what are the gates of zion in the bible

We hope it opened your eyes to the past, present and future importance of Gods holy city. Christ as the Cornerstone of a spiritual Zion gives hope once more to the poor, the weak, and the hungry in preference to the powerful and wealthy of 1st Century Jerusalem and today. Moving south past the Armenian quarter along the Old City walls, we find the Zion Gate, built in 1540. Isaiah 2. It is possible for the Christian, the child of God to become broken-down or as we may more regularly express it, back -sliding broken on the pathway of life, crippled by the baggage of life, and beaten by the pressures of life. It is similarly disturbing to witness the broken down lives of those who have given in, and given up on God. The nation of Israel originated from Jacob, the last of the three patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The body of Christ as a whole suffers, and the work of the kingdom, for Zions sake, (for the Saviours sake) is set back. Zion can be thought of as the spiritual and future eternal Jerusalem ( Isaiah 28:16; Isaiah 33:20 ). Which ought to be a priority for us all. In this day and age of threats and antisemitism towards the people of the promise, are you thankful for Israel? There are works that God has predestined us to do in Zion; He had planned beforehand that we (the Church) would be the ones to do these works. The strangers who wanted to serve the LORD and become part of the people of Israel were also a part of the inheritance as well. A young Christian having experienced the sheep gate, then the fish gate soon sees the need for experiencing the old gate. The tunnel brought water to Jerusalem in Hezekiahs time, according to the second book of Chronicles. Many who would Lord it over us, will find the wind gone from their sails, Daniel 12:4 reads. BibleStudyTools.com, Strongs Concordance: 7865. It is a horrible thing to see our highways littered with the broken down remnants of old cars, lorries and vans. The gate is a large, L-shaped open space. 26 The gates of Zion will lament and mourn; destitute, she will sit on the ground. The Church is the final stop on the Via Dolorosa the traditional path that commemorates Jesus painful walk to Golgotha carrying his cross. Read the Bible; Reading Plans; Advanced Search; Available Versions; Audio Bibles . Nehemiah 2:13 ESV / 3 helpful votes Not Helpful what are the gates of zion in the bible This gives a fascinating window into the Jewish mindset concerning Jerusalem and her walls. All rights reserved. The effectiveness of the shared witness is reduced. ApologeticsIndex.org, Daughter Zion Gods Expression of Tender Love. David Kowalski, 2013. But let me tell you that He has not given up on you. and spread toward the desert. Reading through the book of Nehemiah, youll find the kind of attitude the child of God should have, the kind of things he ought to do and the boldness he ought to display. Questions of Psalm 87. Why Does the Bible Say, Love Does Not Boast? 2 The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. Certainly, "The Lord loves the gates of Zion, More than all the dwellings of Jacob." Pastor Jim. For the Christian this is also about awakened at about Four in the morning and been in prayer until after Eight. Zion is both the city of David and the city of God in the land of Israel. The works of the Church are more precious to Him than the place where His future throne on earth will be situated. I have known many Christians who read their Bible religiously like this, and have been doing so for most of their lives. Solomon had prayed many years prior to this time that if anyone came into that temple to pray, and if they were truly repentant, that God should hear from Heaven and forgive their back-sliding and sin. These verses refer alternately to a "Mount Zion," 1 "the daughter of Zion," 2 "virgin daughter of Zion," 3 and many of them are just plain "Zion." Throwing Money at trouble spots does not remove them we need to resolve our troubles and reconcile our neighbourhoods. As the city walls are built, destroyed, and moved and the gates are bricked up, restored, or renamed, it can be difficult to figure out what gate the text is talking about. Because there is no strangers gate, that tribe might just be the gate we walk through into Heaven. The apostle Paul writes in Romans 9:4-5 that through the nation of Israel came, the adoption, the glory, the covenant, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promisesand the Christ, who is God over all.. How Should Christians Respond to Euthanasia? You ought to have a righteous heart like Nehemiah and let the situation spur you to intercede for them. Gates in the natural are something that you enter through. Finally, to prevent our Spiritual breakdown we need. Verse Concepts. Isaiah 2. The Bible says when He turned . Dont allow yourself to fall into the trap of reading little devotional books and the like instead of the Bible. The following illustration and table show the circuit symbol and logic combinations for an AND gate. A person discovering the Bible for the first time would surely draw the conclusion that Jerusalem is very important to God, and for good reason. The Bible itself records that city gates were used in various ways. When photojournalist Ellie Warne snaps pictures of some ancient scrolls, she unwittingly becomes the target of a sinister plan. Entering the Old City through the Dung Gate brings us straight to the Western Wall plaza. These have been blessed times, times of increased revelation from the Scriptures, times of enhanced burden for the lost, and times of enriched blessing in the Spirit. Zion appears elsewhere as the mother who brings forth Israel again as a numerous people (Isaiah 66:7; Psalm 54:1-3): it is the children of the dispersion (diaspora) which Zion regains in Isaiah 60:4.; here, however, it is the nations which are born in Zion. Instead, they were the natural focal point for public life. March 1, 2022 by . Their inheritance depended on the tribe they sojourned with. "Mount Zion" is really just a hill, but since ancient traditions associate the home of gods with mountains, the site's elevation was enhanced in its title. When Nehemiah thought about Gods people, Gods promises, Gods work and all that God had invested in the kingdom and in the people, and when he learned of the broken walls of Jerusalem and the burned gates, he was moved to tears. Most importantly, the Bible mentions it over 800 times. The famous Western Wall is a segment of the outer wall of the temple mount that is closest to where the Holy of Holies would have stood. The Hebrew name Tzion (), or "Zion" as it is commonly translated, appears at least 157 times in the Bible. In Joel 2:32 he describes a place of deliverance. Let us ponder these three great sources of supply, for a moment. Nehemiah was actually at ease and comfortably in the palace until the day when certain messengers came from Judah with heartrending news. Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth. Nehemiah is the only book in the Bible where it is called the Old gate and it may have been one of the original gates made. more than all the dwellings of Jacob; the private habitations of his people; yet he has a regard to these, the bounds of which he fixed from eternity, and where he was delighting himself before they were in being; and he loves the persons that dwell in them, and what is done there in a right manner, as closet and family worship; but when these are put in competition with public worship, the latter is preferred unto them, because done by more, and more publicly; Zion and its gates, the church and its ordinances, are preferable to all the dwellings of Jacob put together. We plead thy filling, thy love and thy mighty power. ZION GATE - The Zion Gate is located in the south part of the Old City. The reason, I believe, Paul writes this to Romans is to spur them on towards being thankful and supportive of Israel. Most of these are aimed at the young in the faith, and not for the mature. Isaiah 3:26. The word Zion in the Bible is mentioned over 150 times. Are there those amongst us who desire to build a people of power and praise for God? The king used gates to address his subjects (2 Samuel 18). BibleStudyTools.com, Strongs Concordance: 4622. Zion is Jerusalem. The land is still ours because we have sought the Lord our God; we have sought Him, and He has given us rest on every side." So they built and prospered. Nehemiah was among the Jews that were in captivity in Babylon and he was chosen by the king to be his cupbearer at his palace in Shushan. The city was open to an attack. Verse Concepts. The Bible says that the Lord loves the gates of Zion (Ps 87:2). It is parallel with Jesus initial entry from the Mount of Olives, and with the indication in Zechariah that the Messiahs second coming will occur at the same location. The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. All the biblical prophets spoke of the walls and gates of Jerusalem also, in connection to Gods faithfulness. . But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. But when the Psalmist said in Psalm 118:19 Open to me the gates of righteousness he was referring to the works of righteousness. The Sacrificial, and Substitutionary death of Jesus on the Cross brought about the Redemption of the whole world, (John 3:16) but it is not until a man or woman, boy or girl, accepts this glorious gospel personally that they are born again into Gods family. In this time of limited international travel, we hope that this virtual tour has given you a taste of the biblical gates of Jerusalem. have trampled down the choicest vines, which once reached Jazer. In whatever tribe a stranger resides, there you are to give them their inheritance. Ezekiel 47:22-23. More than all the dwellings of Jacob - Than any of the places where the descendants of Jacob, or where his people dwell. If we continue north, we can exit the Old City through the Damascus Gate, built in 1537. The Gates of Zion Zion Chronicles by Bodie Thoene and Brock Thoene Bestseller Softcover $15.99 Add to Cart Qty: Buying in bulk? Dr. Rick Warren made these well known in his best seller "The Purpose-Driven Church.".God has designed 5 main purposes for the Church: outreach (evangelism or soul-winning), worship, fellowship.In the first days of the early church, we are told that the . We pray for the healing of our world and for the establishment of Gods kingdom on earth. The Zion Gate was used by the Israel Defense Forces in 1967 to enter and capture the Old City. We may preach reconciliation to the world, but until we are reconciled with one another, the world will not hear us! Which one do you plan on walking through? Our God comes, he does not keep silence, before him is a devouring fire, round about him a mighty tempest. They are the original people of faith and promise, and through them our salvation comes in Yeshua. My parents are Catholic believers. It is singularly the most disturbing and disappointing sight for any Pastor to witness one of their number in this back-slidden and broken-down state, and as I hinted earlier, it should drive us to our knees in intercessory prayer for their recovery and restoration. In general is not used to point out to whom the addition is made as belonging to them, but for what purpose, or as what (cf. When was the last time you spent an HOUR in prayer? Even whilst we wait today for His physical return, He stands knocking at the gate of every heart. Jerusalem is part of Gods great love story for humanity. Something I find very distressing as a minister is the apparent apathy and indifference that is breaking the heart of the Church and breaking the heart of her Saviour. zion in the bible. Zion Gate (Hebrew: , Shaar Zion, Arabic: , Bab Sahyun), also known in Arabic as Bab Harat al-Yahud (Jewish Quarter Gate) or Bab an-Nabi Dawud (Prophet David Gate), is one of the seven historic Gates of the Old City of Jerusalem.. Strong also created a separate entry for Sion: another name for Mount Hermon. While still important in the Bible as the potential place of Jesus transfiguration in Mark 9:3, Sion is not the site of the Holy Kingdom. It does not signify "to record or register in writing;" for the official name , which is cited in support of this meaning, designates the historian of the empire as one who keeps in remembrance the memorable events of the history of his time. . a daughter of zion zion chronicles series 2 by bodie. Psalms 87:2 Context. I have known times in my recent history, when I have. (And incidentally, God does not heal you today when you ask him, He healed you also 2000 years ago by His Stripes, your healing manifests when you believe it and receive it and if you dont, you wont! The same is true in the spiritual. This empowerment is necessary for us both individually as members, and corporately as the body of Christ, His Church. In both senses, Zion is a defense: fortress literally means fortified place or stronghold.. Nowadays we can read the word much more easily and conveniently than we did years go. Selah "I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to those who know Me; Behold, O Philistia and Tyre, with Ethiopia: 'This one was born there.' chronicles plete set book by bodie thoene. We are both chosen to be His temple, the place where His glory dwells. Selah. Zechariah 1:17. The gate is in close proximity to an archaeological park called City of David. Accordingly, it is clear that is also meant to refer to the conversion of the other three nations to whom the finger of God points with , viz., the war-loving Philistia, the rich and proud Tyre, and the adventurous and powerful Ethiopia (Isaiah 18:1-7). Through this lens we can understand why Nehemiah sat down and weptwhen he heard: the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire (Nehemiah 1:3-4). As a result of our hardened hearts towards one another, many of us walk in great affliction and reproach; our walls are broken down and our gates burned with fire. the power of hell or Satan) will not prevail over His Church (Matthew 16:18). God requires his people to humble themselves and pray and seek his face and turn from their wicked ways, then he promises that he will hear from heaven, he will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Many will spend even less time, with a hurried petition as they leave for work in the morning, and a similar quickie as they climb into bed at night. 2 Chronicles 7:14. This verse is referencing the city of the New Jerusalem or Heaven. In Psalm 9:14 he begged God to save him from his enemies so that "in the gates of Daughter Zion" he could "rejoice in your salvation.". Much as he might be pleased with their quiet abodes, with their peace, prosperity, and order, and with the fact that his worship was daily celebrated in those happy families, yet he had superior pleasure in the multitudes that crowded the ways to the place where they would publicly acknowledge him as their God. You are to allot the land as an inheritance for yourselves and for the strangers residing among you Along with you the strangers are to be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel. Jerusalem has often been wayward, captivated by idols, all of which has led to her fallenness and destruction. Nothing Shall Prevail Against the Church. Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God! Oppressed and lonely people can take comfort from their role as Daughters of Zion, a term evocative of Gods relational tenderness. . The ancient Hebrew word Tsiyon (Zion) is a Canaanite hill fortress in Jerusalem captured by David and called in the Bible City of David.", According to Patheos.com, Zion also means mountain, another term for governments or nations, but biblical writers often mean the mountain of the Lord, [] the Rock of Israel from Isaiah 30:29b. gate of zion since ad 70 yet on may 14 1948 the day of israel s statehood the british will turn that key the symbol of his hope . Those who were distracted from their pilgrim journey by the attractions and lure of this world. Jerusalem was the heart of Israel and where God's . from the World, but the World will keep you from the word! Each person, according to their tribe, inherited a portion of the land. , Isaiah 23:13), by fixing the eye upon each one separately. Zion was once a physical and a spiritual structure, but it is also being built now in the heart of each believer who walks with the Lord obediently and grows in wisdom and peace. God chose this piece of land to send His Son to live on earth. Zion Gate is a battle-scarred gate built in 1540 at the southwestern corner of the Old City on Mount Zion. 26 The gates of Zion will lament and mourn; destitute, she will sit on the ground. Why Do False Teachings Stand Out More Than the Truth? Relationship with and knowledge of Christ brings peace and direction to a believer and defends a believer against spiritual attack. How do you feel when you see a neighbour whose business is completely broken down and is facing bankruptcy? Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. The dwellings of Jacob are the natural land of the Jews. Further along the southern wall is the Dung Gate, built in the 16th Century. Walmart Parable Christianbook.com* Books-A-Million IndieBound Barnes & Noble Amazon* Bookshop* *affliate partner - details Isaiah 3:26 in all English translations. The sons became the twelve tribes of Israel. Like Nehemiah, Jesus wept over Jerusalem declaring, you will not see me again until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord (Matthew 23:39). Isaac Behunin settled the Zion Canyon in 1863 near todays Zion Lodge, where he farmed tobacco, corn and fruit trees. A Concern and Compassion that goes beyond mere words, but that motivates and moves us into action, to rebuild and repair the broken and the fallen down. The word should be transforming you visibly if its not, you are not being nourished by it! Nehemiah knew all this, he knew the Prayer of Solomon, thus when he heard that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down and the gates were burned with fire, it touched him and he began to pray about it. Join the 28,126 who get encouraging articles, an exclusive insider view, and connect with what God is doing in Israel every week. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. The ancient Hebrew word Tsiyon ( Zion) is "a Canaanite hill fortress in Jerusalem captured by David and called in the Bible 'City of David.'" According to Patheos.com, Zion also means "mountain," another term for "governments or nations," but biblical writers often mean "the mountain of the Lord, [] the Rock of Israel" from Isaiah 30:29 b. Watch for it, its coming soon. Today I have entitled my sermon The Gates of Zion, for in Psalm 87:2, the Bible says, The Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. This means that God loves the works of Zion, that is, the glorious works of righteousness which the Church does by living in His Name.

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