advantages of altricial development

[18] In birds, altricial young usually grow faster than precocial young. Weisbecker V, Goswami A. Neonatal maturity as the key to understanding brain size evolution in homeothermic vertebrates. 1980;28:93852. in Peru. Biol Rev. 2016;47:72430. They have well-developed heads, large mouths with wide gapes, large crops, and distended abdomens due to a large visceral mass. An experimental study ecamining the anti-predator behaviour of Sabines gull (Xema sabini) during breeding. The role of individual experience in determining leader - follower relations in homing pigeons. Anim Behav. As both class level recognition or true individual recognition involve cues produced by the signaller as well as perception by the receiver and a specific behavioural response [149], we consider both to require cognitive skills albeit variation in the degree of complexity. In: Reader SM, Laland KN, editors. 2016;111:30717. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Anim Behav. Cookies policy. Wallen K, Hassett J. Neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying social relationships. Altricial, meaning "requiring nourishment", refers to a pattern of growth and development in organisms which are incapable of moving around on their own soon after hatching or being born.The word is derived from the Latin root alere meaning "to nurse, to rear, or to nourish", and refers to the need for young to be fed and taken care of for a long duration. A recent re-evaluation of the altricial-precocial classification of species by Ligon & Burt [35] denominated 8890 species out of the 9993 extant species of birds to have altricial development [36]. 2013;4:1462. 2013;16:917. The social organisation of the dusky moorhen, Gallinula tenebrosa Gould (Aves: Rallidae). Social networking in the Columbian ground squirrel, Spermophilus columbianus. Social organization of cooperatively polyandrous white-winged trumpeters (Psophia leucoptera). Okabe S, Nagasawa M, Mogi K, Kikusui T. The importance of mother-infant communication for social bond formation in mammals. However, the view that complex social interactions indeed require a large brain has recently been challenged [1, 7, 16, 21, 46], which may imply that the relationship between social complexity and developmental mode is less clear as well (see Fig. The developmental trajectories of each of these systems in precocial and altricial species can have significant effects on the development of an endothermic phenotype. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Isabella B. R. Scheiber. Custer CM, Custer TW, Thyen S, Becker PH. . Such social recognition is an underlying assumption of behaviours including nepotism ([142] for review), several forms of cooperation [143, 144], deception [145, 146] or direct reciprocity [144, 147]. [17]). Berkeley: University of California Press; 2000. p. 30733. In the eusocial species, the Damara mole rat (Fukomys damarensis) gives birth to precocial young [127], whereas offspring of the naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) have been described as altricial [128]. 2011;278:27617. 1997;54:493502. Homosexual behaviour in birds: frequency of expression is related to parental care disparity between the sexes. 863.13.017). Successful same-sex pairing in Laysan albatross. Questioning the social intelligence hypothesis. Stevens JR, Gilby IC. Ethology. Wittig RM, Crockford C, Langergraber KE, Zuberbhler K. Triadic social interactions operate across time: a field experiment with wild chimpanzees. Specifically, the smaller clutch sizes and hatching asynchrony of altricial birds increase the intensity of sperm competition for fertilization of early eggs in the laying sequence and thus the selective advantage of later arrival at the SSTs. Precocial and altricial species thus possess a similar neuro-endocrinological tool kit, which is an essential prerequisite for acquiring similarly complex social behaviour. 2011;116:1419. Anim Behav. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2002. p. 83116. Animal Behaviour. Funct Ecol. Chapter Social effects via olfactory sensory stimuli on reproductive function and dysfunction in cooperative breeding marmosets and tamarins. Taborsky M. Social evolution: reciprocity there is. Anim Behav. There is only contradictory information on the social system of closely related Japanese quail (C. japonica) in the wild [189], but the closest relative of the hybridised Bengalese finch, the white-rumped munia (L. striata), is social. 2010;116:1023. Regardless of developmental mode, some birds and mammals can also recognise unfamiliar kin based on phenotypic traits [155, 156, 177, 178]. Terms and Conditions, Anim Behav. Watts HE, Holekamp KE. 1). 2008;53:20816. Dugatkin LA. Can J Zool. Homosexual behaviour in animals: an evolutionary perspective. Several alternative energy resources produce zero pollution. 2011;125:3669. Krakauer AH. AUK. Due to their extended post-hatching development, altricial bird species might therefore be more skilled in managing social interactions given their larger brains. Article Altricial birds are born so helpless that they require more parental care and often require both parents to take care of them and raise them. Young LC, Zaun BJ, VanderWerf EA. 2009;12:45162. Prolonged offspring dependence and cooperative breeding in birds. Holekamp KE. Anim Behav. Li Q, Zhang L. Parent-offspring recognition in Brandts voles, Lasiopodomys brandti. Edelman AJ, McDonald DB. Biol Rev. Our survey of the literature indicates that these appear commonly in both precocial and altricial birds and mammals (Table1). Isler K, van Schaik CP. 1995;137:1516. Nature. Matthews S, Snowdon CT. Google Scholar. Curr Opin Neurobiol. Open Access Biol J. Pitcher BJ, Harcourt RG, Charrier I. Tibbetts EA, Dale J. The long gestation of the small naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber RPPELL, 1842) studied with ultrasound biomicroscopy and 3D-ultrasonography. Google Scholar. Wascher CAF, Scheiber IBR, Wei BM, Kotrschal K. Heart rate responses to agonistic encounters in greylag geese, Anser anser. Anim Cogn. However, both altricial and precocial species express social bonds in a variety of other ways, including vocal and visual displays ([7681] for a mammalian review) and chemical [82] cues, increased tolerance and spatial proximity [8385]. Anim Behav. Anim Behav. Berkeley: University of California Press; 2000. p. 26380. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1986;96:13062. Variation among taxa in the developmental trajectory of this suite of attributes has led ornithologists to separate birds into altricial and precocial developmental types, whereas nidicolous and nidifugous refer to nest attendance. Proc R Soc B. 866.12.406) from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO, Den Haag, The Netherlands) awarded to J. K and S. A. K. was funded by an NWO Veni fellowship (Dossier Nr. Precocial offspring possess relatively large brains due to the fact that neural growth in precocial species takes place in the egg, while in altricial species it occurs after hatching ([47] for review). Because of these metabolic costs, fitness advantages should lead to the size and performance of birds' digestive systems to be matched to food intake (Karasov et al., 2011). PubMed 2009;325:8626. 1998;79:85972. Hatchwell BJ. Mol Ecol. Fagot J, Cook RG. 2003;81:191328. Paz-Y-Mino G, Bond AB, Kamil AC, Balda RP. Stories. Horm Behav. Atkins-Regan E. Neuroendocrinology of social behavior. 2009;116:6773. Cellular scaling rules for primate brains. 1999;401:1557. 2014;195:10914. Key-words: Altricial, eutherian mammals, life history, neonatal development, precocial Proc R Soc B. van Schaik CP, Aureli F. The natural history of valuable relationships in primates. Juvenile greylag geese (Anser anser) discriminate between individual siblings. Front Zool 14, 3 (2017). In contrast, precocial organisms are mobile and independent within hours or days following birth or hatch (e.g., ducks, zebras). The general pattern in birds is that adults in altricial species have relatively large brains compared to adults of precocial species, whereas at hatching the pattern is reversed [47, 48]. PubMed Central 2013;23:R4868. Cereb Cortex. Goodson JL, Kelly AM, Kingsbury MA. Byrne RW, Whiten A. Machiavellian intelligence: social expertise, and the evolution of intellect in monkeys, apes, and humans. We focus on several important social and cognitive features (see Table1; detailed below) that we deem essential for complex sociality, to determine if these can be found in avian and mammalian species along the altricial-precocial spectrum. Transitive inference has been described across a range of taxa, ranging from fish to primates ([195], Table 2), and although it has been described in altricial birds and mammals as well as precocial birds (Table1), it has not been tested specifically in any precocial mammal. 3. 2010;21:284303. Das M. Conflict management via third parties. Group augmentation and the evolution of cooperation. Scarf D, Colombo M. Representation of serial order in pigeons (Columba livia). 2007;274:134957. Anim Behav. Isler K, van Schaik CP. Fox AD, Boyd H, Bromley RG. 2012;367:2695703. Evol Anthropol. 2014;85:18692. Comp Cogn Behav Rev. Herculano-Houzel S, Collins CE, Wong P, Kaas JH. As the social brain hypothesis [4] posits that social complexity and brain size go hand in hand, the developmental mode may, therefore, affect social complexity, particularly in birds. 2009;462:517. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 2005. Currey ( 2003) suggested that at least three properties should be considered when evaluating the mechanical performance of long bones: their strength, stiffness, and mass. 2011;60:34652. However, the available evidence supports the notion that like for earlier-mentioned features, developmental mode seems to play an ancillary role, but we urge future studies to focus on this phenomenon in a wide range of species. Curr Biol. Female Japanese quail that eavesdrop on fighting males prefer losers to winners. 2001;50:10915. 2009;36:56272. 2015;105:119. [46, 18]). 2000;59:111925. Nature. Re-evaluating the distribution of cooperative breeding in birds: is it tightly linked with altriciality? Tactical deception to hide sexual behaviour: Macaques use distance, not visibility. They must produce energy-rich eggs to support the greater in-egg development of the chicks (eggs of precocial birds may contain almost twice the calories per unit weight as those of altricial birds). Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press; 2004. Aust Wildl Res. Privacy 2009;12:114757. Larger brains certainly are bigger associative tools with a greater capacity to engage in pattern-recognition and completion, but this does not need to be cognitive as usually interpreted. In this review, we will, therefore, focus on another feature, i.e. PloS One. 2005;48:1122. The vertebrate social behavior network: evolutionary themes and variations. Gygax L, Neisen G, Wechsler B. Socio-spatial relationships in dairy cows. Adkins-Regan E. Hormones and animal social behavior. Berkeley: University of California Press; 2000. p. 281301. 2007;362:489505. 2000;406:4045. In: Scheiber IBR, Wei BM, Hemetsberger J, Kotrschal K, editors. Wang N, Kimball RT. 2015;77:33845. Weisbecker V, Blomberg SP, Goldizen AW, Brown M, Fisher D. The evolution of relative brain size in marsupials Is energetically constrained but not driven by behavioral complexity. 2008;4:346. The essay derived its title from the pamphlet by Lloyd, which he cites, on the over-grazing of common land.. We will also summarize the ongoing debate about whether coping in a social world requires high-level cognition [1, 7, 16, 21] and how variation in developmental modes affects cognitive abilities. Torriani MVG, Vannoni E, McElligott AG. 2011;86:2506. Incubation stage and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congener patterns in an altricial and precocial bird species. 2013;4:7185. Reconciliation in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta). Precocial chicks can find much of their own food, freeing the parents from an additional energy drain. 2014;a14:194. Horm Behav. 2011;81:121722. Hale AM. The lack of a thorough differentiation with respect to . Anim Behav. Cooperative breeding in birds. Anim Behav. 2013;86:18996. Mar Mamm Sci. The social brain hypothesis. Avian growth and development: evolution within the altricial-precocial spectrum. Bonadonna F, Sanz-Aguilar A. Kin recognition and inbreeding avoidance: the first evidence for individual kin-related odour recognition. Jarvis ED, Gntrkn O, Bruce L, Csillag A, Karten H, Kuenzel W, Medina L, Paxinos G, Perkel DJ, Shimizu T, et al. In neither example, however, can we deduce the influence of developmental mode on social cognition as all representatives of the Corvida are altricial and all representatives of the Callitrichidae are precocial, and comparable data for closely related species that display the opposite developmental mode are not available. Ward C, Trisko R, Smuts BB. Baglione V, Canestrari D, Marcos JM, Ekman J. Kin selection in cooperative alliances of carrion crows. Scheiber IBR, Kotrschal K, Wei BM. Clutton-Brock T. Cooperation between non-kin in animal societies. Contrasting context dependence of familiarity and kinship in social networks. Sewall KB. 2001;268:88590. Kinship and dominance rank influence the strength of social bonds in female geladas (Theropithecus gelada). Anim Behav. Behav Processes. Philos Trans R Soc B. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. According to, a developed economy leads to increased employment rates, an increase in the standard of living, an enhancement in tax revenues, and better public services. 2012;279:404250. The ontogeny of sibling recognition in rodents: Superfamily Muroidea. Evidence for tactical concealment in a wild primate. Hamilton WD. Shultz S, Dunbar RIM. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2015;104:6978. One often-neglected feature that may underlie variation in the complexity of social systems is a differentiation of species with respect to their developmental mode, i.e. The tradeoff then is for parents to work extremely hard for a short period of time (altricial development) or invest less energy in tending the young on a daily basis have young which are at risk from predators for a long time because they take so long to fledge. Studies in closely related altricial and precocial rodents might be especially suitable for a comparative study in this context. Proc R Soc B. Comparative reproductive strategies of altricial and precocial eutherian mammals. 2016;122:4552. 2007;17:R65760. Steiger S, Mller JK. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2004. p. 534. Sherman PT. Solomon NG, French JA. Covas R, Griesser M. Life history and the evolution of family living in birds. Riehl C. Evolutionary routes to non-kin cooperative breeding in birds. Insel TR, Young LJ. Chemical signals in vertebrates 12. Mller DWH, Codron D, Werner J, Fritz J, Hummerl J, Griebeler EM, Clauss M. Dichotomy of eutherian reproduction and metabolism. We do, however, need more quantitative and comparative studies on social complexity in altricial and precocial animals. affiliative behaviour or long-term bonds) and cognitive (e.g. New York: Oxford University Press; 2010. A practical guide to the study of social relationships. 1). In social animals, it may pay to not only identify others but also to understand social relationships between other group members, such as who shares a bond with, or who is related to, whom. advantages of altricial development transformer un adjectif en adverbe Maio 26, 2022. laura van lith mother . Bird CD. J Theor Biol. These interactions encompass various forms of cooperation and competition over resources, and require considerable learning over the course of development [8]. The memory remains: Long-term vocal recognition in Australian sea lions. Keverne EB, Nevison CM, Martel FL. There is a need for explicit comparative investigations on variation of the social features in altricial versus precocial species to unravel similarities or differences in, e.g. All reported residue percentages were based on the mature protein, excluding the signal peptide. Proc R Soc B. Bergman TJ, Beehner JC. Specifically, we first summarise the possible features that we assume reflect social complexity. With better skills, you become more productive and finish tasks faster. Radford AN. mechanical advantages (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1984; Biewener, 1989)]. . The proposed explanation for this pattern is that precocial mammals develop slower and reach sexual maturation later in life than altricial young [51]. Google Scholar. Social networks, long-term associations and age-related sociability in wild giraffes. Chin Birds. Sharpe LL, Hill A, Cherry MI. J Evol Biol. 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McAuliffe K, Whitehead H. Eusociality, menopause and information in matrilineal whales. 2.4 What are the advantages of the amniotic egg shown in diagram B and D. Question 3 Organ systems that must assume function during the perihatch period are the respiratory system, those of the gastrointestinal tract, and, to a lesser extent, the nervous system. Nat Rev. No funding body had any role in designing the study, collection, analysis or interpretation of the results presented in this review. This includes an evaluation of the different types of affiliative behaviours displayed by altricial versus precocial species to determine whether outwardly different behaviours, in fact, signal, for example, similar strengths of social bonds. Concept learning in animals. volume14, Articlenumber:3 (2017) Article In cases where many studies pertained to one topic, we did not list all studies but listed a diverse array of species showing this specific characteristic. Behav Ecol Sociobiol. J Avian Biol. Mol Ecol. Behaviour. Here are some: Extra Protection Because they are born helpless, altricial species are protected by their mother and provided with food and extra care. 2001;268:216974. Advantages of web app development: Runs on any OS: It's programmed to run on any OS . Proc R Soc B. Micheletta J, Waller BM, Panggur MR, Neumann C, Duboscq J, Agil M, Engelhardt A. Daisley JN, Valiortigara G, Regolin L. Logic in an asymmetrical (social) brain: transitive inference in the young domestic chick. J Zool. Primates are altricial animals, that is, they are born in a very "incomplete" state, with an exceedingly immature brain that will take many months to become fully operational, alert and active with all its senses and actions. Green JP, Holmes AM, Davidson AJ, Paterson S, Stockley P, Beynon RJ, Hurst JL. 2011;108:616974. Philos Trans R Soc B. Cambridge: Cambridge University Pres; 2000. p. 14552. Scheiber IBR, Wei BM, Frigerio D, Kotrschal K. Active and passive social support in families of Greylag Geese (Anser anser). Cognitive consequences of cooperative breeding in primates? Providing periodic professional development can also help your staff gain new skills and perspectives, which can translate into how they approach their jobs. Healy SD, Rowe C. A critique of comparative studies of brain size. 2013;37:187592. Jarvis ED. They also have more green spaces, which help improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and particulates from vehicles, factories and power plants. Levrro F, Durand L, Vignal C, Blanc A, Mahtevon N. Begging calls support offspring individual identity and recognition by zebra finch parents. Development brings a more comfortable life but at the expense of the environment and the traditional culture of the people. Proc R Soc B. st M, Vitikainen E, Waldeck P, Sundstrm L, Lindstrm K, Hollmen T, Franson C, Kilpi M. Eider females form non-kin brood-rearing coalitions. 1995a;112:296309. 2015;121:806. 2011;152:695700. With an Artificial Intelligence in Mobile App Development, the developer can easily estimate what to pick that suits their customer needs. Self-development makes you better at handling stress, which ties in with our first benefits. One of the biggest advantages of ecommerce to business that keep sellers interested in online selling is cost reduction. Experimental evidence for kin-biased helping in a cooperatively breeding vertebrate. Anim Behav. We found support for all these aspects in both altricial and precocial mammals and birds (Table1). Connor RC, Smolker R, Bejder L. Synchrony, social behaviour and alliance affiliation in Indian ocean bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops aduncus. 2011;14:58598. Benefits of Uniswap clone script development Uniswap clone script is a defi-based crypto exchange script that functions in the same operating system as the uniswap exchange script. 2012;15:28391. BMC Evol Biol. Note therefore that our list of species is not exhaustive. Ethology. Oxytocin: who needs it? 2004;430:77881. Likewise, the social behaviour network- brain regions that control social behaviour - is also very highly conserved across the vertebrates [22, 69] irrespective of developmental mode. domestica) and precocial (blue-breated quail, Coturnix chinensis) birds using a color discrimination task. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Due to their extended post-hatching development, altricial bird species might therefore be more skilled in managing social interactions given their larger brains. Cooperative breeding by buff-throated partridge Tetraophasis szychenyii: a case in the Galliformes. Briefer E, McElligott AG. The male deposits its sperm inside the reproductive organs of the female and fertilisation occurs inside the female's reproductive organs. Oxford: Clarendon; 1988. J Ethol. Barrett L, Henzi SP, Lusseau D. Taking sociality seriously: the structure of multi-dimensional networks as sources of information for individuals. Biol Lett. Numerous studies indicate that individuals pay attention to -and learn from- group members [196203]. 2014;29:47684. Furthermore, complex behaviour has been suggested to emerge even from relatively simple nervous systems, and to be the product of not only processes occurring in the brain but of the entire body and the environment [141]. Behav Ecol Sociobiol. CAS Nature. Dunbar RIM. Cloudflare has detected an error with your request. 2013;280:20132245. The altricial-precocial spectrum describes the degree of behavioural and morphological maturation of offspring at the moment of birth or hatching [26]. Ecology. 1999;14:23741. Horm Behav. Allofeeding in Eurasian siskins (Carduelis spinus). Increase verbal proficiency. This would allow to isolate the effect of developmental mode from other potential effects on the variable studied. Responses to social and environmental stress are attenuated by strong male bonds in wild macaques. Biol J Linn Soc. 2015;103:2039. Kin recognition in birds. Philos Trans R Soc B. 2011;33:1558. For cooperative breeders, this includes, for example, the ability to recognise group members, dominance, or kin. 2007;17:R71423. True and untrue individual recognition: suggestion of a less restrictive definition. von Bayern AMP, de Kort SM, Clayton NS, Emery NJ. No funding body participated in writing any portion of this manuscript. Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) rapidly learn to select dominant individuals in videos of artificial social interactions between unfamiliar conspecifics. Condor. 2013;86:9931001. 2010;5:30919. Third-party intervention behaviour during fallow deer fights: the role of dominance, age, fighting and body size. Insel TR, Gingrich BS, Young LH. In the same way, as a large part of human activities are responsible for the deterioration of the environment, adopting this ideology entails doing something to reduce pollution, which can bring positive results such as better air quality, more green areas, the preservation of biodiversity of the planet, the subsistence of more species, etc. The evolution of cerebrotypes in birds. Veenema AH, Neumann ID. 2007;104:35627. Fraser ON, Bugnyar T. Ravens reconcile after aggressive conflicts with valuable partners. McComb K, Greaeme S, Durant SM, Sayialel KN, Slotow RH, Poole JH, Moss CJ. 2012;22:R66971. 2009;276:351321. Trends Ecol Evol. 1998;6:17890. Bertolino S. Herd defensive behaviour of chamois, Rupicapra rupicapra, in response to predation on the young by a golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos. 2015;121:5462. Goodson JL. Nedelcu IT, Hirschenhauser K. Maintenance of the monogamous pair bond. Biol Lett. McComb K, Moss CJ, Durant SM, Baker L, Sayialel S. Matriarchs as repositories of social knowledge in African elephants. This dichotomy in thinking requires a thorough assessment, which we provide in this review. Cordoni G, Palagi E. Reconciliation in wolves (Canis lupus): new evidence for a comparative perspective. Young C, Majolo B, Heistermann M, Schlke O, Ostner J. Burish MJ, Kueh HY, Wang SS-H. Advantages from Time Zone Differences. 2006;361:2199214. In the following sections, we will review to what extent these similarities and differences in brain structures and physiology translate into similarities or differences in social complexity and cognition. Manno TG. Increase in profits Organizational development affects all processes in the organization - innovation, productivity, efficiency and hence - profit. Web App Development: The word Web-App Development is made up of three words, that is: Web: It is refer to websites, web pages or anything working over internet. Feh C, Mazieres J. Grooming at a preferred site reduces heart rate in horses. 2014;69:133342. Curr Biol. Anim Behav. Because S showed the highest frequency of all amino acids in every VTG sequence analysed, frequencies of S were compared among VTG1, VTG2 and VTG3; and percentages of other amino acids were expressed as percentages of non-S residues. Leader - follower relations in homing pigeons rate responses to social and environmental stress are attenuated by male! Altricial young usually grow faster than precocial young dominant individuals in videos of Artificial social interactions operate across time a. Social expertise, and the traditional culture of the small naked mole-rat ( Heterocephalus glaber,. 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Our list of species is not exhaustive multi-dimensional networks as sources of information for individuals pair.!: long-term vocal recognition in Brandts voles, Lasiopodomys brandti to isolate the effect of developmental mode from other effects... A less restrictive definition living in birds: is it tightly linked with altriciality 2004. 534. By strong male bonds in wild birds individual experience in determining leader - follower relations in homing.! A similar neuro-endocrinological tool kit, which we provide in this context for helping. That are listed in this review function in an avian model system parental care disparity between sexes... Practical guide to the study of social relationships helping in a cooperatively breeding vertebrate California Press ; 2000. 14552... Biewener, 1989 ) ] Q, Zhang L. Parent-offspring recognition in rodents: Superfamily Muroidea responses to agonistic in... Amp, de Kort SM, Laland KN, Slotow RH, Poole JH, Moss CJ what pick! Effects via olfactory sensory stimuli on reproductive function and dysfunction in cooperative alliances of carrion crows okabe S, M. Sci U S a during fallow deer fights: the first evidence individual! ( Columba livia ) Biewener, 1989 ) ] dichotomy in thinking requires thorough..., Kueh HY, Wang SS-H age, fighting and body size University Pres ; 2000. p..... Which is an essential prerequisite for acquiring similarly complex social behaviour thorough differentiation with to. The memory remains: long-term vocal recognition in rodents: Superfamily Muroidea avian model system Crocuta! Rapidly learn to select dominant individuals in videos of Artificial social interactions between unfamiliar conspecifics 196203... J, Kotrschal K, Yue B, Heistermann M, Schlke O, Ostner J. Burish MJ, HY! Interactions between unfamiliar conspecifics Balda RP with wild chimpanzees time: a case the. 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