The speed and efficiency of the quantitative method are attractive to many researchers. ICTs stand for information and communication technologies and are defined, for the purposes of this primer, as a "diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information.". Historically, internal validity was established through the use of statistical control variables. In P. P. Biemer, R. M. Groves, L. E. Lyberg, N. A. Mathiowetz, & S. Sudman (Eds. The role & application of ICT in research and Higher Education academic work can be broadly divided into 4 major areas: -. Public Opinion Quarterly, 68(1), 84-101. Other tests include factor analysis (a latent variable modeling approach) or principal component analysis (a composite-based analysis approach), both of which are tests to assess whether items load appropriately on constructs represented through a mathematically latent variable (a higher order factor). Variables are not manipulated in this type of research and researchers do not use the law of probability. A researcher expects that the time it takes a web page to load (download delay in seconds) will adversely affect ones patience in remaining at the website. Three Roles for Statistical Significance and the Validity Frontier in Theory Testing. ), Research in Information Systems: A Handbook for Research Supervisors and Their Students (pp. Because the p-value depends so heavily on the number of subjects, it can only be used in high-powered studies to interpret results. Too Big to Fail: Large Samples and the p-Value Problem. It is necessary for decision makers like education ministers, school administrators, and educational institutions to be . If they include measures that do not represent the construct well, measurement error results. Accordingly, a scientific theory is, at most, extensively corroborated, which can render it socially acceptable until proven otherwise. Walsham, G. (1995). How does this ultimately play out in modern social science methodologies? This probability reflects the conditional, cumulative probability of achieving the observed outcome or larger: probability (Observation t | H0). The p-value also does not describe the probability of the null hypothesis p(H0) being true (Schwab et al., 2011). Statistical compendia, movie film, printed literature, audio tapes, and computer files are also widely used sources. ), Measurement Errors in Surveys (pp. Claes Wohlins book on Experimental Software Engineering (Wohlin et al., 2000), for example, illustrates, exemplifies, and discusses many of the most important threats to validity, such as lack of representativeness of independent variable, pre-test sensitisation to treatments, fatigue and learning effects, or lack of sensitivity of dependent variables. Beyond Significance Testing: Statistics Reform in the Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed.). Interpretive researchers generally attempt to understand phenomena through the meanings that people assign to them. The underlying principle is to develop a linear combination of each set of variables (both independent and dependent) to maximize the correlation between the two sets. Malignant Side Effects of Null-hypothesis Significance Testing. Traditionally, QtPR has been dominant in this second genre, theory-evaluation, although there are many applications of QtPR for theory-generation as well (e.g., Im & Wang, 2007; Evermann & Tate, 2011). Vegas and colleagues (2016) discuss advantages and disadvantages between a wide range of experiment designs, such as independent measures, repeated measures, crossover, matched-pairs, and different mixed designs. At its most basic, the idea of FTA is to provide analytical tools that allow the identification of 'suitable' ways to study possible future scenarios that could shape social and economic conditions, and provide . Nowadays, when schools are increasingly transforming themselves into smart schools, the importance of educational technology also increases. Part 2: A Demo in R of the Importance of Enabling Replication in PLS and LISREL. Misinterpretations of Significance: A Problem Students Share with Their Teachers? Examples of quantitative methods now well accepted in the social sciences include survey methods, laboratory experiments, formal methods (e.g. The literature also mentions natural experiments, which describe empirical studies in which subjects (or groups of subject) are exposed to different experimental and control conditions that are determined by nature or by other factors outside the control of the investigators (Dunning, 2012). Bivariate analyses concern the relationships between two variables. Principal components are new variables that are constructed as linear combinations or mixtures of the initial variables such that the principal components account for the largest possible variance in the data set. But no respectable scientist today would ever argue that their measures were perfect in any sense because they were designed and created by human beings who do not see the underlying reality fully with their own eyes. Figure 9 shows how to prioritize the assessment of measurement during data analysis. It is a closed deterministic system in which all of the independent and dependent variables are known and included in the model. By their very nature, experiments have temporal precedence. One of the main reasons we were interested in maintaining this online resource is that we have already published a number of articles and books on the subject. A dimensionality-reduction method that is often used to transform a large set of variables into a smaller one of uncorrelated or orthogonal new variables (known as the principal components) that still contains most of the information in the large set. Cronbach, L. J. Checking for manipulation validity differs by the type and the focus of the experiment, and its manipulation and experimental setting. To better understand these research methods, you . Figure 2 also points to two key challenges in QtPR. Laboratory experiments take place in a setting especially created by the researcher for the investigation of the phenomenon. The demonstration of reliable measurements is a fundamental precondition to any QtPR study: Put very simply, the study results will not be trusted (and thus the conclusions foregone) if the measurements are not consistent and reliable. Likewise, QtPR methods differ in the extent to which randomization is employed during data collection (e.g., during sampling or manipulations). Statistical Power in Analyzing Interaction Effects: Questioning the Advantage of PLS With Product Indicators. It allows you to gain reliable, objective insights from data and clearly understand trends and patterns. Boudreau, M.-C., Gefen, D., & Straub, D. W. (2001). SEM involves the construction of a model where different aspects of a phenomenon are theorized to be related to one another with a structure. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed.). (2014). This is reflected in their dominant preference to describe not the null hypothesis of no effect but rather alternative hypotheses that posit certain associations or directions in sign. Supported by artificial intelligence and 5G techniques in mobile information systems, the rich communication services (RCS) are emerging as new media outlets and conversational agents for both institutional and individual users in China, which inherit the advantages of the short messaging service (SMS) with larger coverage and higher reach rate. Econometric Analysis (7th ed.). Statistical Tests, P Values, Confidence Intervals, and Power: a Guide to Misinterpretations. Epidemiology, 24(1), 69-72. It results in the captured patterns of respondents to the stimulus presented, a topic on which opinions vary. Correspondence analysis is a recently developed interdependence technique that facilitates both dimensional reduction of object ratings (e.g., products, persons, etc.) Initially, a researcher must decide what the purpose of their specific study is: Is it confirmatory or is it exploratory research? Only that we focus here on those genres that have traditionally been quite common in our field and that we as editors of this resource feel comfortable in writing about. Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2010). MacKenzie et al. In contrast, according to Popper, is Freuds theory of psychoanalysis which can never be disproven because the theory is sufficiently imprecise to allow for convenient explanations and the addition of ad hoc hypotheses to explain observations that contradict the theory. Type I and Type II errors are classic violations of statistical conclusion validity (Garcia-Prez, 2012; Shadish et al., 2001). Information and Communication technologyOne of the contribution or importance of quantitative research in Information and Communication technology is that, it can develop and can employ models which is based on mathematical approach, hypothesis and theories. Wohlin et al.s (2000) book on Experimental Software Engineering, for example, illustrates, exemplifies, and discusses many of the most important threats to validity, such as lack of representativeness of independent variable, pre-test sensitisation to treatments, fatigue and learning effects, or lack of sensitivity of dependent variables. ANOVA in Complex Experimental Designs. Many choose their profession to be a statistician or a quantitative researcher consultant. Organizational Research Methods, 17(2), 182-209. Pursuing Failure. importance of quantitative research in arts and design. Reliability is important to the scientific principle of replicability because reliability implies that the operations of a study can be repeated in equal settings with the same results. The experimenter might use a random process to decide whether a given subject is in a treatment group or a control group. In what follows, we give a few selected tips related to the crafting of such papers. Philosophically, what we are doing, is to project from the sample to the population it supposedly came from. Judd, C. M., Smith, E. R., & Kidder, L. H. (1991). Testing Fisher, Neyman, Pearson, and Bayes. In D. Avison & J. Pries-Heje (Eds. A correlation between two variables merely confirms that the changes in variable levels behave in particular way upon changing another; but it cannot make a statement about which factor causes the change in variables (it is not unidirectional). (1951). Crossover Designs in Software Engineering Experiments: Benefits and Perils. Significance Tests Die Hard: The Amazing Persistence of a Probabilistic Misconception. Gefen, D., Ben-Assuli, O., Stehr, M., Rosen, B., & Denekamp, Y. Hence, the challenge is what Shadish et al. Figure 8 highlights that when selecting a data analysis technique, a researcher should make sure that the assumptions related to the technique are satisfied, such as normal distribution, independence among observations, linearity, and lack of multi-collinearity between the independent variables, and so forth (Mertens et al. CT Bauer College of Business, University of Houston, USA, 15, 1-16. This kind of research is commonly used in science fields such as sociology, psychology, chemistry and physics. (2010) suggest that confirmatory studies are those seeking to test (i.e., estimating and confirming) a prespecified relationship, whereas exploratory studies are those that define possible relationships in only the most general form and then allow multivariate techniques to search for non-zero or significant (practically or statistically) relationships. Wilks Lambda: One of the four principal statistics for testing the null hypothesis in MANOVA. If it is disconfirmed, form a new hypothesis based on what you have learned and start the process over. Research involving survey instruments in general can be used for at least three purposes, these being exploration, description, or explanation. In E. Mumford, R. Hirschheim, & A. T. Wood-Harper (Eds. MIS Quarterly, 25(1), 1-16. Popper, K. R. (1959). Irwin. Wadsworth. QtPR is also not qualitative positivist research (QlPR) nor qualitative interpretive research. 2015). ), Research in Information Systems: A Handbook for Research Supervisors and Their Students (pp. Einsteins Theory of Relativity is a prime example, according to Popper, of a scientific theory. Several threats are associated with the use of NHST in QtPR. We can have correlational associated or correlational predictive designs. Organization Science, 22(4), 1105-1120. The basic procedure of a quantitative research design is as follows:3, GCU supports four main types of quantitative research approaches: Descriptive, correlational, experimental and comparative.4. Accordingly, scientific theory, in the traditional positivist view, is about trying to falsify the predictions of the theory. Chalmers, A. F. (1999). No matter through which sophisticated ways researchers explore and analyze their data, they cannot have faith that their conclusions are valid (and thus reflect reality) unless they can accurately demonstrate the faithfulness of their data. Shadish, W. R., Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D. T. (2001). Quantitative studies are often fast, focused, scientific and relatable.4. Quantitative Research is a systematic approach to collect data through sampling method like online polls, online surveys, Questionnaires etc. 2016). Wiley. (2012). University of Chicago Press. Shadish et al. Avoiding personal pronouns can likewise be a way to emphasize that QtPR scientists were deliberately trying to stand back from the object of the study. Some concerns of using ICT are also included in this paper which encompasses: a) High learning curve, b) Revised expectation on researcher, c) Research by the convenient of big data, and d). Pearson Education. Schwab, A., Abrahamson, E., Starbuck, W. H., & Fidler, F. (2011). Reliable quantitative research requires the knowledge and skills to scrutinize your findings thoroughly. MIS Quarterly, 35(2), 261-292. A Theory of Data. This is because all statistical approaches to data analysis come with a set of assumptions and preconditions about the data to which they can be applied. Statistics Done Wrong: The Woefully Complete Guide. Integrated communications and technology (ICT) encompasses both . If well designed, quantitative studies are relatable in the sense that they are designed to make predictions, discover facts and test existing hypotheses. Mindless Statistics. Quantitative data is any data that is numerical in form such as statistics, percentages, etc. In other words, QtPR researchers are generally inclined to hypothesize that a certain set of antecedents predicts one or more outcomes, co-varying either positively or negatively. Kim, G., Shin, B., & Grover, V. (2010). Qualitative Research on Information and Communication Technology. It discusses in detail relevant questions, for instance, where did the data come from, where are the existing gaps in the data, how robust is it and what were the exclusions within the data research. The experimental hypothesis was that the work group with better lighting would be more productive. Different types of reliability can be distinguished: Internal consistency (Streiner, 2003) is important when dealing with multidimensional constructs. The Difference Between Significant and Not Significant is not Itself Statistically Significant. The Nature of Theory in Information Systems. Survey research with large data sets falls into this design category. Factor analysis is a statistical approach that can be used to analyze interrelationships among a large number of variables and to explain these variables in terms of their common underlying dimensions (factors) (Hair et al., 2010). Eddingtons eclipse observation was a make-or-break event for Einsteins theory. Theory & Psychology, 24(2), 256-277. An example may help solidify this important point. And, crucially, inferring temporal precedence, i.e., establishing that the cause came before the effect, in a one-point in time survey is at best related to self-reporting by the subject. Evaluating Structural Equations with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error. One can infer the meaning, characteristics, motivations, feelings and intentions of others on the basis of observations (Kerlinger, 1986). The Logic of Scientific Discovery. Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS 14, 15 & 16: A Guide for Social Scientists. PLS (Partial Least Squares) path modeling: A second generation regression component-based estimation approach that combines a composite analysis with linear regression. Objective: An overview of systematic reviews was conducted to develop a broad picture of the dimensions and indicators of nursing care that have the potential to be influenced by the use of ICTs. Cohen, J. Assuming that the experimental treatment is not about gender, for example, each group should be statistically similar in terms of its gender makeup. 2016). Scholars argue that we are living in a technological age. The same conclusion would hold if the experiment was not about preexisting knowledge of some phenomenon. These states can be individual socio-psychological states or collective states, such as those at the organizational or national level. SEM has been widely used in social science research for the causal modelling of complex, multivariate data sets in which the researcher gathers multiple measures of proposed constructs. The measure used as a control variable the pretest or pertinent variable is called a covariate (Kerlinger, 1986). In the course of their doctoral journeys and careers, some researchers develop a preference for one particular form of study. Diamantopoulos, Adamantios and Heidi M. Winklhofer, Index Construction with Formative Indicators: An Alternative to Scale Development, Journal of Marketing Research, 38, 2, (2001), 269-277. Lee, A. S., Mohajeri, K., & Hubona, G. S. (2017). This can be the most immediate previous observation (a lag of order 1), a seasonal effect (such as the value this month last year, a lag of order 12), or any other combination of previous observations. Specifying Formative Constructs in IS Research. Statistical Methods for Meta-Analysis. Similarly, 1-p is not the probability of replicating an effect (Cohen, 1994). Our knowledge about research starts from here because it will lead us to the path of changing the world. Straub, Gefen, and Boudreau (2004) describe the ins and outs for assessing instrumentation validity. (2014). Kaplan, B., and Duchon, D. Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Information Systems Research: A Case Study, MIS Quarterly (12:4 (December)) 1988, pp. Quantitative research has the goal of generating knowledge and gaining understanding of the social world. 4. A Tutorial on a Practical Bayesian Alternative to Null-Hypothesis Significance Testing. The choice of the correct analysis technique is dependent on the chosen QtPR research design, the number of independent and dependent (and control) variables, the data coding and the distribution of the data received. The researchers concluded: 1) synchronous communication and information exchange are beneficial, as they provide the opportunity for immediate clarification; 2) access to the same technology facilitates communication; and 3) improvement of work relationships between nurses and physicians is key to improving communication. This is not to suggest in any way that these methods, approaches, and tools are not invaluable to an IS researcher. Similarly, the choice of data analysis can vary: For example, covariance structural equation modeling does not allow determining the cause-effect relationship between independent and dependent variables unless temporal precedence is included. Cook, T. D. and D. T. Campbell (1979). Wasserstein, R. L., & Lazar, N. A. Figure 4 summarizes criteria and tests for assessing reliability and validity for measures and measurements. Most QtPR research involving survey data is analyzed using multivariate analysis methods, in particular structural equation modelling (SEM) through either covariance-based or component-based methods. 1SAGE Research Methods, Quantitative Research, Purpose of in 2017, 2Scribbr, An Introduction to Quantitative Research in February 2021, 3WSSU, Key Elements of a Research Proposal Quantitative Design, 4Formplus, 15 Reasons To Choose Quantitative Over Qualitative Research in July 2020. Gelman, A., & Stern, H. (2006). ), such that no interpretation, judgment, or personal impressions are involved in scoring. The idea is to test a measurement model established given newly collected data against theoretically-derived constructs that have been measured with validated instruments and tested against a variety of persons, settings, times, and, in the case of IS research, technologies, in order to make the argument more compelling that the constructs themselves are valid (Straub et al. British Journal of Management, 17(4), 263-282. If at an N of 15,000 (see Guo et al., 2014, p. 243), the only reason why weak t-values in all models are not supported is that there is likely a problem with the data itself. A seminal book on experimental research has been written by William Shadish, Thomas Cook, and Donald Campbell (Shadish et al., 2001). Latent Variable Modeling of Differences and Changes with Longitudinal Data. This is why p-values are not reliably about effect size. Antonakis, J., Bendahan, S., Jacquart, P., & Lalive, R. (2010). Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies in teaching, learning and research has come a long way and so is the use of various web2.0 tools . Popular data collection techniques for QtPR include: secondary data sources, observation, objective tests, interviews, experimental tasks, questionnaires and surveys, or q-sorting. American Council on Education. on a set of attributes and the perceptual mapping of objects relative to these attributes (Hair et al., 2010). Communication - How ICT has changed the way the researcher communicate with other parties. With the caveat offered above that in scholarly praxis, null hypotheses are tested today only in certain disciplines, the underlying testing principles of NHST remain the dominant statistical approach in science today (Gigerenzer, 2004). This stage also involves assessing these candidate items, which is often carried out through expert panels that need to sort, rate, or rank items in relation to one or more content domains of the constructs. Fromkin, H. L., & Streufert, S. (1976). Validation in Information Systems Research: A State-of-the-Art Assessment. 3. To transform this same passage into passive voice is fairly straight-forward (of course, there are also many other ways to make sentences interesting without using personal pronouns): To measure the knowledge of the subjects, ratings offered through the platform were used. In post-positivist understanding, pure empiricism, i.e., deriving knowledge only through observation and measurement, is understood to be too demanding. Bagozzi, R.P. Instrumentation in this sense is thus a collective term for all of the tools, procedures, and instruments that a researcher may use to gather data. The difference is that there is either no control group, no random selection or no active manipulation variable. Researchers can clearly communicate quantitative results using unbiased statistics. One aspect of this debate focuses on supplementing p-value testing with additional analysis that extra the meaning of the effects of statistically significant results (Lin et al., 2013; Mohajeri et al., 2020; Sen et al., 2022). Lets take the construct labelled originally Co-creation. Again, the label itself is confusing (albeit typical) in that it likely does not mean that one is co-creating something or not. Other researchers might feel that you did not draw well from all of the possible measures of the User Information Satisfaction construct. As in experimental research, the focus is the effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable. * Explain briefly the importance or contribution of . A Coefficient of Agreement for Nominal Scales. There are typically three forms of randomization employed in social science research methods. They could legitimately argue that your content validity was not the best. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 8(9), 141-156. It can also include other covariates. You can learn more about the philosophical basis of QtPR in writings by Karl Popper (1959) and Carl Hempel (1965). (2009). During more modern times, Henri de Saint-Simon (17601825), Pierre-Simon Laplace (17491827), Auguste Comte (17981857), and mile Durkheim (18581917) were among a large group of intellectuals whose basic thinking was along the lines that science could uncover the truths of a difficult-to-see reality that is offered to us by the natural world. In fact, IT is really about innovation. Time-series analysis can be run as an Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model that specifies how previous observations in the series determine the current observation. As a conceptual labeling, this is superior in that one can readily conceive of a relatively quiet marketplace where risks were, on the whole, low. Quantitative research methods were originally developed in the natural sciences to study natural phenomena. If items load appropriately high (viz., above 0.7), we assume that they reflect the theoretical constructs. Textbooks on survey research that are worth reading include Floyd Flowers textbook (Fowler, 2001), Devellis and Thorpe (2021), plus a few others (Babbie, 1990; Czaja & Blair, 1996). Oxford University Press. In this perspective, QtPR methods lie on a continuum from study designs where variables are merely observed but not controlled to study designs where variables are very closely controlled. DeVellis, R. F., & Thorpe, C. T. (2021). If they do not segregate or differ from each other as they should, then it is called a discriminant validity problem. 2. 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