what does krogstad say he has in his pocket?

The wild animal was oblivious . the trap. A professor should give his students opportunities to develop their skills. Professors should give their students opportunities to develop their skills/. Critical He says that to advance that alcohol kills and maims people is not an exaggeration, When abused alcohol is highly dangerous drug, Alcoholics do not eat well, they would rather drink than eat, Their infants are likely to be less healthy and less development than other babies, The children suffer from mental deficiency, The mothers are likely to be malnourished, Personal health / alcohol abuse / alcoholism / effects of alcohol, Scarred hasting adverse effect / worsening, Statistics those thought to have died/figures/numbers, Before the extract, Krogstad asks Christine if she still have the courage to have himBack after what he has done. Word limit = 60 Any word beyond should not be marked. This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials. In this scene, Krogstad indicates that he would have been a different person had they stayed together. He wants to rise, and now he has the opportunity to use Torvald as a step, and does not really care if Torvald would be smashed if he stepped up on him.That is when I play Krogstad I like him to touch the furniture in Helmers house, because he wants to have them, as he wants to have that happy house to himself. (a) in the letter box (b) in the fire (c) on the table (d) in his billfold. We should give our hand to friends when they are in need to sustain friendship. Use the correct form of the word given in brackets. 5. 12. What does Nora ask Doctor Rank to do for her, after the maid gives Nora the card? What does Doctor Rank offer to do? A few of the people admitted to mental hospitals are diagnosed as alcoholicsDont they? Mrs. Linde tells him that the letter is still in letter box. (3 marks), Where is my assignment? the angry teacher demanded. The important turning point to him is in the third act, where he lets go of his ambition. To avoid such absurdities, advocates of gender equity demand that sex should not be the main consideration in dealing with people. Christine tell shim she understand that it was despair that made him do that. Built with. And Ive seen you revel and excel with creepy cuckoo antagonists and work with roles that give you a different kind of meat to chew on. Hard work pays. (a) She says she's waiting to see Nora's dress. What does Helmer say about Krogstad's morals and his current life Helmer says that many men have been able to retrieve their character if they openly accept the blame for their crime take the punishment, however because Krogstad took the shortcut andplayed a "cunning trick" to get away with it . This was before Id even noticed what youd written about his desire to possess these things. The Hyena and the Jackal would henceforth not share the kill of the leopard/, Having written an article, Wanga posted it on the website (no mark withoutComma). Indeed, he is surprised when in the second act when he says to Nora Your husband loves you so little? (c) Mrs. Linde is Nora's childhood friend. What stops Torvald from coming into the room? (4 marks), I have never had such an amazing piece of good fortune in my life! Rewrite beginning Never . How does Krogstad come to Nora's house, so that he's not seen? a year and a half. Mrs. Linde tells him that the letter is still in letter box. (b) She says it's a surprise for Doctor Rank. 11. What does Krogstad say he has in his pocket? 1, It means that what is good for the male (man) is good for the female (woman) 1, Segregated separated (tense must be observed)f, Krogstad asks Christine if she still has the courage to have him back after what he has done. Basically, he initiates the action of the play. It is in the rural area where people grow bananas and potatoes. 39. What caused him to forge a signature? Linde: In my first moment of fright, it was. He does not care to have a better position in the bank, since he says he will demand his letter back. 2. (a) monstrous crow (b) little squirrel (c) miserable creature (d) little lark, 5. (4marks), He does not want Noras husband to know the secret of forgery that she has kept from him for many years. Gender is thus societys assigning of roles to people according to their being ma le or female. English Paper 3 Questions and Answers - Form 4 Mid Term 2 Exams 2021, access all the content at an affordable rate or Buy any individual paper or notes as a pdf via MPESA and get it sent to you via WhatsApp, English Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Form 4 Mid Term 2 Exams 2021, Last modified on Tuesday, 19 October 2021 07:50, Chemistry Form 1 - Form 4 Summarized Notes, CRE Notes Form 1 - Form 4 - Summarized Notes, Play Group: Activities, Homework and Syllabus, Pre-Primary One - PP1: Activities, Homework and Exams, Pre-Primary One - PP2: Activities, Homework and Exams, CBC Grade 1: Subjects, Syllabus and Exams, CBC Grade 2: Subjects, Homework and Exams, CBC Grade 3: Exam Papers, Syllabus and Subjects, CBC Grade 4: Exam Papers, Syllabus and Subjects, Grade 5 : Notes, Revision Papers and Syllabus, Grade 6 : Notes, Revision Papers and Syllabus, Class 6 : Notes, Revision Papers and Syllabus, Class 7 : Notes, Revision Papers and Syllabus, Class 8 : Notes, Revision Papers and Syllabus, Join our whatsapp group for latest updates, Form 4 Mid Term 2 Exams 2021 Questions and Answers, English Paper 3 Questions - Maseno Post Mock Examinations 2022, English Paper 2 Questions - Maseno Post Mock Examinations 2022, English Paper 1 Questions - Maseno Post Mock Examinations 2022, German Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Mangu High School Mock Exams 2022, Computer Studies Paper 2 Questions - Mangu High School Mock Exams 2022, Read the passage below then answer the questions that follow (20mks), What are the major causes of death among alcoholics? Torvald's response is actually revolting based upon the things he said to Nora only moments earlier, as suddenly the shifty, dishonest woman he just threatened turns into . (3 marks), Nils, a woman who has once sold herself for anothers sake doesnt do it a second time, Briefly explain what makes Mrs. Linde say this. ), Those men have messed up our lives. He is not however an angel. . How long does Krogstad say it's been since he was involved in anything dishonorable? Some African societies bring up their boys to believe that men must be fighters, take whatever they want by force if necessary and never cry. That is why I have been having such a hard time playing the second and the third acts. 4. (3 marks). " What Krogstad minimizes as an "indiscretion," Helmer refers to as a horrible corruption that creates a poisonous atmosphere of lies in the Krogstad home (Act I). (4mks), Never again will I leave you meat when I make my kill. Why? Torvald was very ill, and she committed forgery to fund the trip to Italy that would ultimately save his life. He does not want to ruin the Helmers marriage who are friends to Christine. (4marks), Never had I such an amazing piece of good fortune in my life! Krogstad: Tell me, Mrs. Helmer, can you by any chance remember what day your father died? Krogstad writes Nora a letter that sets free Nora and her husband. Previous Topic English Paper 1 Questions and Answers - Kapsabet Mock Exams 2021/2022, Next Topic English Paper 3 Questions and Answers - Kapsabet Mock Exams 2021/2022. (2marks). Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. 1. Where does Krogstad put the document he's brought? Krogstad has a criminal record of having committed forgery, and is thus extremely protective about his position in the bank, as he finds it extremely important to hold a respectable position in the bank in order to redeem himself. : ). He is also the man who loaned Nora the money she needed to pay for the Helmers' trip to Italy. In the beginning of their conversation, Mrs. Linde claims that Krogstad "never properly understood [her]" in their days of courting (Ibsen 49).This sentiment is echoed by Nora later in the play immediately before she abandons her husband. Nora, outraged, tells Krogstad he must leave if he talks disrespectfully of Torvald. The police officer was an expert catching criminals. Assigning roles to people on the grounds of biological differences is a form of evil discrimination, like racism. 117. Get an answer for 'How does Torvald respond to Krogstad's first and second letter in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House?' and find homework help for other A Doll's House questions at eNotes Principled - decided to end his relationship with his no- good lazy pair of friends and holds to it up to date. In a way, he shakes Noras world, but this helps Nora to wake up. What does Krogstad say he has in his pocket? When Mrs. Linde says that he didn't, Nora asks once more if he left her "nothing at all then?" (2 marks). However, this should not be taken as a blanket excuse to declare that all women must not hunt wild animals. 8. Personification leopard, Jackal and Hyena talk. Mrs Linde tell him that the letter is still in the letterbox. (3marks), She once sacrificed her love for the sake of her bedridden mother and two young brothers. English Paper 1 Questions and Answers - Form 4 Mid Term 2 Exams 2021, Next Topic (3 marks), Change the following question into a statement: (1 mark), What is the meaning of the following: What is good for the goose is good for the gander. (1 mark), Explain the meaning of the following as they are used in the passage. 10. (Join the sentence to begin: Having. What did Nora sign to get the loan from Krogstad? Every normal human being is either female or male. (Rewrite this sentence beginning: I.) what does Krogstad say to Christine that shows he is distrustful? This question paper consists of 11 printed pages. The first hint came when Nora told Kristina that . Liking / approving / appreciative attitude- Describes that Leopard are beautiful because of his hard work. * The good doctor goes on to relate Krogstad's history as a criminal and blackmailer. Explain what had happened before this excerpt. Krogstad is explaining to Nora the crime he committed and why he has such a bad reputation. Incredible things - unbelievable things. 1. What name does Torvald call Nora, after reading the letter? Krogstad wants all that to be his, he is envious. Linde: No, no.Krogstad: Yes, of course I will. (a) He says it would make him incredibly happy. We chose the Adora Playtime "Little Prince" doll as the best overall pick for its realistic featureslike a weighted bottom and ability to suck its thumbskin tone. to see Krogstad. This paper consists of 11 printed pages. Regardless, the society, once identified him as the other, has never indulged him. 6. (3mks), Explain what the following sentence means. View all Lesson Plans available from BookRags. (2 marks), Identify a phrase in the passage that shows that it is not only women who are concerned with the problems created by gendering of roles. (d) She says she wants to loan Nora a book. (2marks), Illustrate two features of the story that makes it an oral narrative. 7. Why does Krogstad say he would ask for his letter back? 119. a letter for Torvald What does Torvald say are Nora's most sacred duties? What does Doctor Rank say he's gained from his "scientific investigation"? Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow. Life has treated him badly, and he is bitter about it, but a new life starts as soon as Kristine offers to be with him. * a year and a half. Alcohol tends to be a substitute for a balanced diet (2mks), Make notes on the effects of alcohol to expectant mothers and their children (4mks), Supply a suitable title for the passage. (6mks), They are forbidden from eating certain kinds of food. How much money does Krogstad say he will ask Torvald for? Krogstad is not a villain, and he is not a caricature. Christine tells him that she understands that. (3mks) 5. What does Krogstad say he has in his pocket? 4. (decent) and was discontinued, The contribution(able) the couple to pay hospital bills, Rewrite the following sentences to remove gender bias. How long does Krogstad say it's been since he was involved in anything dishonorable? Is there any logical reason why a man should not change the nappies of his child, or go into the kitchen and cook? He regrets that he cannot undo what he has done. "you're just being hysterical and romantic". This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions. What does Torvald say about Mrs. Linde after she leaves? (a) He comes from the floor above. Aetiological story - explain why the leopard hides his food up a tree with a reason. These gendered roles often suggest that men should lead and command in everything, be tough meaning hard and even cruel and strong, which often means aggressive and violent. Mrs Linde tell him that the letter is still in the letterbox. He has reunited with Christine and is very happy. When Nora is unable to persuade her husband, Krogstad grows angry and impatient. Torvald Helmer is the least likeable character in A Doll's House, a play by Henrik Ibsen. Initially I was quite worried about playing Krogstad, in that I didnt want to play yet another creepy cuckoo antagonist. For starters, his goal isn't evil for evil's sake. Please read the Duke Wordpress Policies. Their play was accused of So fearful is she that she cannot go out of their house at night. (3marks), Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate preposition. Linde: Quite sure, but -Krogstad: (with a searching look at her) Is that what it all means? It is surprising that Krogstad can change his mind about revenging against Helmet. 6. (1 mark), Christine had left him for a richer man who would help her support her sick mother and her two young brother. (2mks), What lesson do we learn from this story? (a) a confession to his own forgery (b) a letter for Torvald (c) the bond (d) a letter that will clear her of wrongdoing 5. 9. Since the couple's world is not quite an honest one, Krogstad is not creepy; he just does not belong there, and he makes it tremble. By the time a person is in his or her teens, he or she has learnt from both example and direct teaching by older members of society what exactly is expected of him or her as a man or a woman. How does Torvald say he will deal with Krogstad's demands? (b) He gets angry that she would be so selfish. By saying that, it means she cannot be doing it the second time for another person because that experience was enough. (2marks), Compare Obunde and the ogre as they are presented in this story. Krogstad is blackmailing Nora, since he knows she has forged her father's signature to borrow money from the bank where her own husband, Torvald, works.</u> From the passage, we know Krogstad has written a "lenient" letter. All Rights Reserved. (4 marks) i) At any cost ii) Recall iii) Elapsed iv) Incredible things. Explain what happens before this excerpt. Before the run-through, Ellen and I had a quick chat about my character, Krogstad. (3 marks), Explain what happens immediately before this extract. Nils Krogstad is one of the secondary characters in the play, but important nonetheless. Men for example, have for a long time invoked gender roles to force women to do certain things and to prevent them from doing things the women may want to do. (3marks), What challenges are you likely to face? (c) He comes through a window. Krogstad: That is correct; I have ascertained it for myself. Selfless - sacrificed for another person, has mother and brothers. NB If the spelling is wrong do not award. (d) He says he will be forced to give in to them. He regrets that he cannot undo what he has done. what does Krogstad say that shows he thinks Christine is hysterical? What does Torvald call Nora's explanation? Its difficult because your scene fills in expository blanks that we, the audience, need to learn, but I know you and Jenny are also working with modulating the frantic energy that is driving both characters at that time in the Act. access all the content at an affordable rate or Buy any individual paper or notes as a pdf via MPESA and get it sent to you via WhatsApp, English Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Kapsabet Mock Exams 2021/2022, Last modified on Friday, 07 January 2022 08:54, Chemistry Form 1 - Form 4 Summarized Notes, CRE Notes Form 1 - Form 4 - Summarized Notes, Play Group: Activities, Homework and Syllabus, Pre-Primary One - PP1: Activities, Homework and Exams, Pre-Primary One - PP2: Activities, Homework and Exams, CBC Grade 1: Subjects, Syllabus and Exams, CBC Grade 2: Subjects, Homework and Exams, CBC Grade 3: Exam Papers, Syllabus and Subjects, CBC Grade 4: Exam Papers, Syllabus and Subjects, Grade 5 : Notes, Revision Papers and Syllabus, Grade 6 : Notes, Revision Papers and Syllabus, Class 6 : Notes, Revision Papers and Syllabus, Class 7 : Notes, Revision Papers and Syllabus, Class 8 : Notes, Revision Papers and Syllabus, Join our whatsapp group for latest updates, Kapsabet Mock Exams 2021/2022 - Questions and Answers, English Paper 3 Questions - Maseno Post Mock Examinations 2022, English Paper 2 Questions - Maseno Post Mock Examinations 2022, English Paper 1 Questions - Maseno Post Mock Examinations 2022, English Paper 3 Questions and Answers - Bondo Joint Mocks Exams 2022, English Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Bondo Joint Mocks Exams 2022, Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided, Write the date of examination in the provided spaces. What does Mrs. Linde say she has faith in about Krogstad? Boys and girls are told what work they should or should not do, what places they can or cannot go to. What does Torvald want Nora to do, to "hush up' the incident? "life has taught me to distrust fine words". What are Krogstad and Nora talking about, that both considered but neither had the courage for? (Rewrite using a few) (2mks), Alcoholics often die under violent circumstances. -She forges her father's signature in order to secure a loan. 3. Nora decides to leave him and the children. He was much determined to have his own way with them and his change and readiness to withdraw the letter catches the reader by surprise. Where does Krogstad put the document he's brought? (4 marks). Jackal and Hyena failed. Some societies insist that a woman cannot be a leader, like President or Army commander. Krogstad is scary to Nora not only because he blackmails her, but because he constantly reminds her that her future could very easily look like his present. What did Krogstad do in the past? Torvald snatches the letter from her hands, sees that it is from Krogstad, and reads it himself. The angry teacher demanded to know where his/her assignment was, She is too fearful to go out of their house at night OR. what does Krogstad say that shows he is hopeless? It affects and influences every aspect of our lives: politics, economics, religion and leisure. Yet in some societies, it is a taboo for a man or boy to enter the kitchen. I have a tendency to over-characterize my roles, which makes both me and the audience tired after some point, and I have long wanted to break that habit. (1 mark), In not more than 60 words write a summary onwhat women are not allowed to do simply because they are women. What is the relationship between Nora and Dr Rank? (Add a question tag) (1mk), What is the attitude of the writer towards people who abuse alcohol? This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials. 1. The ogre, because of greed is finally killed. In some places of worship for example, men and women are strictly separated. In another example of exposition, what does Krogstad reveal about himself? (a) that they will call the police if he doesn't leave (b) that Nora refuses to see him (c) that no one is home (d) that no one is allowed in on Christmas day, 2. As soon as Kristine leaves the doll house, they start their journey together. If you were to collect the above from the informant, What methods of data collection would you use? Where does Krogstad put the document he's brought? 4. I have usually played creepy and slightly crazy characters at Duke, which were fun to play but not so deep. (3 marks), Identify one character trait of Mrs. Linde in this excerpt. 1. Ogre and Osumba believed he (ogre)was eating Oswera and children. Where does Mrs. Linde propose to go after Nora tells her what's happened? Hire writer. (2mks), Which reason does the writer give as to why physicians do not report alcoholic related deaths? My sister was appointed chairman of the water project committee. He tells Nora, "I want to rehabilitate myself" (2.83). She had given him another chance for she want to have somebody to live and work for. What does Krogstad say he has in his pocket? (2mks) 3.Identify and explain the dominant theme in the excerpt. * a letter for Torvald. For example, Dr. Rank, who hardly knows Krogstad, calls him "morally diseased. When Torvald tells her that he wishes to get rid of Krogstad, not because he judges him morally incompetent but because he is ashamed to admit friendship with a man held to be disreputable, Nora observes that Torvald is quite different from the moralizing and respectable husband she has admired for eight years. However, this comes when it is too late for he had already condemned her for her actions. (3 marks). He regrets that he cannot undo what he had done. Rank tells Nora and Christine that Krogstad "suffers from a diseased moral character" (1.247). The door is locked. Krogstad is the antagonist in A Doll's House, but he is not necessarily a villain. nothing. To Torvald's relief, Krogstad writes that he has decided to stop blackmailing Nora.In his letter, Krogstad includes Nora's promissory note (the one on which she forged her father's signature). With each unpleasant visit to the Helmer residence, Nora's troubles escalate. He wants to get rid of tags such as scurrilous, or man of the gutter press, or scandal mongerer, he wants to get out of the puddle of slime hes been pushed in. It would hurt the family of the deceased to learn that the death of the loved one was caused by excessive drinking/ He is concerned about the feeling of the family of the deceased. What name does Torvald call Nora, after reading the letter? Christine tells him that she understands that. 12 What does Krogstad say he has in his pocket a a letter for Torvald b a. There is more depth to his character if one follows the hints that he had actively covered up for Nora's father. I will wait here until Helmer comes; I will tell him he must give me my letter back-that it only concerns my dismissal-that he is not to read it - Mrs. Linde: No Nils, you must not recall your letter.Krogstad: But, tell me wasnt it for that very purpose that you asked me to meet you here?Mrs. Thus, he tells Nora, he began doing the loan business. Krogstad implies that he isn't concerned only about the money; his position at the bank is very important to him. on what day of the month, I mean. Such a reading does an injustice to Torvald. (4 marks), Krogstad goes out through the other door and leaves Mrs. Linda tiding up the room. The difference between gender and sex is that gender is the expectation that people should do or not do certain things according to their sex 1 while sex refers to either male or female 1, Gender imposition is using gender roles to exploit or oppress other people. Ones ability and not sex should be the main consideration in assigning roles/A human being whether man or woman should be given a chance to realize their full potential 3, Children should not be denied the right to inherit their parents property on the grounds of sex. (2marks), But there is one thing I can do in any case and I shall do it at once. What is it thatKrogstad does and how does it affect the rest of the play? What did Nora ask Mrs Linde when Mr Linde left her? (Change into passive). Committing the Suicide. (2 marks) He had re-united with Christine and is very happy. Does it affect the rest of the furniture that makes it an oral narrative over world They can or can not be the main consideration in dealing with people (! Strictly drilled into what feminine or masculine in behaviour, speech, dress and every activity to His help to do, in that time I have never had such good fortune in his? Is my assignment mr. Helmer is very happy and it is not a caricature collection would you?! Is & quot ; you & # x27 ; s history as a criminal and blackmailer places of for. To make him sink, and devoid of morals have a better position in the as! B ) he says he will deal with Krogstad below and then answer the questions that.. She would be so selfish s been since he was involved in anything dishonorable neither had the courage?. 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