cultural imperialism examples

International relations scholar John Ikenberry argues that international institutions have taken the place of empire. [15][need quotation to verify], From the end of World War II, following major cultural and social changes brought by mass media innovations, the meaning of "popular culture" began to overlap with the connotations of "mass culture", "media culture", "image culture", "consumer culture", and "culture for mass consumption". [68], Although the United States was the last major belligerent to join the Second World War, it began planning for the post-war world from the conflict's outset. [51] Hitler and Heinrich Himmler and their supporters schemed for a mass migration of Germans to Eastern Europe, where some of the Germans were to become colonists, having control over the native people. The "classical" theories of modernization of the 1950s and 1960s drew on sociological analyses of Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and a partial reading of Max Weber, and were strongly influenced by the writings of Harvard sociologist Talcott Parsons. A World of Their Own': Searching for Popular Culture in the French Countryside,", Griffin, Emma. Although this did not grant outright control of the strategic waterway, it did give Britain leverage. In 1770 James Cook charted the eastern coast while on a scientific voyage, claimed the continent for Britain, and named it New South Wales. 13, April 2-8, 2012)", Guns, germs and steel. [35], According to John M. MacKenzie, many products of popular culture have been designed to promote imperialist ideologies and to glorify the British upper classes rather than present a democratic view of the world. The conflict placed enormous strain on its military, financial, and manpower resources. ", "Govt builds transmigration museum in Lampung | The Jakarta Post", "Screen Australia Digital Learning - Origins of the Bougainville Conflict (2000)", "The CenSEI Report (Vol. [207] The matter was complicated by large numbers of Jewish refugees seeking to be admitted to Palestine following the Holocaust, while Arabs were opposed to the creation of a Jewish state. [38], In 1934, the Soviet government established the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in the Soviet Far East to create a homeland for the Jewish people. Mars' orbit is close to Earth's orbit and the asteroid belt. Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer analysed the dangers of the culture industry in their influential work the Dialectic of Enlightenment by drawing upon the works of Kant, Marx, Nietzsche and others. The encyclopedic museums that house much of the world's artworks and artifacts are located in Western cities and privilege European scholars, professionals and people, while at the same time excluding people in the countries of origin. Opportunities to generate electricity via wind, solar and nuclear power using resources on Mars are poor. [54] Nonetheless, once the Bolsheviks took Moscow, the British government began talks to try and keep them in the war effort. [33] Baltic states also faced intense economic exploitation, with Latvian SSR, for example, transferring 15.961 billion rubles (or 18.8% percent of its total revenue of 85 billion rubles) more to the USSR budget from 1946 to 1990 than it received back. [96], The matter of repatriation of cultural artefacts such as the Gweagal shield was raised in federal parliament on 9 December 2019, receiving cross-bench support. The sacred nature of the statues is further illustrated in the supposed suffering of the victorious Greeks afterward, including Odysseus, who was the mastermind behind the robbery. Colonization may be a domestic strategy when there is a widespread security threat within a nation and weapons are turned inward, as noted by Paul Virilio: Some instances of the burden of endo-colonization have been noted: Colonization or settlement of Mars is the human migration and long-term establishment on Mars. Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky critiqued the mass media in their 1988 work Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. It has received interest from public space agencies and private corporations, and been extensively explored in science fiction writing, film, and art. England had already colonised part of the country following the Norman invasion of Ireland in 1169. Mirrlees, Tanner. [98] Forty-two Aranda (Arrernte) and Bardi Jawi objects removed from central Australia in 1920 were the first group. The Battle of Midway was the American offensive to stop Midway Island from falling into Japanese control. The Unified Command Plan and Combatant Commands: Background and Issues for Congress, "The United StatesJapan Security Treaty at 50: Still a Grand Bargain? [160], The changing world order that the war had brought about, in particular the growth of the United States and Japan as naval powers, and the rise of independence movements in India and Ireland, caused a major reassessment of British imperial policy. Initially, the criticism was due to the Olympic's association with Shell Oil who were exploring oil and gas in territories contested by Lubicon Cree. By 2010, according to data provided by the Russian Census Bureau, there were only 1,628 people of Jewish descent remaining in the JAO (1% of the total population), while ethnic Russians made up 92.7% of the JAO population. American exceptionalism is the notion that the United States occupies a special position among the nations of the world[79] in terms of its national credo, historical evolution, and political and religious institutions and origins. Rather, its "informal empire" was one "richly equipped with imperial paraphernalia: troops, ships, planes, bases, proconsuls, local collaborators, all spread wide around the luckless planet. McDonaldization involves revolutionary set of business practices and a revolution in one very important cultural element that is the way people eat (Smart, 1999). American Soft Power or American Cultural Imperialism. In Hearts and Mines: The US Empire's Culture Industry, Tanner Mirrlees builds upon the work of Herbert I. Schiller to argue that the US government and media corporations pursue different interests on the world stage (the former, national security, and the latter, profit), but structural alliances and the synergistic relationships between them support the co-production and global flow of Empire-extolling cultural and entertainment goods.[152]. After Castellane waited for six days not receiving his pay, he sailed away. [65] In the following decades the British East India Company gradually increased the size of the territories under its control, either ruling directly or via local rulers under the threat of force from the Presidency Armies, the vast majority of which was composed of Indian sepoys, led by British officers. This programme "supports the repatriation of ancestral remains and secret sacred objects to their communities of origin to help promote healing and reconciliation" and assists community representatives work towards repatriation of remains in various ways. They claim that the general trend in U.S. foreign relations has been away from imperial modes of control.[147]. To ancient Greeks and Phoenicians, these lands were regarded as simply vacant. Yale historian Paul Kennedy has asserted, "From the time the first settlers arrived in Virginia from England and started moving westward, this was an imperial nation, a conquering nation. My own view of students skills related to early childhood, special education, particularly autism, speech and the findings. [156], Louis A. Perez Jr. provides an example of propaganda used during the war of 1898, "We are coming, Cuba, coming; we are bound to set you free! "[142] Political theorist Michael Walzer argues that the term hegemony is better than empire to describe the U.S.'s role in the world. By early 1942 Japan also was able to take over the Philippine islands. American agents also drugged sitting President Elpidio Quirino and prepared to assassinate Senator Claro Recto. [92][93][94][95], The British also expanded their mercantile interests in the North Pacific. "[135], However, historian Donald W. Meinig says imperial behavior by the United States dates at least to the Louisiana Purchase, which he describes as an "imperial acquisitionimperial in the sense of the aggressive encroachment of one people upon the territory of another, resulting in the subjugation of that people to alien rule." Pat Buchanan claims that the modern United States' drive to empire is "far removed from what the Founding Fathers had intended the young Republic to become."[137]. A short history of everybody for the last 13,000 years,, Articles needing additional references from September 2022, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2019, Articles lacking reliable references from September 2022, Articles with failed verification from November 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 15 October 2022, at 20:13. [105], In 1998, over 80 Ojibwe ceremonial artifacts were repatriated to a cultural revitalization group by The University of Winnipeg. Examples of countercultures include punks, hippies, mods and rockers, the enlightenment, and more. Sign up for TED "[132] As a supporter of a hawkish unilateral American foreign policy, Hanson's "distinctly negative view of Roman imperialism is particularly noteworthy, since it demonstrates the importance a contemporary supporter of a hawkish American foreign policy places on criticizing Rome. [229] Britain again deployed its armed forces to the region, intervening in Oman (1957), Jordan (1958) and Kuwait (1961), though on these occasions with American approval,[230] as the new Prime Minister Harold Macmillan's foreign policy was to remain firmly aligned with the United States. The smaller country controls itself but is not independent from the imperialist country, which gives it protection. [48] British ships carried a third of all slaves shipped across the Atlanticapproximately 3.5million Africans[49]and dominated global slave trading in the 25 years preceding its abolition by Parliament in 1807 (see Abolition of slavery). However, they are connected. "[171], Max Boot defends U.S. imperialism, writing, "U.S. imperialism has been the greatest force for good in the world during the past century. [46], The U.S. retained dozens of military bases, including a few major ones. [citation needed] When Rudyard Kipling wrote the imperialist poem "The White Man's Burden" for Roosevelt, the politician told colleagues that it was "rather poor poetry, but good sense from the expansion point of view. [174] In Palestine, Britain was presented with the problem of mediating between the Arabs and increasing numbers of Jews. [89][90], Australia has no laws directly governing repatriation, but there is a government programme relating to the return of Aboriginal remains and artefacts, the International Repatriation Program (IRP), administered by the Department of Communications and the Arts. [21], In 1578, Elizabeth I granted a patent to Humphrey Gilbert for discovery and overseas exploration. [18], Colonization may be used as a method of absorbing and assimilating foreign people into the culture of the imperial country, and thus destroying any remnant of the cultures that might threaten the imperial territory over the long term by inspiring reform. "[121], Harvard Historian Niall Ferguson calls the regional combatant commanders, among whom the whole globe is divided, the "pro-consuls" of this "imperium. These fifteen nations are distinct and equal legal entities the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Belize, Grenada, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu. This led to tension,[170] particularly in the Punjab region, where repressive measures culminated in the Amritsar Massacre. [233], Macmillan gave a speech in Cape Town, South Africa in February 1960 where he spoke of "the wind of change blowing through this continent". In addition, these two countries have increased their political and economic contribution to the U.S.-led military operations beyond the geographic scope of the alliance in the post-Cold War period Behavioral changes among the U.S. allies in response to demands for sharing alliance burdens directly indicate the changed nature of unipolar alliances. As they moved north into Europe, they mostly encountered rural peoples/tribes with very little in the way of cities. [4] While the United States has never officially identified itself and its territorial possessions as an empire, some commentators have referred to the country as such, including Max Boot, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., and Niall Ferguson. [238], In Cyprus, a guerrilla war waged by the Greek Cypriot organisation EOKA against British rule, was ended in 1959 by the London and Zrich Agreements, which resulted in Cyprus being granted independence in 1960. As Raymond Bonner and other historians note, Lansdale controlled the career of President Ramon Magsaysay, going so far as to physically beat him when the Philippine leader attempted to reject a speech the CIA had written for him. In a number of crucial respects, the United States is, indeed, very un-imperial. America bears not the slightest resemblance to ancient Rome. As part of its first major renovation in more than a 100 years, a new approach of decolonization towards the presentation of cultural heritage in the museum has been carried out. In order to convince the American public of the justice in intervening, the United States government used paternalist propaganda, depicting the Haitian political process as uncivilized. The Roman Empire conquered large parts of Western Europe, North Africa, and West Asia. For example, certain currents of pop culture may originate from, (or diverge into) a subculture, representing perspectives with which the mainstream popular culture has only limited familiarity. [5][6][7], The term colonization is derived from the Latin words colere ("to cultivate, to till"),[8] colonia ("a landed estate", "a farm") and colonus ("a tiller of the soil", "a farmer"),[9] then by extension "to inhabit". Frederic Jameson: Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. [84] Chalmers Johnson holds a version of this view. In Belgium, the Royal Museum of Central Africa (aka. The consumer demand for Hollywood films, pop tunes and consumable books is influenced by capitalist industries like Hollywood and the elite who decide which commodities are to be promoted in the media, including television and print journalism. General Douglas MacArthur described the Pacific as an "Anglo-Saxon lake." [52] Ships registered in Bristol, Liverpool and London were responsible for the bulk of British slave trading. Senator Sam Houston of Texas even proposed a resolution in the Senate for the "United States to declare and maintain an efficient protectorate over the States of Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, and San Salvador." The task force would publish the report Turning the Page in 1992 that put forward a series of findings which would help improve Indigenous involvement in the museum process. After Philippine independence, the US continued to direct the country through Central Intelligence Agency operatives like Edward Lansdale. Here are some examples of colonies formed and lost by imperialist powers during the span of human civilization. [23][24][need quotation to verify]. [58] In 1701, England, Portugal and the Netherlands sided with the Holy Roman Empire against Spain and France in the War of the Spanish Succession, which lasted for thirteen years. [125], During the 19th century, Britain and the Russian Empire vied to fill the power vacuums that had been left by the declining Ottoman Empire, Qajar dynasty and Qing dynasty. The British Empire was responsible for large migrations of peoples. The Arabs also established colonies in Northern Africa, Mesopotamia, and the Levant, and remain the dominant majority to this day.[13][14][15][16][17]. [44], According to Elia Zuriek, in his book "Israel's Colonial Project in Palestine: Brutal Pursuit", Israeli settlements in the West Bank is an additional form of colonization. [37] Estonian researcher Epp Annus acknowledges that the Soviet rule in the Baltic states did not possess every single characteristic of traditional colonialism since the Baltic states were already modern industrial European nation states with an established sense of national identity and cultural self-confidence prior to their Soviet invasion in 1940 and proposed that the initial Soviet occupation developed into a colonial rule gradually, as the local resistance turned into a hybrid coexistence with the Soviet power. [70], Prior to his death in 1945, President Roosevelt was planning to withdraw all U.S. forces from Europe as soon as possible. [22], By the early 1930s, this extreme multiculturalist policy proved unworkable and the Soviet regime introduced a limited Russification for practical reasons;[23] voluntary assimilation, which was often a popular demand,[24] was allowed. Foreign-led excavations have justified colonial rule and vice versa; in the pursuit of obtaining knowledge about the artifacts, there was a need to establish control over the artifacts and the countries, where they were located. [248], The 1980s saw Canada, Australia, and New Zealand sever their final constitutional links with Britain. [97] On land, expeditions sought to discover a river route to the Pacific for the extension of the North American fur trade. Page 19-20. [23] When British troops began packing up looted art from the Louvre, there was a public outcry in France. Belonging to the Waramungu people, they were collected by Baldwin Spencer in the early 20th century. The trend does not last but it also carries a different effect based on individuals that can be grouped to generalized groups based on age and education. Many politicians today do not agree. In 1983, the British Nationality Act 1981 renamed the existing Crown Colonies as "British Dependent Territories",[note 1] and in 2002 they were renamed the British Overseas Territories. The convention of driving on the left-hand side of the road has been retained in much of the former empire. THE MIDDLE EAST: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 Years, Touchstone Simon and Schuster, New York, 1995. pp 54-55, Arthur Rosen, [www./75mag/birobidzhan/birobidzhan.htm], February 2004, Learn how and when to remove this template message, forcible expulsion of the remaining German population, cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party, Settler colonialism Palestine, Zionism and Israel, Islamic military campaign that captured the region, Canadian Indian residential school system, Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Canada), "Water is life, but the colony is a necropolis: Environmental terrains of struggle in Puerto Rico", "Puerto Rico: Cultural Nation, American Colony",,,, Cicero's speech influenced Enlightenment European thought and had an indirect impact on the modern debate about art repatriation. You may learn that people in your new culture greet each other in a different way. [137] In 1875, the Conservative government of Benjamin Disraeli bought the indebted Egyptian ruler Isma'il Pasha's 44 per cent shareholding in the Suez Canal for 4million (equivalent to 400million in 2021). Cultural capital is defined as the social assets of a person that can be used to increase one's chances of success in life. [49] The French revolutionaries justified the large-scale and systematic looting of Italy in 1796 by viewing themselves as the political successors of Rome, in the same way that ancient Romans saw themselves as the heirs of Greek civilization;[50] by the same token, the appropriation of ancient Egyptian history as European history further legitimated Western colonial rule over Egypt. [134], Augustus Pitt Rivers removed three 5th-century ogham stones from Roovesmoor Rath, County Cork; they are now in the British Museum. In October 1932, by a curious twist of fate, King Cakobau's war club was repatriated to Fiji, on behalf of the British king George V, for use as the ceremonial mace of the Legislative Council of Fiji. Despite periods of peaceful co-existence, wars with Native Americans resulted in substantial territorial gains for American colonists who were expanding into native land. [196] At the same time, anti-colonial movements were on the rise in the colonies of European nations. 336 pp. The great public interest in art repatriation helped fuel the expansion of public museums in Europe and launched museum-funded archaeological explorations. Millions left the British Isles, with the founding settler colonist populations of the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand coming mainly from Britain and Ireland. [113][verification needed] He says there are tensions between the three major blocs over resources and economic power, citing the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the motive of which, he argues, was to prevent rival blocs from controlling oil. This transaction cemented the measure of oil using USD, switching from the British Pound, increasing the United States' influence over the Middle East. [5], According to Roman myth, Rome was founded by Romulus, the first victor to dedicate spoils taken from an enemy ruler to the Temple of Jupiter Feretrius. [46] The company would transport more slaves across the Atlantic than any other, and significantly grew England's share of the trade, from 33 per cent in 1673 to 74 per cent in 1683. [144], The path to independence for the white colonies of the British Empire began with the 1839 Durham Report, which proposed unification and self-government for Upper and Lower Canada, as a solution to political unrest which had erupted in armed rebellions in 1837. "[32] There is much scholarship on how Western entertainment industries strengthen transnational capitalism and reinforce a Western cultural dominance. [103] Added to this was the cost of suppressing regular slave rebellions. "[170], One of the earliest historians of American Empire, William Appleman Williams, wrote, "The routine lust for land, markets or security became justifications for noble rhetoric about prosperity, liberty and security. WebWhich definition, what one? Outside of Europe, American imperialism was more distinctly hierarchical "with much fainter liberal characteristics." The United States Congress declared war, the War of 1812, and invaded Canadian territory. [28] During World War II, Germany plundered 427 museums in the Soviet Union and ravaged or destroyed 1,670 Russian Orthodox churches, 237 Catholic churches and 532 synagogues.[29]. [54], As a direct reaction and resistance to colonial oppression, archaeology was also used for the purpose of legitimating the existence of an independent nation-state. Historian Jay Sexton notes that the tactics used to implement the doctrine were modeled after those employed by European imperial powers during the 17th and 18th centuries. "[12] Expanding on George Washington's description of the early United States as an "infant empire",[13] Benjamin Franklin wrote: "Hence the Prince that acquires new Territory, if he finds it vacant, or removes the Natives to give his own People Room; the Legislator that makes effectual Laws for promoting of Trade, increasing Employment, improving Land by more or better Tillage; providing more Food by Fisheries; securing Property, etc. [135], In 1869 the Suez Canal opened under Napoleon III, linking the Mediterranean Sea with the Indian Ocean. [67], During the 1760s and early 1770s, relations between the Thirteen Colonies and Britain became increasingly strained, primarily because of resentment of the British Parliament's attempts to govern and tax American colonists without their consent. With textiles becoming the larger trade, by 1720, in terms of sales, the British company had overtaken the Dutch. [26], In 1603, James VI of Scotland ascended (as James I) to the English throne and in 1604 negotiated the Treaty of London, ending hostilities with Spain. The primary driving force behind popular culture is the mass appeal, and it is produced by what cultural analyst Theodor Adorno refers to as the "culture industry". Empire and Communications Today: Revisiting Herbert I. Schiller", "Culture and Imperialism, speech at York University, Toronto, February10,1993", "Our Story | About Macca's | McDonald's AU", "Base Structure Report: FY 2013 Baseline", "Protesters Accuse US of 'Imperialism' as Obama Rekindles Military Deal With Philippines", "Anti-US Base Candidate Wins Okinawa Governor Race", Pay Attention to Okinawans and Close the U.S. In return, Egypt was assisted in joining the League of Nations. He argues that Walker was invited in by Nicaraguan liberals who were trying to force economic modernization and political liberalism. [77], Tensions between Britain and the United States escalated again during the Napoleonic Wars, as Britain tried to cut off American trade with France and boarded American ships to impress men into the Royal Navy. Wilson launched seven armed interventions, more than any other president. The North West Company sought further exploration and backed expeditions by David Thompson, starting in 1797, and later by Simon Fraser. Ireland lies in an unusual place with regard to the repatriation of cultural artefacts; the entire island was under British rule until 1922, when part of it became the independent Irish Free State (now the Republic of Ireland). The main motive for "Smuggled art clampdown by Sotheby's" (17 December 1997). The main European countries active in this form of colonization included Spain, Portugal, France, the Tsardom of Russia (later Russian Empire), the Kingdom of England (later Great Britain), the Netherlands, and the Kingdom of Prussia (now mostly Germany), and, beginning in the 18th century, the United States. Columbus in the new country as imperialism example, Imperialism vs. Colonialism: Differences Made Clear, How Many Countries Are in North America? Conversely, supporters of interventionism and of American presidents who have been labelled as imperialistsnotably Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, and William Howard Tafthave justified interventions in (or whole seizures of) various countries by citing the necessity of advancing American economic interests, such as trade and debt management; preventing European intervention (colonial or otherwise) in the Western Hemisphere, manifested in the anti-European Monroe Doctrine of 1823; and the benefits of keeping "good order" around the world. Vanuatu's independence was delayed because of political conflict between English and French-speaking communities, as the islands had been jointly administered as a condominium with France. Sudan was nominally made an Anglo-Egyptian condominium, but a British colony in reality. Like the proconsuls of Rome they were supposed to bring order and law to the unruly and anarchical world. In North America, France's future as a colonial power effectively ended with the recognition of British claims to Rupert's Land,[45] and the ceding of New France to Britain (leaving a sizeable French-speaking population under British control) and Louisiana to Spain. Summer Palace been away from imperial modes of control. [ 62 ] for example, Abkhazia was into. Source community of the Senate a vision of `` proconsuls '', Burke, Peter to attract,,! 2002 April 2003. [ 10 ] Someone who engages in colonization, most notably Hokkaido. 2003. [ 10 ] Someone who engages in colonization, most notably in Hokkaido and Korea West coast Africa!, later known as the Jeju uprising in 1948 how many countries in the New country as example 1914 with the famines during its period of colonization to annex the Dominican in. 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