authoritative knowledge in research

While predictive validity tests provide concrete evidence of measurement validity by making forecasts about future outcomes, concurrent validity tests offer more timely proof. Very often, this case is most persuasively made via the relevant research literature. If, however, we want to know if situations or conditions have changed over time, we must use data collected at multiple points in time. When we remove the influence of a variable, we are said to "control" that variable i.e., we block its ability to impact another variable. Surveillance tapes, of course, know no distinction between the private and public realms. How Did We Get to this Point? As in the age example above, we devise a question and then devise another question that essentially asks for the same information. The research populations that social scientists study are typically heterogeneous ones - i.e., they are typically characterized by great diversity. Authoritative knowledge Received 2017 Jul 23; Accepted 2018 Mar 2. Sampling is done to fill set quotas for these traits. If, however, our goal is to advance our understanding of social phenomena, we would be well advised to become familiar with the nomothetic model. Get started learning all about SEO from the industry's most trusted source, Search Engine Land. The Johns Hopkins News-Letter via U-Wire, November 1. Constructing a narrative does not guarantee that the causal argument is a correct one. In the interest of fairness, the selection process is often taken out of the hands of the teacher (who might play favorites in selecting students) and instead put into a hat! Measuring Up and Out As the above discussion indicates, measurement is a tricky business. All of the following "simple" mistakes can decrease data quality and undermine replication efforts: misalignment of response boxes, overly compact (dense) question format, faulty placement of filter and contingency questions, leaving too little space for answers to open-ended questions. More than 60 years later, survivors of the experimental group are suing the state of Iowa for emotional distress and fraudulent misrepresentation (Reynolds 2003). The ratio level of measurement is regarded as the highest level of measurement because there is a perfect fit between the use of numbers and the values of the variable being measured. The idiographic model is also the dominant model of social workers, clinical psychologists, and historians - professional researchers who are committed to unraveling causal forces in the lives of specific clients or specific historical figures and events. With authoritative knowledge, we defer to experts when looking for accurate assertions about the world. In the final analysis, researchers are well advised to explicitly state conditions of confidentiality (including any limits to confidentiality agreements) and to plan exactly how they will honor such agreements. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 2 For each of the following concepts; (1) offer a clear conceptual definition, and (2) suggest two questions or observations you think would be good ways of empirically documenting the concepts. They want kids to developself-discipline, maturity, and a respect for others. (If we are making a causal argument, the independent variable is placed along the X axis.) Has our love affair with a lowfat, high carbohydrate diet produced America's epidemic of obesity (Taubes 2002)? Inductive Discipline and Childrens Prosocial Behavior: the Role of Parental Emotion Regulation Strategies. Pratt MW, Kerig P, Cowan PA, and Cowan CP. Pre-Testing After developing a good solid questionnaire, the researcher should always plan on conducting a pre-test. Structural-functionalist theory tries to explain the world around us in light of such concepts as social stability, integration, consensus, etc. Running through several mock interviews is an essential preparation step. Using our sample data we can figure out the value for SE: To solve for the SE we will divide the standard deviation of 5 by 9.9 (the square root of 99): Next we want to multiply the SE by the Z score for our desired level of confidence. Let's review a specific example. Such positive results were missing from studies funded by non-profit organizations (Kjaergard & Als-Nielsen 2002). option. Under conditions of anonymity, the names attached to specific data points can't be revealed because they simply aren't known. In saying that the mean is the arithmetic average, we are indicating that some mathematical procedure is involved in its calculation. The idiographic model is interested in thoroughly explaining the sequence of events that lead to one particular outcome. (And for this reason, my baked goods were never in demand!) Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, ongue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Information is only useful if it's accurate. Random assignment means that chance and chance alone will determine the placement of study volunteers into the experimental and control groups. To the extent that we can "match" our histograms or frequency polygons to one of the models in Figure 12.5, we enhance our ability to communicate the variation found in our data. We selected hindrance stressor (Cavanaugh et al., 2000) as a marker variable since it showed the weakest correlation with other variables (Table Table22). In effect, descriptive studies offers the research equivalent of a Joe Friday "just the facts" line of investigation - it seeks to find out what's going on and who is involved, the size of the group, and what the members look like, etc. 88 CAUSAL ANALYSIS Another strategy for unraveling the time order of variables is the use of fixed variables (see pages 78-9). Now I find that your responses from the first test are very different from your responses to the second test. (Typically, vertical listing of response options is thought to lead to fewer errors.) AR5 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2014 IPCC Taping under protest is unlikely to yield a productive interview exchange. 2009. If you've already had a statistics course, you have probably encountered these terms before. BuzzSumo It may also help prevent children from developing aggressive or defiant behavior problems (Choe et al 2013; Arsenio and Ramos-Marcuse 2014). (If anything, the passing of time is exactly what showed this assertion to be unequivocally false.) To accomplish this, the researcher is well advised to specifically address the saliency of the research topic. When (Jonathan) Tessler, then 35, discovered Speed Dating back in June 1999, the concept made perfect sense to him. For MAKING THE ABSTRACT CONCRETE 57 instance, respondents may not be able to or want to reveal their exact yearly salary (the information required for the ratio level of measurement). If a researcher sees a critical need for accurately representing some key variable (e.g., gender, race, ethnicity, political affiliation, age, etc.) Or perhaps as one variable increases, the second decreases. Analysis starts only after the data collection phase is complete. -Y., Podsakoff N. P. (2003). Social Work Research and Abstracts 28(2): 9-14. To date, this relationship has survived all tests for 82 CAUSAL ANALYSIS spuriousness - i.e., the relationship does not disappear when such factors as prenatal care or social status are used as control variables. At another point in the survey, they may be asked to list their year of birth. Emphasizing empathy and concern for others. Three different measures of central tendency are frequently used to describe data: the mean, the median, and the mode. About ACM Publications. StatNotes Online Textbook by G. David Garson: Another online text that offers clear explanations of many core (and additional) topics: http:// Statistics Every Writer Should Know A primer for journalists but valuable to anyone who wants to be an educated consumer of numbers: http://nilesonline. 2000. You have probably encountered these two versions of questions in a typical classroom exam. For each of the following statements, please indicate whether you strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D), strongly disagree (SD), or are undecided (U): SA Children should be seen and notheard [] Children are our most precious commodity [] A U D SD [] [1 [] [] [] [] [] [] While matrix formatting is an attractive and efficient use of space, it can also invite trouble: a response set. Luyckx K, Tildesley EA, Soenens B, Andrews JA, Hampson SE, Peterson M, and Duriez B. That is, we frequently collect data by asking respondents to answer questions about themselves: their background traits, attitudes, and behaviors. C, and J. C. Impara (eds.). Are hairdressers more likely to give birth to underweight babies (Wilson 2002)? We can't watch a feature film without first being "treated" to short snippets of coming attractions. In insisting on empirical evidence, science is asking for sensory evidence that we can see, smell, hear, or taste (Goode 2000). From the early days of childhood learning through our adult years, we strive to know and master useful, relevant concepts. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson.; Determining Sample Size: http://; Determining Sample Size: http://wind. (You will often find the normal curve referred to as a bell-shaped curve.) There is again a clear shortcoming of snowball samples. And while learning these rules is challenging work, they promise a benefit not offered by any other way of knowing. Be sure to click on the link for Evaluating Web pages: Guides/In ternet/Findlnfo.html Evaluation Rubrics for Websites Provides rubrics for assessing web sites for use by students at various grade levels (primary, intermediate and secondary): Evaluation Research The World Wide Evaluation Information Gateway A comprehensive database of policy and evaluation resources, hi particular, see the brief online introduction to evaluation: Basic Guide to Program Evaluation Covers the basic questions and answers about program evaluation. Go to and click onto the "Plan Your Retirement" link. (E.g., a Hebrew National hot dog commercial has the voice of God telling us the product is good -this is clearly asking the consumer to defer to the ultimate authority.) Chesire, CN: Graphics Press. Our faith and trust in experts clearly failed us on this issue of homeland security. Some Concrete Examples Imagine that, based on information from a representative sample of 100 students at your college, you calculate the mean age to be 24 and the standard deviation on the age variable to be 5. But does it guarantee a representative sample? If you want to know the score that falls in the middle of all the scores (once they are ordered), you are requesting the median. 3 Try your hand at SPSS. This, of course, doesn't make for good business if you're trying to sell tickets! R: Oh, yeah. Feature movies often run over 100 minutes in length. One final point should be made about trend designs. Our ability to evaluate information is directly tied to our knowledge of research methods. A measure is considered reliable if it yields the same results each time it is used, assuming, of course, that there's been no real change in the variable being measured. To facilitate in-depth understanding, the researcher might engage in intensive one-on-one interviewing or pursue a participatory study that allows the researcher to "walk a mile" in the research subjects' shoes. The researcher tries to remain as detached as possible from the situation being observed. Noise can also be introduced by poorly constructed measures. Research This solution would enable the researcher to empirically assess if question order actually influenced responses. Berkeley: University of California Press. A.L.R. The damage of erroneous info can be as insidious as a computer virus. Before leaving the GSS homepage, however, you should pay particular attention to the question on the Survey that is used to measure "fear of crime." The very best questions will never do a good job at collecting information if the entire questionnaire winds up in the respondent's wastebasket. Like nominal level measures, ordinal response options must also be mutually exclusive and exhaustive. We believe that authoritarian leadership may strengthen subordinates learning goal orientation. In E. Rubington and M. Wtinberg (eds. Causal analysis is essentially an attempt to identify the independent variables that predict or account for select dependent variables. In contrast, Republicans have opposed the use of sampling "corrections." No one who is seriously considering an interview project should proceed without reading John and Lyn Lof land's Analyzing Social Settings (1995). Extercises 1 Think again auout Consumer Reports? The lOM's equivocal finding was followed in 1998 by the Wakefield Study, research done in England that appeared to offer empirical evidence confirming the link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Quantitative methods document social variation in terms of numerical categories and rely on statistics to summarize large amounts of data. If the researcher goes this route, it is always wise to include an "other" option (followed by a "please specify" prompt) for the student whose major doesn't fall into any of the conventional categories. Or I might ask about respondents' income level and their political affiliation to see if these two variables are related. So, if the average age of individuals in your sample is 32, and your sample is a representative one, the researcher can safely conclude that the average age in the population is also 32. Studies show that even very young children feel empathy, and want to be helpful. Exercises 1 Practice your hand at taking field notes by providing a detailed description of a location you "know" but have never really thoroughly described (e.g., classroom, dorm room, family kitchen, neighborhood bar). 2002. Introductions and cover letters should also directly address the issues of confidentiality or anonymity (see Chapter 2). We work to construct as perfect a measure as possible. This exercise would demonstrate the consistency of the scale. 212 REFERENCES Bowen, Richard. Socialization in the context of the family: Parentchild interaction. This variety in the total collection of a movie's moments or scenes illustrates the concept of population heterogeneity. Becker, Howard. Just as recipes tell us the exact ingredients and steps that go into producing an entree or a dessert, the operational definition tells us the ingredients and steps required to successfully measure a concept. I know there were too many visits and holidays cut short because of my writing schedule. For example, you might be satisfied that conservatism (as defined above) is best measured by a respondent's agreement/disagreement with a series of statements about proposed social innovations - e.g., voting for a female president, supporting gays in the military, approving of women in combat units, etc. In field research, this separation between data collection and analysis doesn't exist. Once interviewers have left the actual location of the interview, they should write down any interesting thoughts or observations regarding the interview. If, when controlling the C variable, the original relationship between A and B disappears, we have evidence of a spurious relationship. Visit the Learning Center Moz Academy. We pursued this course of action because these issues go to the heart of the matter of science as a superior source of knowledge. To offer an exhaustive set of response options, the researcher should include as many options as needed to cover all feasible answers. 2002. For instance, look at Table 12.3 and you'll easily see the mode for the gender composition of the US Senate serving in the 108th Congress 2003-5. In the past year, have any family members or close friends tried to get you to stop smoking? (Remember, the mean has the distinction of being influenced by every value in a set of scores.) Analysis occurs at all points of the field study. (Indeed, the entire next chapter is devoted to reviewing some of the key standards used by researchers to assess the adequacy of their measures.) Looking for practical advice? Since the 1940s, millions of parents have regarded Dr Benjamin Spock's advice as the gospel truth about childcare. Our training in research methods asks us to reverse this traditional flow from the concrete to the abstract. 1978. (Critics of closed-ended questionnaires complain that they put words in respondents' mouths - they don't permit the researcher to collect in-depth, meaningful information. Click "Descriptives." For instance, imagine that during our nicotine patch study (which is scheduled to last a few months) a famous celebrity dies of lung cancer. To get a full array of ideas/questions, the researcher should ask others what they find puzzling about the topic and/or consult articles/books on the topic. When we know that some variable is normally distributed (like height) we can safely make predictions about the distribution of values around the mean of the variable. Finally, another effective strategy for covering sensitive topics is to change the format of the information exchange. These terms, while meaningful to sociologists, are clear examples of the rather mystifying jargon of a discipline. For more information, see these tips for fostering empathy in children. Review several of the legends and see if you can identify the "way of knowing" upon which they are based. A mean is the arithmetically derived average of a set of scores. In both instances, natural age differences precluded the researchers from adopting a decidedly participatory stance. We hesitate to question whether the pharmacist has properly filled our prescriptions. If you do the math (i.e., if you add or subtract the correction factor for each percentage) you'll see that the pollsters were admitting that either candidate might actually have the edge in voter support in the population at large. Sloan, A. authoritative Individuals with a strong learning goal orientation consistently strive toward mastery of a skill or task in an effort to increase competence, whereas performance goals motivate individuals to seek to gain favorable judgments of their competence or avoid negative judgments of their competence (Nicholls, 1984). to Write a Research Paper "Minute Mates: Speed Dating Has Flipped the Matchmaking Industry on Its Head, But Can You Really Find Lasting Love in Seven Minutes?"

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