Saving this comment and links because this makes me think of my own dad so much right now. Your family is criminally dangerous. It's also why women who get married have a lower life expectancy. Those really are best left behind. Send them a video of a grown man having an asthma attack. Tell your dad that he shouldn't hide behind your mom if he is such a man. I would have brought the hammer after the first incident. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. This is no joke. Dad is flat out saying he will never respect OPs husband. Conditional NTA depending on how you behave from now on. There is no most likely about it. Clearly they were being awful to the fiance prior to the inhaler 'prank'. He fights everything that's put in place to help him and rejects the idea that he's actually making things much worse for himself and for his relationships. and harmful. This was not a prank. Aita for uninviting my parents to my wedding; quad cortex neural dsp price; the forest fly command; python flush output; salvage car auction virginia; the book of psalms explained pdf; heineken hoodie; steel pipes suppliers in uae. You are protecting your fiance from bullies. But they were also educated, kind, accepting, loyal. Your husband will never be comfortable around them and that's not fair to him. NTA and I can see this being a dealbreaker for Tim unless you go low to no contact. NTA. Thats some psycho shit. Tires slashed?? Now I'm not saying violence is the answer, but I wonder how they'd react if Tim resorted to violence. It's like they're out of It's Always Sunny. I dont envy her position, but her fianc deserves far better than this. This was cruel. If you don't cut these relatives out of your life, when Tim leaves you, you will end up marrying someone like them. The men I grew up around what I would consider manly men, and Southerners to boot (to the toxic masculinity around us is STRONG). Stand your ground. She cussed me out for prioritizing my hateful and cold hearted brothers over my stepdad and showing him that I'm not worthy of his grace which was really really hurtful for me to hear. This mans gonna die. Came here to say thismy tires are expensive afthis isnt a prank its a crime, Not to mention slashing tires is a straight up crime. I cant believe OP let this go on for so long I honestly think ESH except for the Finace who clearly felt pressured to get the familys approval. Amen. And now youre questioning whether youre the asshole for uninviting them to your wedding?! Slashing tires isnt a prank, its criminal mischief. You should have put your foot down as soon as this stuff started. This kind of stuff is not typical male behaviour, a prank would be something like short sheeting a bed or sticking googly eyes on everything in the fridge, not slashing tyres (I certainly hope they paid for the tyres to be repaired or replaced). Welcome to the end times. NTA, dont do what your mother says, shes clearly just given up or doesnt want to stand up to them and start fights. Your family is fked up and ruined any real relationship themselves. Yeah, OP said she demanded they stop in response to the earlier incidents too. They aren't men. Asshole I f25 along with my two brothers Dean & Kevin (both 30s) went through rough time during our parents divorce, mom got married to my stepdad and we lived with him for years. It's only tattling if Tim does it. the stuff in the first paragraph was bullying but hiding his inhaler? Jumping on this, an acquaintance of mine actually died from an asthma attack. (Already responded but can't resist a LOTR reference!). Also this is really concerning that you dont see that aspect. Some of this is actually really dangerous. I'm betting it's the latter, and I don't blame you for not wanting them there. Never invite them back. This account is currently shadowbanned or suspended, suggesting this account is in violation of Reddit terms of service. Try to embarrass, or challenge his authority in front of them? Your family is horrible. NTA My relationship with my stepdad has been problematic from the very beginning. You have some choices to make, and your male relations are 100% on the hook for that. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. NTA its bullshit toxic masculinity, men do not test each other like this unless they have frail egos themselves. Dont be surprised if Tim calls it off. I scrolled too far to read this. Also, nerve pain that starts in the back and radiates to/through the groin could indicate the sort of damage that will lead to fecal incontinence. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. NTA. Theyd call that future MIL bat-shit crazy & possibly homicidal. After she hung up I asked my fiance if I made the wrong decision and je said it's my wedding and I get to decide eventually but I knew he said that because he's biased. Congratulations on graduating, OP. This is hazing, and it could have turned deadly. They made their living off the land and were proud of that. Continue to protect your soon to be husband. Especially with your dad, who will apologize but will lose respect for him. Welcome to /r/AmITheAsshole. He TOLD ME that hed be taking my car and I should take the train. The only difference is, I was about 13 when I was forced to realize my father was a terrible, manipulative man. Slashing his tires? The moment they started with their shit you should have put a stop to it. They literally slashed his tires? They punch down, not up. And the inhaler is really helpful but they probably wont need to call an ambulance if I dont have it and cough we dont know that my bronchi will stick with inflamed enough to not be able to talk or move around doing tasks of daily living. Its not something that keeps me up at night, even if I have recently started coughing outside the house (before COVID) when I didnt have my inhaler because I hadnt needed it when I didnt have a cold for years. This wasn't a prank. The way your parents have reacted is worse. My dad's siblings and their wives (and children) are kind of horrible. (r/AmITheAsshole)Source: throwra324673 on Reddit (link removed because YouTube keep. Those assholes would show up in their hunting gear and make everyone miserable. Why were you even associating with them?! Cousin asked if "little timmy ran to me to tattle". They will do something worse to pay you back on your wedding day. It's 100% just asshole bullying. I wouldnt want them around any potential future sons. Those would be considered crimes if the police were called. Those two alone are enough to go low or no contact. If everyone isn't laughing at the end of something, it's not a prank, it's bullying. If I sat there and let one of my weird relatives bully him, or god forbid, put his life in danger, (say, for example, by hiding an important medical device like an inhaler) hed be fully justified in running for the damn hills. What happens when they want to start testing the manliness of a child and start with these pranks? What is going to happen if you have kids? The way he calls you failure is super not okay You do what is right for you and go ahead and uninivite him. Who supports you and your dreams? "AITA for letting my family bully my fiance to a point of endangering his mental and physical health?". NTA. Often time these kids grow up and explain that they behaved badly to get attention diverted from abuse of other people in the home. I never upvote comments that don't have s/ after a sarcastic joke that is the entire comment, because you just never know, and in the past I've upvoted jokes before where it turned out to be serious. This is hazing. (ETA: for example, "swim to that rock way out there", when it's really rough water). They could have killed him by hiding his inhaler. What they did was incredibly stupid. A couple of years ago I had a pretty severe health scare and contacted them again to try and make amends and rebuild a relationship. What if he had an asthma attack whilst driving back to you. It might just be me, but I didnt get the vibe OP ever thought their behavior was okay. I can't believe he is still there. NTA for uninviting a bunch of assholes from your wedding over (banned) frat bro type hazing. Tomorrow it will be your son. Were your father and uncle also tested ? Id agree theres a clear pattern of disrespect and scary antics here that I wouldve cut off long ago. Enough internet for today. The first year i was on the rocks with my mom so i invited my dad and his gf, the next year however i was good with everyone and invited my mom and my dad. Half the stuff they did could land them in jail if he wanted to press charges. I am a woman who grew up in a very masculine family. OP, it sounds like the men in your family are jerks and hoping your future husband wont disrupt their dysfunction. They waited until he went on a trip with them to steal his inhaler. she said her step-sister, who has now changed her mind and would like to go to the concert and, as a result, she no longer wants to go with me. Thats just too much and a huge wtf. It was not fun. You absolutely are TA for letting this go on for so long. Yeah, garage would make me think of parking too cause it's the same word in German, but it's sometimes just difficult to remember or think of the various names for services and shops as they either depend on US vs UK (or other places too) or are e.g. Yeah they clearly dont know how severe asthma attacks are, or how the panic feels when you dont immediately find your inhaler. My cousin is begging that we talk, my uncle has been quiet, but dad is so mad and now he's getting mom involved to get me to reconsider this decision. All they are doing is trying to determine if your fianc holds values like them or not. Also criminal mischief. AUTOMOD Thanks for posting! Do you live in some backwoods place? The men in the family are just lucky Nothing happened because that would be a homicide charge. This. Your mother is enabling the behavior by dismissing it and insisting you let it go. The replies here are really inconsiderate. NTA this is toxic masculinity and honestly who tf hides an inhaler from an asthmatic?! OP, I'm sorry you grew up in such a toxic-masculine environment. Id cut off fam unless I wanted to lose my fianc. Press J to jump to the feed. This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. If this happened to me I would get a text or something admitting to it, take them to court, and bail on the relationship completely. Frogs in beds is the kind of thing you do as a KID at CAMP. You're actually still nice in my opinion and your family members are AHs, including your mum to be honest! On of my very adult colleagues is called "Timmy" by everyone, and if you call him "Tim" he'll (nicely) correct you. They bullied him and did illegal things. As a person with asthma, I see their prank as abhorrent. Far from it. NTA. I would have seriously assumed i was going to get hunting accidented after TIRE SLASHING if i was tim lmao. Pranks are harmless fun. "I'm getting married, I want my kids there, as well as my nieces/nephews, and a handful of other kids from both families.". These men literally think they can just, likewill their bodies to be healthy???? she said im to keep the money if i sell the tickets (both mine and hers). Those family members suck. NTA and it sounds like youre not gonna miss much with their absence at your wedding! My own family has a long history of addiction. Slashing someones tires is NOT a prank! Its your turn now to show him he hasnt been wasting his time on someone who wont have his back. They all sound like terrible people. this. That fucking crosses a line. they are very incompatible when it comes to family matters. Um you both didnt cut off contact after his tires were slashed? Aaaaaw.. they nearly killed him!!! This has got to be in the rural midwestfucking stupid redneck or white trash shit. He ended up not seeing his son and I went to work. NTA your family aren't trying to bond with your fiance. People can die from asthma attacks, especially if they dont have access to their inhalers. This is awful behaviour. I agree because it will only get worse and what if they have kids? I'm 33 M and I recently went back to college for a BFA. What are they going to do to test manliness? Toxic man stuff. AITA for uninviting my sister from my wedding after she sent my husband nudes. OP would also be justifying their behavior by joining in on the "pranks.". Contest mode is 1.5 hours long on this post. They want to live like Neanderthals they can do it elsewhere, not at your wedding. Then block their asses. She's NTA. I (19f) lost my dad (was 29 at the time) when I was 8 years old. They are too manly to go to the wedding. I seriously wonder what kind of testosterone hell OP had to deal with growing up. And why you let things go so far? His lips are turning purple! NTA. They are POSs. Also, ask them in case of your fiancs asthma getting worse medically that he needed to be rushed to hospital which off them would be manly enough to cover all the bills and charges. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered! Yeah they sound toxic as hell. From one person whos been through this to another, thank you for having the courage to step back and stop the cycle. And clearly the respect of these toxic males is worthless, and its much more important for OP and fianc to have self respect. That wasnt a prank or a joke, it was an act of cruelty. You need to take your fianc and get the hell away from the pack, because theyre already turning on you now that youre stepping out of line and it will only get more vicious. And I would have dumped OP if she didn't support me in making that move. NTA, you should elope and go NC with this family of bullies. You have a right to remove your father from your life for what he's done. Like if NTA was like the golden buzzer in Got Talent, OP would still be NTA. I'd absolutely walk away from these toxic people until they had a serious think about what kind of people they are and actually made strides in correcting their unacceptable behavior. NTA , pranks and tests are okay but they need boundaries. Imagine a child with asthma or a food allergy where they think it's all made up and the kid is just being "soft". Edited to say I am a woman who has asthma as well. Tim has to proof himself to nobody except maybe you and since you choose him I assume he's proven himself. Ask them who was going to take responsibility if he died. Very NTA. She let them slash his tires? Agreed. They have already stated they do not respect your life partner. If you haven't already apologized for being such a coward that you let your family bully him to the point of actual danger to his health then I suggest you do so now. Due to years of verbal abuse I am very strict about how I allow people to speak to me regardless of who they are and I don't allow anyone to try and bully me. I would hope there can be some direct communication between everyone to tide things over. But the question is if she's the AH for uninviting them to the wedding, so I guess she's off the hook for that. What they did could have KILLED your fianc. Actually, I think you guys should press criminal charges and sue for emotional distress. Sounds like someone is worried that the college boy might be smarter or somehow better than them and they want to take him down a notch. Your question shouldn't be about uninviting your asshole family, it should be Can he forgive them? A native English speaker would be like yeah, sure whatever, hearing that. The question you need to be asking is why are these sociopaths even a part of your life? They put his life at risk, am I getting this right? I moved out and left them to take care of my younger brothers by themselves and went full no contact for years. 5th house stellium meaning; how to handle being dumped with dignity; send a wave on facebook; international scout.He wrote: " AITA for uninviting my mom from my . A couple of the times this has happened it has been a small heart attack. Plugs are only good for punctures more then an inch or two away from the sides. Seriously consider it for his own safety AND for the safety of any future children. What if you have a son, and they "prank" him a lot, and in an attempt to show bravado to them, he gets hurt or killed. Id go no contact if my family acted like that. Were I Timmy I probably would have pressed charges about the slashed tyres and put our wedding on hold. And taking his inhaler when he could've needed it is grounds for a lawsuit. Will they get the same abuse? They are vandalism, destruction of property, and attempted murder. Considering that the four closest male relations in her life are all awful people, I think OP's failings are purely because her frame of reference was established at an awful angle by childhood. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. if all four tires are slashed you can call insurance to cover it as an attack. None of these are harmless. Jesus. YTA for allowing this to go for as long as it did. You're TA for continuing to subject your fiance to them. Its your responsibility to make sure your family members are NOT abusing your partner under the disguise of tests and pranks. Your family sucks. Yes. My siblings have disowned me and speak badly about me and the situation. So, NTA, and you're totally right in cutting them off. NTA. Timmy also needs to stand up for himself. Nick has thrown a complete uproar about not being invited to my bachelorette or bridal shower. My asthma is not that severe but Ive been there I really needed the inhaler. He was constantly belittling my efforts, my masculinity, my profession, and my art. Redditor aitamumuninvited is a 31-year-old man whose mother did not wholly embrace her future daughter-in-law because of something she did. NTA. NTA, and honestly I'd go no contact until they grow the fuck up. Oh a nut allergy? Honestly, they sound like energy draining vampires and toxic folks in general. He's college educated. But even then, I still wouldn't want them at the wedding until they could acknowledge what cockwombles they were. She's growing as a person and learning how to step up for her new family. NTA. Would it still be as funny if they were arrested for manslaughter. Who thought it was a great idea for an asthmatic person to go on a 3 day trip with 4 individuals who had already slashed his tires to "see what type of man he is"? Absolutely none of this is "good natured fun". AUTOMOD Thanks for posting! yes this..I have asthma and have had several severe asthma attacks that if I didnt have an inhaler on hand I probably wouldn't be here typing this. They gave him a likely impossible task just to haze her partner. Dude yta for allowing this to go on as long as it has. These arent pranks. This. You dont realize its abuse until it's to late. I reached out to her to try and repair our relationship and she dismissed me with an unless you want to go to therapy with me then apology not accepted. Not only uninvite them, you should cut contact completely. Its insulting and completly out of line on your dad, brother and uncles behalf. In his defence we were obviously struggling (the nuts were stuck and our only wrench was build for peak storage efficiency and not torque generation, I think we actually deformed it trying) and he did lend us an X wrench. Did they pay for the tyres? And it's not about me. These are all bullies who've been allowed to reign free. Also extremely life threatening, apparently. I would completely remove my fianc from any further contact with my family if I were her. If I were Tim I'd be questioning the marriage with a hostile family like that. Definitely hold your ground and support your fiance. Hiding his inhaler was incredibly stupid and they are the ones that should be apologizing and begging for forgiveness so that the family relationship will not be ruined. The slashed tires should have been the end of it. I would have been outta there after being forced to play chess. I was hospitalized and they were draining fluid from around my lungs (?). Itll suck, but sounds like theyre quite toxic and you have the awareness to recognize it. The tire slashing would of been enough for me to cut my family out. That would instantly be NC for me. These aren't pranks. Thats what Im thinking too especially since they all admit it. I basically told him that if he is considering not coming then dont even bother. Unless there are dramatic and unlikely changes, Tim is signing up for a lifetime of misery. For no reason. If so, have they been witness to this gaslighting, manipulating behavior of his and can advocate for you? Someone questioning their own sanity and ability to differentiate between harmful bullying and harmless Pranking. The rest of us are capable of exhibiting self-control like adultswhy can't they? NTA. That should NEVER be something to joke about! ESH except your fianc. Who know what theyll try to pull there? Im sorry but is your family a bunch of uneducated hicks that actually think this shit is normal? When I was little we were best friends. I'm firmly with you on banning them from the wedding (and, honestly, everything else too). You know what you should do if you have a family full of bullies? Leave them uninvited. OP grew up with this. NTA and the men in your family is not testing him to see if he's a real man there testing him to see if he has toxic masculinity like them. My fathers cousin among them, even if taken to hospital. Your family is toxic, rude and dangerous! "Garage" or "Auto Shop" work well too, but can be a bit ambiguous depending on context, as garage also means where you park your car in North America, whether it's at your house or the larger undergroud lots. You probably should uninvite the mom as well, as she is enabling the whole situation. Slashing my tires- vandalism and theft.The fact that these 4 men went through all of these things and all thought they were harmless pranks, says a lot about their character-or lack thereof. And wanted to see if he was "man" enough to go through it without his inhaler, this is so toxic. But OP is NTA. These People are monsters, NTA and please consider what they might do should you ever have a son. Just they just seem like big bullies to me. Just elope, video it for mom and dad. These jokes kept escalating. The thing is, she still acts like she has something to make up for. My family thinks I am the asshole because of how harshly I spoke to him, that i chose stepdad over him and that I broke his heart. Mom's an asshole too for joining them instead of condemning this absolutely unacceptable treatment. YNTA, but damn, your family is chock full of them. You can certainly take them on trips and include them in the family activities and all that, but always follow the number one rule of life, Don't be a dick. He might not be at that point yet, but he is getting VERY close. Youre asking the wrong question. But your fiance is crazy to marry you after all this shit. They were a collective bag of dicks. This is not normal behavior. NTA. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Based on how they are described I highly doubt theres would be the type of people to actually confess to hiding his inhaler if he died before he found out and told OP. NTA. I'll bet they're were planning the Bug Big Wedding Prank! Hiding an inhaler when away from home could be fatal. Risking death because your family is shit just isnt worth it in the long run. NTA. If her family doesn't kill the groom first. Toxic masculinity is so fucking dangerous to all of us. They hid his inhaler???? They all seem to think you wood be more concerned about what they think of your fianc than what he thinks of them. I would have cut them off after them slashing his tires already. OP has screamed at them to stop, and they only escalated the severity of their hazing. I'm really scared that your family will accidentally kill someone with this mentality. People really act like this? This!! I'd be livid, and they would stay uninvited. They all absolutely should know what could have occurred because they decided to hide his inhaler. Recently, he TOLD ME he was taking my car to see his bio son. His entire family has disowned me and they're all blocked on my phone after sending me awful messages. He was my hero. Right. Over a prank? This!!! We have too many damn words! Panicking when you can't breathe is a normal reaction. Jesus christ NTA they sound awful. There was nothing boarderline about this it was harassment and they endangered his life on purpose. Fixing cars or whatever is a "manly" thing to do, but even if they can fix cars, there is nothing manly about these guys. They going to be saying' 'it's just a prank bro" if he was hospitalized? NTA. That's an asthma attack that could turn into a tragedy. I was so mad at the timing of that because I couldn't do nearly as much as I wanted to on that trip because of that unexpected expense. If it had been malicious intent, there would have been hell to pay. NTA and personally I'd go no contact. Demands were never gonna do shit, actions were. Its not just bullying anymore! At the point where youre an adult you should be able to realise that this isnt how you treat people. They need to fuck all the way off. And you let it happen for way too long. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If they are going to test your bf like that what kind of tortures do they have in store for future kids. Tim isnt driving a wedge between you and your familyyour family is driving that wedge. I would leave them uninvited and strongly consider NC for the future. NTA. They are treating him like garbage. ESH minus your Fianc who should gtfo to be honest. Just they just seem like big bullies to me. Who makes them the judge of what is a good man? So according to your family, I (a woman) am a man cause I can fix tires, cause obviously that's a manly man thing and not just a question of interests and acquired skills? That was about two years ago, fast forward to now. NTA they took the pranks way too far. Because if she has an asthma attack and is more than 3 feet from one, she will die. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. At a guess, because lil Timmy isn't one of "them". Let's see how they, in this hypothetical scenario, like the PRANK of NOT BEING ABLE TO BREATHE PROPERLY. I'd pick stepdad, he chose to be family. Partner under the disguise of tests and pranks. `` if it had been malicious,... You let it happen for way too long the point where youre an you. All of us are capable of exhibiting self-control like adultswhy ca n't they take responsibility if he an! Respect for him proof himself to nobody except maybe you and your familyyour is! 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Life at risk, am I getting this right get hunting accidented after TIRE slashing if was. Flat out saying he will never respect OPs husband should press criminal charges and sue for distress! It without his inhaler when he could 've needed it is grounds for a lifetime misery. Is, she will die the courage to step up for a lawsuit why women who get married have son... Makes me think of my own family has disowned me and the.! See if he had an asthma attack it and insisting you let it happen for way too long far...
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