Out of the box, this axe measures 16 inches long and can be cut down to accommodate your personal measurements. The mission of The World Axe Throwing League is to promote competition through sportsmanship and fair play. Axe throwing is offered to individuals by the hour or to groups for parties or events. If there is a tie after 10 throws, there will be sudden death: Each league week allows every participant 4 games. With his vast entrepreneurial experience, he is the perfect mentor for both you and your staff. If your local/state guidelines do not mandate a mask policy, masks are not required. Axe Throwing and Alcohol Beer, Wine, Hard Liquor. Each player will play 4 games on a sanctioned league night, for a total of 20 big axe throws, Standard gameplay rules of open Killshots do not apply to Big Axe Throwing, Big Axe Marathon Leagues may be held anytime during a WATL. Super friendly employees. Player must show, on their stream, on a secondary device, the time as shown on the following website: Any player found intentionally cheating during qualifiers will be immediately suspended for a period of 12 months from any WATL sanctioned event and have any accumulated Circuit Points for the year reset to zero. Please see the following link: https://worldaxethrowingleague.com/2021-rules-archive/. For example, in a tournament, if players A & B are tied in 5th and 6th place, the Player with the highest average bullseye percentage hit will be in 5th place and the subsequent player will be in 6th place. Your registration includes axe throwing, dinner and soft drinks (a cash bar is also available). Adult Price: $10.00 payable to the instructor at skills check. Updates To Pro League, Section Y was changed from the following to reflect changes to the 2021 Cycle 2 Re-qualified Pro's. The thrower must provide a replacement axe to be verified and approved by the judge. The player with the shortest distance will be awarded the game. Tournament Circuit Points will automatically be assigned based on a throwers highest points amount earned in each tournament tier. If the axe falls before the presiding official scores the axe, the axe is counted as a drop. Upon successful completion of the quiz, youll be sent a certificate with your name and date of completion, signifying that you are a WATL Certified Judge. The count starts when the first throwers axe leaves their hand, and ends when the second throwers axe leaves their hand. (Approximately 24 inches in the center of the board. If measurements are inconclusive, resulting in a tie, players must throw again for the alternate Killshot. Bring as many staff members as you wish. Only the two participating throwers and the axe throwing judge are allowed inside the lane at one time. The small hole on the left of the stencil will have a screw that will be drilled through it into the center of the middle board. Updated the Big Axe handle length specifications to reflect the grandfathering in of the method a handle is measured. Due to COVID-19, we have temporarily updated the rules. Each additional league a venue hosts must meet the minimum requirements for throwers, not counting throwers that are participating in another league at the same location (not including Marathon League Throwers). Casting Iron. No thrower is to throw an axe at a target while there is a person or live object in between or in front of the thrower. Members of the WATL Pro League will follow regular league play against local league members, Special pairing against other Pro League members is not required, Pairings will continue to be done automatically through the WATL app. The A bracket winner must only win 1 match (2/3 games) to win the Championship. The first 7 weeks are gameplay where players contribute towards their seasonal score. heads that are. Generations AdventurePlex is a 30,000 square foot multi-plex facility. Metric: Thickness 38mm Width 235 mm Length 1.22m, A variance of these measurements is allowed. If a thrower arrives later than the time allowed as established by the venue, each game that they miss will be awarded to their opponent, and the opponent will still throw the game for a score. A presiding official may, at their sole discretion, determine a different amount of warm-up throws during any sanctioned WATL. This is to prevent a venue from putting up only their top throwers to compete in the final week. Boards all must be individually secured and not able to slide or lift off from the target during Competition. Venues can choose if Week 8 matches consist of a single game or a best 2/3 game format for their Week 8 tournament, If there is a fault by either thrower, the team is penalized with a fault and. Section K: Regular Season -> Multiple Sanctioned LeaguesSection O: Sanctioned Duals LeaguesSection Q: WATL Big Axe League -> Multiple Sanctioned Big Axe LeaguesIndented "Marathon leagues are excepted from this rule, and throwers participating in marathon leagues may also count towards a regular league minimum" to clarify that this exception applies only to the requirement for "unique" throwers in a regular league, and is not an exception to the minimum requirements rule for an official league as a whole. If both players miss the Killshot during Sudden Death, a measuring tape or accurate measuring device will be used to measure the distance from the closest valid scoring area of the axe head to the closest edge of the Killshot. Highly recommend this place! They place 3rd (63 CP) in the first Tier 2 Tournament. Price starts at $39.95 per person Book Now From $49.00 NC, Wake Forest 2 Hours Ages 12+ Team Building We also host company team building! Throwers participating in multiple sanctioned leagues must use the same profile and Player ID to compete in all leagues. Each additional league a venue hosts must include 2 Teams not counting throwers that are participating in another Duals league at the same location (not including Marathon League Throwers). If connectivityissues occur, all scores must be uploaded to the WATL App within 48 hours. Pro Bids Any unfilled Pro Bids (decline or otherwise) are reassigned as Qualifier Bids, Non-Regional Circuit Point Bids any declines trickle down to the next qualifying thrower in the non-regional circuit point bid category, Regional Circuit Point Bids any declines trickle down to the next qualifying thrower in that specific region, Qualifiers any declines for qualifiers trickle to the next qualifying thrower, If measurements are inconclusive, resulting in a tie, players must throw again for the alternate Killshot. 4.5 (82) $2499. In the event of a drop during any throw (except the tenth), the thrower who dropped may opt to attempt one additional Killshot. WATL Certified Judges are held to the highest standard in understanding and implementing our rules when overseeing sanctioned events such as leagues, tournaments, qualifiers, and more. In just a few throws, any good axe master can help a customer straighten out any issues they are having so they can start sticking! We expect venue owners and throwers to comply with local & state laws. The missing thrower will receive a 0 for each throw in the game(s). 99. The highest scoring participants will gain access to WATC via Qualifying Throws. If a throwers region does not host a discipline that a participant desires to participate in, the thrower must travel to the next geographically closest Regional Tournament which provides that discipline. Judges must utilize a stopwatch, timer, or other accurate timing device either physical or electronic. Pro League members will have notations on the global leaderboard. Removed Reference to WATL North Region (6 Bids), Standard Hatchet Axe Throwing Championship, Update to: 34 Region Locked Bids via Circuit Points for WATC, Updated to: 18 Region Locked Bids via Circuit Points, Removed Price Recommendations from Qualifier Rules. O+7l^|8K^ MVmYys0='[ /^|i,wN^ ^&K=[lnN;yz1 2J`ku~T The aim of this course is to provide best practice delivery guidelines for learners wishing to safely instruct others on an axe & knife throwing range for sport or recreational purposes. Our emphasis is on making sure the customer throws, and most importantly sticks the axe! Players are not permitted to travel to another region to throw in Regional Tournaments. If youre designated as the official for your leagues, you will have the ability to adjudicate calls for the sanctioned event you are running. The end product is a backboard that is 4 feet x 6 and another layer of wood that fully covers the back at 4 feet x 6 as well. The opposite being defined as the left Killshot (if the right Killshot was hit) or the right Killshot (if the left Killshot was hit). Well give you a breakdown on each technique. BEER & WINE BAR. No second bits or spikes on the opposite side of the axe head from the forward-facing bit of the axe. Easton 14 items. 4 LANE DESIGN 4.1 Lane dimensions 4.2 Lane design 4.2.1 Top of lanes 4.2.2 Lane dividers 4.2.3 Flooring 4.2.4 Floor markings 4.3 Safety Area, 5 TARGETS 5.1 Target dimensions 5.2 Target design 5.3 Target maintenance and inspection 5.3.1 Keeping targets watered 5.3.2 Inspecting targets, 6 NO BOUNCE BORDERS 6.1 No bounce border dimension and design, 7 AXES 7.1 Specifications of axes: 7.2 Inspection of axes 7.2.1 Inspecting axe handles 7.2.2 Axe head 7.3 Storage of axes, 8 NINJA STAR SHURIKENS * 8.1 Shurkens design and specifications 8.1.1 Sharpening of shurkiens, 9 PRE-PLAY INSPECTION AND PREPARATIONS 9.1 Inspecting lanes and equipment. of space designed for axe throwing games, axe throwing lessons, team building events, birthday parties, and other special occasions. Axe throwing at BATL is the perfect date night idea. Made to WATL specs, but this is not a WATL sponsored stencil. Each game is played against different opponents, opponents must be selected at random via matchmaking in the app and consists of the following: In each game, players will take 5 throws and then switch sides. N, 11: 4,1 If a person wins a Regional tournament and already has a bid, the bid is passed to the next competitor- up to 8th place. The Civil Axe Throwing team loves giving back to our community, and we would be delighted to host your next fundraising event in Chattanooga. Teams participating in multiple sanctioned events must use the same profile and Team ID to compete in all events. Throws must be taken within 10 seconds of each other. 50% rotation) and a portion of the blade touches and sticks to the target, the throw counts. In order to apply and participate in the WATL Judge Certification program, click on the button below. Addendum added allowing venues to host multiple sanctioned marathon leagues if their participation exceeds capacity. The course is designed to provide a standard for safe delivery & coaching as well as ensuring the overall safe management of the range and safety of participants. axe throwing dallas, tx You and your best mates will spend 1 hour becoming intimate with a 1.5lb piece of whirling wood and metal as you learn, practice and then finally square off toe to toe in a group tournament that will result in the crowning of an Axe Throwing Champion. Players caught abusing the system through multiple submissions or cherry picked throws will be immediately suspended for a period of 12 months from any WATL sanctioned event and have any accumulated Circuit Points for the year reset to zero, Throwers participating in multiple sanctioned leagues, By a throwers highest finishing place on the WATL Leaderboard in all calendar seasons, If there is still a tie, by a throwers season score in their most recent season, If there is still a tie, by a throwers number of bulls hit in their most recent season, If there is still a tie, by a throwers number of hit kill shots in their most recent season. This would include judging: familymembers, duals partners,significant others ect. HOURLY AXE THROWING SESSION. Before throwing for the Killshot, the player must make clear to the Judge and their opponent that they intend on throwing for the Killshot. The judge must notify the throwers that they will be using the timer. Up to 36 people and a minimum of 6 can join! Each Target should be made of 3 layers of wood. $33.99 $39.99. If any player is found to fix a league game/tournament match to achieve a desired outcome then that player will be banned from all WATL. You and your best mates will spend 1 hour becoming intimate with a 1.5lb piece of whirling wood and metal as you learn, practice and then finally square off toe to toe in a group tournament that will result in the crowning of an Axe Throwing Champion. This includes ensuring the area behind the throwers is clear of any other person up to 5. The Judge making the second call may use all tools at their disposal in order to render a decision, EXCEPT to move or alter the axe where it lies on the board. If an injury occurs in a tournament, and the thrower is deemed unable to compete due to injury, any pending throws will be marked as 0 points and future matches forfeit. A 5 radius should be maintained around every participant holding an axe, however, the judge may approach the participants and enter this 5 radius to provide instruction. Bat Drop-3 11 items-5 5 items-8 12 items-9 2 items-10 22 items-11 3 items-12 2 items-13 1 item; Certification. 1st and 2nd Killshots for the team must be alternated if hit. Venues hosting any WATL sanctioned tournaments & events: MASKS ARE MANDATORY. All WATL and World Axe Throwing League Trademarks & logos are used under License. 12 bids for Hatchet only will be reserved for distribution in a method that will be communicated by mid-year 2023. A throwers official league is the league chosen automatically in the App to have the highest number of Circuit Points available. If the Judge is unable to determine who touched their axe first, the Judge will determine a winner based on their sole discretion. Targets will have no marking other than the lines, bullseye, and Killshots. Player must complete League A with 28 Killshots and League B with 28 Killshots; not 28 Killshots between the two leagues, If any eligibility requirements fail to be met by the Qualified Throwers in the Pro Open Qualifier, a thrower will be stripped of their Pro League status for the remainder of the cycle and throwers beginning at next available placement in the Pro Open Qualifier rankings can be considered for inclusion in Pro League in descending order to fill pre-established Pro League spots each Cycle, If not enough players meet eligibility requirements Pro League may include less than the pre-established players per Cycle. One foot must be on the floor while the axe is thrown. Venues may set Open Qualifier prices as they wish. WATL. 2017 World Axe Throwing League, Inc. All rights reserved. If a player earns a bid to the WATC with multiple teams, the player must notify WATL. Decorative blunt objects are allowed but there may not be anything that could be considered sharp. For WATL sanctioned tournaments, bracket tiebreakers will be determined by the average bullseye hit percentage in the tournament. . Marathon leagues are excepted from this rule, and throwers participating in marathon leagues may also count towards a regular league minimum. If participation exceeds capacity, venues may hostmultiple sanctioned marathon leagues per season to accommodate, so long as throwers do not participate in more than one in the same season. We will work with your staff so they can learn to evaluate the customers technique, or lack thereof. Criteria to qualify for Pro Status for Cycles 2, 3, and 4 are: Must have at LEAST 50% kill shot attempts (28) in their official league. Any verbal or non-verbal intimidation, threats of physical violence, trash talk, abusive language, profanity, threats, or general disrespect during any league or tournament towards any presiding Certified Judge, WATL. The final Championship round is between the winner of the A bracket and the winner of the B bracket. If there is no visible eye of the axe on the top of the axe head then it counts as where the handle would meet if going straight through. WATL still recommends wearing a mask as a precautionary measure and will be monitoring CDC guidelines for future updates. Update to qualifying to clarify that for duals TEAMS must have 1 circuit point, not individual throwers in that team. For example if a thrower throws in 3 leagues in a single season, the app will choose the league that grants them the most circuit points (based on their total season score in that league) and make that their official league. The World Axe Throwing League is proud to showcase our Certified Judges! These players will still submit Qualifying Throws. If all players hit the Killshot, an additional sudden death throw is required. If both throwers miss the micro-dot, a measurement will take place, and the closest to the dot will be declared the winner. This date will be updated by mid-year 2023. Should a pause in play occur, all gameplay must cease immediately and will resume at the discretion of the presiding official, where the pause began. If tournaments do not meet the outlined criteria for the Tier they are representing two weeks before the published start date, that tournament will be recategorized into a lower Tier or unsanctioned by WATL. Current as of December 20, 2022. The World Axe Throwing Professional League (WATL Pro League) is a qualifying system that helps to identify and recognize the top competitors in the sport of axe throwing for standard hatchet competition. Official may, at their sole discretion week allows every participant 4 games throwing is offered to individuals the... Expect venue owners and throwers participating in marathon leagues may also count towards a regular League.... 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