Country Club if (l[i].substring(0, 1) == '|') output += ""+unescape(l[i].substring(1))+";"; Anyone using a certificate for a show on the internet will have to enter a credit card but in the comment line on the application put your certificate number and I will adjust it. Aqua Turf Convention Hall 2023, February 556 Mulberry St. Plantsville Ct 06479 (Southington) 27 29 2023, September CT Directions: off I-95 take exit 61 (Madison) turn onto 79 south towards Madison (Durham Rd.) Under 12 FREE Off I-84 East Exit 28 31 Hampshire St. Mansfield, Ma. This event will be heavily advertised in area newspapers. 5 Since 1997, the craft show has exhibitors with handmade items for sale. Aside from the wide range of vendors, Warren said the venue itself is a big driver for the festival. November 20, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Plantsville, 2023, April Sunday March 19, 2023 Mulberry St., Southington, CT 3 for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){ We promote craft shows in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. var output = ''; Mike & Pats New England Craft Shows are known as the best in New England. We will have 150 booths stuffed full of homemade gifts, products, food, and much more for shoppers to purchase as Christmas presents.Frosty's Christmas Festival is completely sold out and we are no longer accepting crafter applications or requests to be added to our Waiting List. The Annual Frostys Christmas Craft Festival will be held at the Aqua Turf Club in Southington on November 20, 2022 from 9 am to 4 pm. Sprawled across 35 acres, the Aqua Turf Club offers the perfect year-round setting for all your banquet needs. 556 Mulberry St. Plantsville, Ct 06479 (Southington line) FNdocumentWrite("") 2023, September The day-long event is filled with an abundance of cultural experiences with more than 50 international vendors. There will also be food vendors set up selling popcorn, jerky and sweets. Mike & Pat's Since the purpose of this site is to display digital ads, please disable your ad blocker to prevent content from breaking. Aqua Turf Club - Southington, CT. Christmas Festival. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. This craft festival is a GREAT place to start your Christmas shopping!! Though this is her first year, Woronick said the festival has a good reputation and when shes tried to sign up before, all the registration slots had sold out. var hostname = ""; Come talk to wedding professionals and plan everything Litchfield Mid-Winter Farm-Fresh Market will be held on January 28th, 2023. Aqua Turf Convention Hall, The Aqua Turf Club is located 1/2 mile on the right. You will find local farm produce, fresh baked products, artsian Connecticut Flower and Garden Show will be held on February 23-26, 2023. find more Always the thanks giving after thanksgiving 2023, August The event is a combination Boat Show and Swap Meet. 15 2023, August Go straight under second underpass take a left at the car wash onto old turnpike rd. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. This show will feature latest in recreation vehicles, camping Storrs Third Saturday Farmers Market will be held on March 18th, 2023. 26 2023, October Aqua Turf Southington, Ct. Sunday November 26, 2023 9:00 AM-5:00 PM 556 Mulberry St. Plantsville Ct 06479 (Southington) (inside show) Spaces: 8 wide x 6 deep = $140.00 Extra Feet: 1 FT = $18.00 Table: no yes = $10.00 Electricity: yes or December Holiday Inn Mansfield Ma. 26Annual Craft Fair (inside show). 19 26 Mike and Pats 13 Grove St. Baldwinville Ma. 2023, March 2023, February We are seeking crafters and vendors who make and sell their own products. Dir: Off I-84 West Exit 29 (left exit). (860) 621-9335 13th Annual Craft Fair You will find local farm produce, fresh baked products, South-eastern Home and Garden Show will be held on February 17-19, 2023. Craft Fair. 2023, November Go straight under second underpass take a left at the car wash onto old turnpike rd. 2023, November 11 2023, March 2023, July It will feature fresh local produce, meats, dairy products, Plantsville Spring Craft Show will be held on March 19th, 2023. This one is called the Aqua Turf Craft Show and it's been going on for 25-plus years. (outside show) Festivals at this venue normally attract over 3000 customers. We are seeking crafters and vendors who make and sell their own products. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. 2023, August 9:00 AM-5:00 PM. Location: Aqua Turf Club 556 Mulberry Street Not everybody wants to go to the bigbox store for their Christmas or holiday gifts, Warren said. 2023, August 556 Mulberry St. Plantsville Ct 06479 (Southington) (inside show) I-84 East from Waterbury, take exit 28 take a right onto route 322. 17 All Rights Reserved. The NICE Festival Series hosts dancers, musicians, and food and craft vendors from multiple traditions and customs; we encourage the community to spend the day together. //-->, Copyright FestivalNet 2022. This CT-Grown market will feature seasonal fresh produce, fruit, Groton Extravaganza Knife Show will be held on April 29-30, 2023. 06479 The vendors will be selling the certified and Connecticut Weston Fine Arts Festival will be held on July 15-16, 2023. 2023, September FNdocumentWrite("") 01436 PH: (978) 939-2317, Previous Item (Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School Fitchburg, Ma. Have you had an experience at the Aqua Turf Club? Everything and anything handmade and homemade- inventions and reinventions- was up for sale Sunday inside the Aqua Turf Club, during Frosty's Christmas Festival. She said handmade products like hers are popular with many holiday shoppers because they have a good build quality while typically maintaining a low cost. Go here to update it. 2023, October Location. 5 This CT-Grown market will feature seasonal fresh produce, fruit, veggies, Storrs Spring Farmers Market will be held on April 15th, 2023. Always the thanks giving after thanksgivingWhen: Sunday November 28 2021Where: Aqua Turf Convention Center556 Mulberry St Plantsville CTTime 9am-5pmPrice: $5 under 12 free. It will feature fresh flowers, plants, herbs, bulbs, seeds, Bristol Home and Business Show will be held on February 25-26, 2023. This CT-Grown market will feature seasonal fresh produce, fruit, veggies, Coventry Farmers Market will be held on January 29th, 2023. When: Sunday March 20 2022. 7 Along with his wife Debbie Warren, he began holding the festival at the Aqua Turf in 2019 and it was so successful that getting a slot has become competitive for many vendors and they had to limit the number of booths available in some of the more popular industries to ensure a good variety. This festival will feature arts and crafts exhibitors, amazing music, Orange Farmers Market will be held on July 20th, 2023. Everyone's looking to put the COVID problem behind us, so we were very fortunate in that the great majority of our crafters who signed up to participate last year rolled their fees over to participate this year, Warren said. var output = ''; 4 talking about this. It will host a great selection of artisans, makers, and Coventry Spring Farmers Market will be held on March 19th, 2023. var l=new Array(); The vendors will be selling the certified and Connecticut Norwalk Nice Festival will be held on July 8th, 2023. It will feature fresh local produce, meats, dairy products, Coventry Winter Farmers Market will be held on February 19th, 2023. There will be plenty of food to sample. 28 Crafts Fain At the first stop sign take a right onto Mulberry St. 29 SOUTHINGTON Town Council members are divided on filling a spot on the Board of Fire CommissionersR SOUTHINGTON The Board of Education approved a plan to completely overhaul the high school schedule All it took for Evelyn Nieves to relax after experiencing a panic attack was a piece of gum. Upcoming Events Saturday, December 31st-Sunday, January 1st - 2023 New Year's Eve Celebration We offer discounts to Active Duty Military men and women. 100 Crafters 556 Mulberry St. Plantsville, Ct. 06479 (Southington Line) 21 2023, September 20th: Frosty's Festival at the Aqua Turf. 9:00am-5:00 pm It will host an array of artisans and crafters showcasing Newtown Holiday Craft Festival will be held on November 26th, 2023. Admission is $5. Where: Aqua Turf Convention Center. Sun Nov 28 2021 at 09:00 am to 05:00 pm. 2023, December I-84 East from Waterbury, take exit 28 take a right onto route 322. 30000+ detailed listings for Connecticut artists, Connecticut crafters, food vendors, concessionaires and show promoters . 2023, February It will feature little miss strawberry pageant, train rides, tractor Monroe Strawberry Festival will be held on June 17-18, 2023. At the first stop sign take a right onto Mulberry St. 23 It will feature entertainment, wood chopping competition, mini horse pull, car show, Greenwich Art Festival will be held on October 7-8, 2023. The Aqua Turf Club is located 1/2 mile on the right. Admission: $4 - $5 Days/Hours Open: Sun 9am5pm This show will feature latest in recreation vehicles, camping Wallingford Wedding and Bridal Showcase Expo will be held on January 28th, 2023. continue to the intersection of Rt. This info may change due to circumstances, please verify details before venturing out. Continue with Recommended Cookies. 22 I-84 East from Waterbury, take exit 28 take a right onto route 322. Go straight under second underpass take a left at the car wash onto old turnpike rd. You will find local farm produce, fresh baked products, artsian Hartford Bridal Show will be held on March 26th, 2023. Each Booth will be 8x7 and vendors may purchase more than one space. This CT-Grown market will feature seasonal fresh produce, fruit, veggies, Coventry Sunday Farmers Market will be held on February 26th, 2023. TBA: Cromwell Junior Women's Club. This festival will feature live music and dancing; kids activities; family Orange Community Summer Farmers Market will be held on July 13th, 2023. They also prioritize crafters who make their own products. There will be a group of vendors selling Orange Community Farmers Market will be held on August 31st, 2023. 17 Mike & Pat's Crafts Fain (" Sunday, Nov. 28th, 9am-5pm 200 CRAFTERS Aqua Turf Country Club Mulberry St., Southington, CT Dir: Off I-84 West Exit 29 (left exit). It will host a group of talented artisans showcasing their original Shelton Fall Craft Festival will be held on October 28th, 2023. Find a present for everyone on your list this year while you purvey the homemade goods that are featured at over 150 booths stuffed full of exciting goods, food, and other products for shoppers to purchase! 2023, June 06479. (inside show). 29 18 Plantsville, CT Aqua Turf Description: Plantsville Spring Craft Show will be held on March 19th, 2023. TBA: Coinchaug High School Craft Fair in Durham, CT. TBA: Andover Elementary School 9 AM- 3 PM. The vendors will be selling the certified and Connecticut Orange Community Midsummer Farmers Market will be held on August 3rd, 2023. 19 Each Booth will be 8x7 and vendors may purchase more than one space. 3 12 CRAFTERS You will find local farm produce, fresh baked products, artsian Connecticut Home and Remodeling Show will be held on March 3-5, 2023. SOUTHINGTON People looking for handmade and one-of-a-kind Christmas gifts will have many options to choose from at Frostys Christmas Festival, a crafts fair being held today at the Aqua Turf. Now accepting reservation for our 2023 New Year's Eve Party! Annual Craft Fair At the first stop sign take a right onto Mulberry St. 2023. 2023, February 2023, March Southington, CT, Aqua Turf Club, ! 2023, March 02048 Southington, Enter the email address you used when you joined. 2023, November Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School Fitchburg, Ma. 2023, August Christmas Festival. Is this your event? Festivals at this venue normally attract over 3000 customers. Submit. At the first stop sign take a right onto Mulberry St. You will find local farm produce, fresh baked products, Litchfield Farm-Fresh Indoor Market will be held on March 11th, 2023. Search: Events. It will host an array of artisans and crafters showcasing Uncasville Christmas Festival will be held on November 3-5, 2023. Our professionally trained sales and banquet staff is renowned for their attention to detail and personalized service. Your User ID or Password reset link will be sent to you. This past few years have been a very trying for us all. At the first stop sign take a right onto Mulberry St. Go straight under second underpass take a left at the car wash onto old turnpike rd. It will feature fresh local produce, meats, dairy products, Coventry First Sunday Farmers Market will be held on March 5th, 2023. 11 This CT-Grown market will feature seasonal fresh produce, fruit, veggies, local Storrs Spring Saturday Farmers Market will be held on April 1st, 2023. It will host some of nations best crafters showcasing Orange Thursday Farmers Market will be held on August 17th, 2023. 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Copyright 1998-2023 Events Media Network, Inc. l[0]='>';l[1]='a';l[2]='/';l[3]='<';l[4]='|109';l[5]='|111';l[6]='|99';l[7]='|46';l[8]='|98';l[9]='|117';l[10]='|108';l[11]='|99';l[12]='|102';l[13]='|114';l[14]='|117';l[15]='|116';l[16]='|97';l[17]='|117';l[18]='|113';l[19]='|97';l[20]='|64';l[21]='|111';l[22]='|102';l[23]='|110';l[24]='|105';l[25]='>';l[26]='"';l[27]='|109';l[28]='|111';l[29]='|99';l[30]='|46';l[31]='|98';l[32]='|117';l[33]='|108';l[34]='|99';l[35]='|102';l[36]='|114';l[37]='|117';l[38]='|116';l[39]='|97';l[40]='|117';l[41]='|113';l[42]='|97';l[43]='|64';l[44]='|111';l[45]='|102';l[46]='|110';l[47]='|105';l[48]=':';l[49]='o';l[50]='t';l[51]='l';l[52]='i';l[53]='a';l[54]='m';l[55]='"';l[56]='=';l[57]='f';l[58]='e';l[59]='r';l[60]='h';l[61]=' ';l[62]='a';l[63]='<'; 2023, June The vendors will be selling the certified and Connecticut grown Orange Community End of Summer Farmers Market will be held on September 7th, 2023. When bringing vendors aboard, Warren said they look for the widest variety of vendors they can find to give shoppers plenty of optionsand ensuresellers can have a good day of sales. With 140 vendors selling all sorts of treats, trinkets and tinctures, organizer Peter Warren said theres something to interest everyone at the festival and enough going on to keep participants busy all day. //. 27 They draw usually a large crowd and people do go to buy. 2023, August Have you had an experience at the Aqua Turf Club?Share your story with us! Admission $5.00 The Aqua Turf Club in Southington, Fri., Mar. for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){ 2023, April There will be over 300 vendor booths featuring local artisans and North Haven Holiday Craft Festival will be held on November 12th, 2023. Plantsville, Southington Arts and Crafts Fair. A Christmas Craft show for crafters, vendors, and the public to enjoy. 556 Mulberry St., Southington CT For. 9 It will host an array of artisans and crafters Southbury Autumn Craft Festival will be held on November 19th, 2023. From the East or West, north rte 495 take exit 12, ( 140 north) At the fifth set of lights take a left onto Forbes Blvd/Cabot Business Park continue to end . SOUTHINGTON - Craft fair season is upon us and one of the largest in the area took place over the weekend. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. 2023, February 2023, June Anyone on or off Facebook Going on over 25+ years over 200 vendors. 12 19 P.O. benefits Monty Tech Sports teams, 1050 Westminster St. Fitchburg, Ma. You will find local farm produce, fresh baked products, Sun RV and Camping Show will be held on March 17-19, 2023. 7 1 556 Mulberry St. Plantsville, Ct. 06479 (Southington Line), Directions: off I-95 take exit 61 (Madison) turn onto 79 south towards Madison (Durham Rd.) 9am-5pm Price: $5 under 12 free. It will host over 50 artists showcasing and selling high-quality Litchfield Saturday Farm-Fresh Market will be held on May 27th, 2023. //
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