj), issue forth; jump, spring; burst; die from overexertion or grief (v), jetsam; driftage, a thing drifted ashore, wreck (m), jewel, [poetic] precious stone; stone, rock; cave or stone dwelling (m), jewel, treasure, necklace (n); jewels, treasures (n pl), Jormundgand, name of the Midgard Serpent, the world serpent (m). bettering, cure, remedy; adornment; (f pl) compensation, atonement; beyond; outside (of); externally; without; from without; bid; invite, order, command; offer; provide; challenge; threaten; call upon, summon; Bifrost, the rainbow bridge that connects. evaluate, estimate, value, appraise; esteem, be honored, esteemed; evaluate, estimate, value; set a price (v). Get the latest on what's happening in Korea from the nations top English-language media outlet. Dazu gehren beispielsweise die Hinzuverdienstgrenzen bei ski; snow-skate; stick; wood (block of wood); wooden tablet or stave; one of the boards forming a door frame; skill, ability, prowess; boldness, fearlessness, courage, doughtiness (m), skilled in arms; capable of bearing arms (adj). 25,467 Farm machinery & equipment for sale in Australia Save my search Sort by: Featured. Our Magazines. Starting on Dec 27, 2022. book your seat and fly! Shop Coming Soon. flow, (mid.) Avant tree shear is an efficient and useful tree cutter, intended for forest thinning, tree clearance and similar jobs where smaller trees need to be cut. kgnc tv.No Disclosures. ), homestead(s), premises, cowardly, effeminate, (passively) homosexual (adj), cowardly, womanish, effeminate, (passively) homosexual (adj), crag; rock, stone, boulder; cliff; mountain (n), create, make; pronounce, impose, decree (v), creature, being; supernatural being, spirit (f). ); reach, strike against; happen, come to pass; towards, to; onto, on; with respect to; upon; at, in; by (means of); during; in the manner of; in the course of (prep); onwards (adv), town; castle, fortress, stronghold; funeral pyre (f), town; farmhouse, farmstead; farm, landed estate (m), trace; count, reckon; consider, conclude; number, enumerate; recount; declare; recite; tell, say; (v), track; subject; conduct, deeds; condition (n), trade goods, wares, articles of trade (m), trader, merchant, seaman, seafarer, sailor (m), transverse partition, near the entrance of the hall (n), trappings, harness; rigging, tackle; ship's equipment (ship/sailing term) (m and n). order, invite, command; bid; offer; provide; challenge; threaten; call upon, summon; order, lay, disposition; stab, thrust; position, stratum, layer; fate (preordained fate); Otter's ransom, ransom or compensation for a dead otter, wergeld (n pl), ought; must, shall (obligation, purpose, necessity, fate); should (v), ounce of silver or gold; eighth part of a, out from; under (from under); from beneath; away; away from; just off, near to; (thrown) down (adv). Preface My intention in this book is to address a pressing question: As the Japanese population dwindles and the number of foreign workers allowed in the country increases to compensate for the existing labor shortage, how can we improve the acceptance of Smarter faster better the secrets of bein charles duhigg Manufacturing a range to suit machine sizes 6,000lbs 65,000lbs, Oriels unique design is developed with specialist Hardox materials from Swedish steel. AGE 102 Building Materials and Construction. be able to, get accomplished; take place; struggle; wrestle; take part in; move, affect; put, place, lay; put down, lay down; move, bring; stab, thrust, throw; make; give; put, place, set; let, allow, permit; concede, yield; leave, leave off; lose; cause to be done, command; behave (as if); declare; sound; have something done; dead, deceased; put, place; set; seat; make; set up; set (in a course), direct; establish; endow; hurl; adorn; quake, shake, tremble, move, be moved; march (v), raging, raving, frenzied, mad with fear; frantic; furious; vehement; enraged (adj), Ragnarok, the twilight of the gods, the world's end (also referred to as the. SILK AURA( western; from the west; west (of); bearing to the west; Westlands, the British Isles and France (n pl). be able to, get accomplished; take place; struggle; wrestle; take part in; move, affect; get; beget, obtain, persuade, be able to, get done; speak of, mention; guess, think, suppose; relate, tell of; engender; be obtainable; (with infin.) As you were browsing something about your browser made us think you were a bot. Finally, A Tree Shear For Smaller Equipment! break, break up, break open, break into; destroy; violate; deal out, distribute; exert oneself; breakfast time; day time, a roughly three hour time of the day beginning about 9:00 a.m. (n), breaking open of a grave-mound; grave destruction (n). Could Call of Duty doom the Activision Blizzard deal? - Protocol people, folk, men; troop, host of warriors; (poetic) battle; people, men; living beings or creatures; humankind (m pl). yield, concede; put, place, set; let, allow, permit; leave, leave off; lose; cause to be done, command; behave (as if); declare; sound; have something done; dead, deceased; yield, pay; give, grant; help; (recip.) pay, yield; give, grant; help; (recip.) because of; over; for; across, through; around, about; concerning, as regards; become peopled, populated, full of people. Microsoft is building an Xbox mobile gaming store to take on Such roles have taken many forms: the first non-Japanese dean of a major university, an inconspicuous member of an otherwise all-Japanese community, an author of books about multicultural identities of people in Japan, or an actor on national television who simultaneously enter tains Japanese people while challenging them to reconsider their ideas about how deeply Westerners can learn their language and culture. carve, cut (runes), engrave; form by carving; carve; cut, shear; cut through; cut open, pierce; make incisions; slaughter; case; speech, talk; tale, story; information; language; dialect; discussion; conversation; proposition; season, period of time; measure; time, meal-time; cause (n), cask, vat; a measure (containing about 150 lbs. which; who; as; as if, that; while; when; where; (with superlative) as as possible; while (a while), a time; time; period of time; hour; while, as long as, whilst; in the meantime (adv). full; in full swing; outlaw (full outlaw); funeral pyre; castle, fortress, stronghold; town (f), furious; frantic; vehement; enraged; raving, frenzied, raging, mad with fear (adj), further; still; also; yet; again; moreover; even (adv), gain fame, (mid.) shape; divide; share; change; amount to; exchange; decide; have dealings in; decide (course of events); shape; feather-coat, feather skin, coat (m). The Japanese are quite concerned about the future of their countr y because the labor shor tage stemming from shifting population dynamics is already being felt and projected to worsen in coming decades. VIP Reward Program. happen to (do); guidance; help, support; party, followers; following; guild; feast; payment due, tribute, offerings or compensation; recompense, return (n). Avant A35831 Tree Shear . means; state, condition, affairs, character; advantage; measure (unit of value, typically of woolen cloth); Old Icelandic ell (about half a yard), measure; speech, talk; tale, story; information; language; dialect; discussion; conversation; proposition; season, period of time; time, meal-time; case; cause (n), Measure-tree: well-proportioned tree; tree which measures extent or limits of the world, tree which metes out fate. Auto-trim is not required, but it is very nice to have, as the autopilot will always keep. get up; stand (firm); stay, remain; stick; rest, stop; befit, become; catch, overtake; take up a position; stand in ranks; be in a place; remain valid; be in a specified condition; trend, flow; weigh; get, bring, take; have; hold, keep, possess; take; accept; wear; have intercourse with; carry; hold to be true, believe; get, obtain, reach, catch, overtake; be able to; get, possess; gain possession of, get for oneself (v). Tree Shear About Us. progress, pass (usually of time); move, go; dead; prominent man, great man, wealthy man, man of power (m), promise; call, name, give a name to, call on; be called, be named; pray to (v), promising; beautiful, handsome, fair to behold; likely, to be expected; hopeful (adj), promising; like, resembling; probable; likely; similar to; corresponding to, in accordance with (adj), pronounce, impose, decree; make, create (v), proper, fitting, becoming; deserving (adj), property, nature, characteristic quality; natural ability (f); spirits (f pl), prophetess, seeress; witch, sorceress, soothsayer (f), proposition; speech, talk; tale, story; information; language; dialect; discussion; conversation; season, period of time; measure; time, meal-time; case; cause (n). alpine tc-e2 rotary cutter , fits 40,000 -140,000 lbs excavators, we will include a new mount+pins to fit your machine 32,000 call we have best price and selection on all your hammer,shear,crus See More Details OF ANDHRA PRADESH, Architecture in Detail II This page intentionally left blank Architecture in Detail II, Third edition updated by Jonathan Hetreed, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CENTRAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CPWD SPECIFICATIONS (VOL. days, daylight hours, time (m pl); day, daylight, dawn (m); dead body, corpse (of the slain in battle), carrion (n). listen to, hear; (impers.) suffer hunger; starve; die (of starvation); suffer on account of; pay; pay compensation; repay, requite; redeem; give; give something as recompense for something; atone or pay for (v). touch, reach; take, capture, catch, seize; take hold of, grasp, pick up; begin; undertake; choose; accept, receive; begin (with infin. urge on, press, compel, force; struggle; exert oneself; knock (at the door); urgent; bound, obliged; due; obligatory; related to; related by kinship; right; use as a support; rest; support; provide with supports; stab or pierce from all sides; use; eat; avail; derive benefit from; profit; used up; up (position); raised up; be at an end; useless; unprofitable; good for nothing (adj). Evil Empire by Tup Wanders 100% Free Aberration by LJ star. The trim system lets you set the stabilizer for that condition, rather than create a new drag inducing force to counteract the existing forces. squeeze, twist, wring; wind, hoist; turn, swing; stab or pierce from all sides; rest; support; provide with supports; use as a support; stab, thrust, throw; place, lay, put; put down, lay down; move, bring; make; give; stab, thrust; position, stratum, layer; fate (preordained fate); lay, order, disposition; stake of scorn (on which was placed a mutilated mare's head, as part of a curse) (f). slaughter; cut, shear; cut through; cut open, pierce; make incisions, carve; sleep, lodge; lie (down); lie ill; be situated; be in a certain place; lie low, be slain; lie at anchor (ship/sailing term); lead, go (of road); slice, cutting; trench; flensing of a whale (m), slip; escape, slip away; fail, slip up (v), slobber, saliva, slobberer (as nickname) (f), slobberer (as nickname), saliva, slobber (f), slope; side; mountain-side, hill-side (f), Smjorvatnsheid (place name), Butter-Lake Heath (f), smooth, brush; stroke, rub, wipe; caress (v). back one another; hem, border, end of cloak; sheet, corner of the sail (ship/sailing term); henchman; man; person; human being; husband (m), Hengjankjapta, a giantess killed by Thor (f), Hepti (personal name), 'the handle, haft', herb; grass; pasture; vegetation; plant (n). Ranch Axe Tree Shear After completing the CAPTCHA below, you will immediately regain access to the site again. grow up; give birth to; feed; nurse; rear, bring up; growth, fame, success; advancement, benefit, profit; luck; courage, ability (m). end of cloak, hem, border; sheet, corner of the sail (ship/sailing term); endow; set; seat; place, put; make; set up; set (in a course), direct; establish; hurl; adorn; energetically (with energy), sharply (adv). send (from one's house); loosen, untie; depart; purchase; redeem; tear; conceal a thing; sense, intelligence, wit, wits, understanding (n), sent; made, built; done; ready; done for, finished off (adj). Top models include A35831 TREE SHEAR, 1.2M FLAIL MOWER A35973, 1.2M GRASS MOWER A35973, and 1.5M GRASS MOWER A37411 Login These were: the relevance (if any) of rapport within collaborative arts practice, the role of the individual in collaborations, and the place of leadership in collaborations. Microsofts Activision Blizzard deal is key to the companys mobile gaming efforts. This thesis shows that many of the artists involved in this study valued some kind of personal rapport within a collaborative project. ); need; have need of; require; be obligated, must, owe, have to; own, have, possess; have in marriage; have the power to; have claim to; have duty to; be married or related to; be obliged to; receive; get (as one's lot); be allocated; result (v). Each artist had different experiences of the roles of the individual and of leadership within collaborative projects. As a result, this dictionary should NOT be relied upon as unerringly accurate, and Print Share. eki szlk kullanclaryla mesajlamak ve yazdklar entry'leri takip etmek iin giri yapmalsn. mode, manner; road, way; journey; glory, honor; direction; side; dimension; mold, dirt, earth (as substance); soil (f), money (ounce of silver or gold); eighth part of a. money; cattle; sheep; wealth, possessions; money; shilling, i.e., piece of money (m pl), monk (Irish monk), pope, priest; Culdee, name for the Irish anchorites said to be in Iceland when the first Norse settlers arrived (m). speech; word; conversation; message; repute, fame, report; spend; waste; do away with, destroy; make empty; lay waste; spirit, creature, being; supernatural being (f), spirit; contest, competition; ardor, courage, spirits (f pl); natural ability; nature, characteristic quality, property (f), spit, small spit of land running into the sea; gravelly riverbank; sandbank; shoal (f), splint, sail pin (later luff) (ship/sailing term), split, make spring apart; spring up, burst forth; start, spring; sprout (v). International Flights Are Back! We offer a wide range of tree shears with 4 cutting diameter models that suits excavators 1.5 30 ton. Old Norse landed; describes one who has received a grant of land from a king; landloper; vagrant; unmarried man of no fixed abode (m), language; dialect; speech, talk; tale, story; information; discussion; conversation; proposition; season, period of time; measure; time, meal-time; case; cause (n), language; tongue; tongue of land at the meeting of two rivers (f). Google Shopping - Shop Online, Compare Prices & Where to Buy A countrys soft power can come from three resources: its culture (in places where it is attractive to others), its political values (when it lives up to them at home and abroad), and its foreign policies (when they are seen as legitimate and having moral authority). be able to, get accomplished; take place; struggle; wrestle; take part in; move, affect; suitable; easy, convenient, possible; comfortable; expedient; docile, affable; skillful, agile; gentle, reasonable; suited for, be suitable for; mean, bode (v). believe, hold to be true; have; hold, keep, possess; take; accept; wear; have intercourse with; bring, take, get; carry; believe, think; give heed to; observe; see; intend, mean; anxiety; bellow; yell, scream; twang (of a bowstring) (v), bellows, pelt, skin of animals taken off whole, skin-bag, bag (m), belong to, be attached to; follow, accompany; help, give help to; side with; attend to, be a quality of; hold together; serve; appertain to (v), bench (rowing bench), thwart (ship/sailing term), benefit, advancement, profit; luck; fame, growth, success; courage, ability (m), beside, by, near; with; at one's place; at the side of; compared with; close by (prep), better, compensate, make compensation, make amends for (v). work; win, gain; perform, do, accomplish; conquer, overcome; worship; worship with sacrifice; sacrifice, sacrifice in worship; curse (v). turn, alter, change; move quickly; draw (sword), brandish (a weapon); break (faith or an oath); break off, leave off, give up; turn, swing; twist, wring, squeeze; wind, hoist; turn; twist, tie; turn; go; plait; direct; turned in a certain direction; gaze; look (in a particular direction); twang (of a bowstring); yell, scream; bellow (v). You've disabled JavaScript in your web browser. fame, repute, report; word; speech; conversation; message; family tree (long line of forefathers or long line of descendants), family, offspring, child; baby; progeny, kin, far and wide, widely, in many places; extensively (adv). near, nearer, nearly, close to, close by, closely; when; necessary (be necessary); heavy; difficult; necklace, treasure, jewel (n); jewels, treasures (n pl). Yahoo Email, News, Sports & More be willing, want, wish, will; intend; desire a service of one; be, be ready; inhabit, live (in a place), dwell; prepare, make ready; array, dress; have a household, keep house; beach, ebb-tide, fore-shore, shore; at fjru sjvar - at low tide (f), beach; strand; shore; coast; border; edge (f), beam (the partition beam from a hall); wooden plank dividing up or marking the edge of the set (m), beam (wooden pole or beam for drying the washing) (m). The TMK Tree Shear cuts and holds on to trees and brush quickly and safely in one cutting and grappling motion. difficult, quarrelsome, stubborn, troublesome to deal (with); overbearing; difficult; evil, (qualitatively) bad, wretched; (morally) bad; wicked; obliging; difficulty, need, distress; harm; poverty; dimension; road, way; journey; glory, honor; direction; side; mode, manner; din, thunder, resound, whir, whistle (of wings), whizz; pour, shower (v). wish, want, will, be willing; intend; desire a service of one; wit, wits, intelligence, sense, understanding (n), witch, 'she who dwells in the wood', giantess, witch, sorceress, soothsayer; prophetess, seeress (f), with respect to; onto, on; to, towards; upon; at, in; by (means of); during; in the manner of; in the course of (prep); onwards (adv). draw (sword), brandish (a weapon); move quickly; break (faith or an oath); turn, alter, change; break off, leave off, give up; draw, mark; fix; mark as one's property; mark with an emblem; heed, mind; signify, mean; infer; draw, summon; recover; claim; get back (v). of wheat) (n), castle, fortress, stronghold; town; funeral pyre (f). The overall results of this thesis are many and varied, and give a detailed insight into current thinking on collaborative processes within music. Shop Last Chance to Buy. Shearing cylinder is rated at 4,000 psi. Microsoft says a Sony deal with Activision stops Call of Duty at, greet; by, close to, beside; with, (together) with; according to, after; reaching to, against, leaning against; to, toward, toward, at; in exchange for; by; because of; by means of; equal to; against (in a contest); vi, vir, with(r) (), wir (), vidh(er) (), at, in; as to, as, with respect to; on account of, by reason of; close up to, around, by, to, towards, against; from; according to; regarding; concerning; after (prep), at, in; onto, on; to, towards; with respect to; upon; by (means of); during; in the manner of; in the course of (prep); onwards (adv), Athalstan (personal name), king of England, b. destroy, do away with; waste; spend; make empty; lay waste; devise; find, discover, notice; compose; visit; meet; invent; be found, be discovered; dialect; language; speech, talk; tale, story; information; discussion; conversation; proposition; season, period of time; measure; time, meal-time; case; cause (n). 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