save web form data to spreadsheet

Found out that if my column name has an underscore, e.g. Set Project Version to New and put initial version in the input field below. Do not give it any other id as the data submission to spreadsheet function that we will write later in the Javascript is dependent on it. It uses a Google Spreadsheet and some PHP to create a Server Monitor. We will go through this function in more detail at the end of this post but for now all you need to know is if the data was successfully saved an alert will pop up saying Form Data Submitted :) otherwise an alert will pop up saying There was an error :(. After that, click the 'Add action' button again. Great post, great examples. Also confirm that you are using the correct name of the spreadsheet in the code example. "a" indicates the write-only mode. Move to select cell B2. *** 1. Step 3: Get your API URL from API Spreadsheets 1. Save new form entries or emails to a spreadsheet using Zaps With Zapier, you can automate recurring tasks, giving you back valuable time to focus on higher priority items. Leave Execute the app as: set to Me ( Specifically if the second row is blank. Stack trace: 5Change the name of the resulting folder to js-sdk and move it into the same folder as your index.html file. Write the SubForm() function between two script tags (lines 925), 1. The rest of the function will remain the same. If you don't already have an account, you can register for free here. Im not sure how necessary that is, but then that would mimic my setup. Do not work with cyrillyc letters, Sorry thats my ****up. I got lost when I looked at the Zendata code under yours. Again, do not give the function another name as we will be writing this exact function later in Javascript to handle submitting the data. However had query, is it possible to specify the number of rows that the getRows function is to return? or namespace error look here,, Your include path is wrong I have been thinking about doing some EC2 cloud stuff, but using the Google spreadsheet is really refreshing and unexpected approach to databasing on small jobs. If you have kids, you're probably well aware of the rising cost of college. Youll need to do it twice, once for getSpreadsheetId() and once for getWorksheetId(). Then go to the "Run" menu and select "setup." You might be asked to give Google Scripts to use your Google account. Click + New Automation in the top right corner. Later on in the PHP code I go on to save these values in MySql. We need to ensure the FULL jQuery library is included in our HTML to use AJAX. This step is super important so make sure these headers are EXACTLY the same as the names of the input tags above. The SubForm() function is below. In the File Format list, click Web Page (.htm). Its a basic contact form and doesnt contain any styling. If the alert window says There was an error :( then feel free to email us at and we can try to help you out. CHARACTER SET utf8 btw, the heigh of each row might be seen high for you, if this happens just change from the options. Geoff, I dont have a solution for you. im planning on placing it in a table in this form: column name 1 | column name 2| column name 3| Im trying to use your helper to add and/or update many rows (right now there are 140). We are going to show you how to do it using our tool API Spreadsheets. Ive got everything set up and working like the example with this code in the head: But its using the array with static data. Again, if you are not familiar with Javascript, jQuery or AJAX, it might be a steep learning curve. The weird thing is that when I use the google docs UI and enter in the same formula it works. Seems like it could be a cool thing. If the alert window says There was an error :( then feel free to email us at and we can try to help you out. Do not give it any other id as the data submission to spreadsheet function that we will write later in the Javascript is dependent on it. Make sure to click 'Save' to save the recipe so far. Also, thanks for the instructions. Copy and paste the code snippet into your index.html file. This should not be an issue to security as it is just a client function and not a listening The id is the unique value in the id column, not the spreadsheet or worksheet, which is of course already in the code by key and name. well well well any ideas? Then take a look at the what the form submit is doing from the Google form. This re-enables the submit button when the Choreo has executed. Did anyone ever find a way to fix it? Can any body suggest. Hi Alex, by the looks of the error, it seems like there is something wrong with the spreadsheet connectivity . If you don't already have an account, you can register for free here. Open the dropdown menu that says "Collect Responses". Click Blank workbook. Select JavaScript from the drop down menu at the top of the page and plug in the required inputs into the proper fields as shown in the screenshot below: Testing the AppendRow Choreo from our website. I can see the spreadsheet being updated with the new information but the script stops before completion. Description. Mark, I used this method insted for adding a row. Hopefully I will have the time to finish it soon. 1) You need OpenSSL to use it. Just download the Zend and Google zip files, unzip and make sure the correct files are in the path. Thanks dmon, I appreciate the code, I've made the addition. mbstring.substitute_character = none ; Do not print invalid characters Configure your Javascript file to submit data from the form. So, Ive been messing around with writing custom forms to make viewing and editting my google spreadsheets easier. You have to have the extension openssl enabled in your php.ini file. Write the SubForm() function between two script tags (lines 923). It doesnt use the Zend GData Client Library, but fairly relevant none-the-less. Save Web Form Data You can capture web form data at multiple points in a process, and store it in a database or file system for archiving or auditing purposes. On line 197: if ($search) $query->setSpreadsheetQuery($search); if you change it to: if ($search) $query->setQuery($search); this will basically allow you to do an open query vs a structured query see: (the q parameter). mbstring.detect_order = auto ; Set default character encoding detection order to auto Hi, first off, great tutorial. Very awesome work! Open it up and you should see the data we submitted above!!! I think it has somethign to do with the (include_path=. I was able to integrate your solution like a charm. If the memory required to add a row is somehow related to the number of rows in the spreadsheet, plenty of people are going to also run into this problem even if they do increase the memory limit. How to add auto increment ID (with numbers only) and timestamp to spreadsheet ? $listFeed = $spreadsheetService->getListFeed($query); In the Save As dialog box, navigate to the location you want. You need to have the php openssl extension installed. How do I close the feed so I can open a new one to a different spreadsheet or workbook? Click on File > Open. Click File > Save As. Anyways, your helper class was designed for PHP 5. Your class was so well written that it was little effort to extend it to perform a partial match search exploiting your class methods and a brute-force use of PHP stristr( ) function. Ive been having trouble with intermittant timeout errors while posting to google spreadsheets so Ive changed my appraoch and now instead of posting to google spreadsheet live, I write to a temp file and then regularly run a script over the temp files to post them, retrying if it times out. Figure 1: Data Column Header. Fatal error: Uncaught exception Zend_Gdata_App_Exception with message A spreadsheet key must be provided for worksheet document queries., Hi Alex, by the looks of the error, it seems like there is something wrong with the spreadsheet connectivity . You can keep submitting data to this spreadsheet and it will contain all the records whenever you download it. Use the column browser to find the folder that you want, and then double-click the folder. thanks very much for your article! dimas wrote: Download. Youre going to make applications that do two way communications calls to/from Google Spreadsheets? Still get the same error. index.html I noticed that the getRows function doesnt like certain characters, like @ and % symbols. Each time someone submits the data, it will save in the appropriate column. We saved ours as ContactForm.html. ($entry instanceof Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListEntry)) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }. Yes, I've tried XML responses, if I just want to read them. Finally, our main component will be a