research population example

Humans are distinctive in having a long life span, a slow aging process, and a long postreproductive life span. A better understanding of demographic processes by Chinese ocials combined with resistance to the one child policy within China and criticism from abroad, contributed to a de facto modication of the policy (Banister and Harbaugh 1994). Before drawing a sample the investigator should define the population from which it is to come. Organisms with longevity invest more on repair and maintenance than those with short lives do, resulting in slower accumulation of damage over life. Although the UK, Scandinavia, and other northern European states were important in the spread of the population movement, it was once again the political and economic inuence of the USA that played a dominant role in persuading Third World countries that family planning programs were essential to their social and economic development. And then theres your friends and people youre in class with. The target population can be consumers, employees, engineers, miners, managers, retail stores (objects). Secondly, the researcher must select a sample from each subgroup to fit their predefined quotas. So what went wrong for the Literary Digest? The world population now is well over 6 billion. Upon returning home, graduates of these educational programs often lled critical positions in development programs and family planning. This acceleration of the increase in maximum life span plateaus with the modern humans. Definition. Really, its a quick and easy way to run a survey. Equally important as a gauge of national power was economic and technological superiority, as well as a nations structure of alliances. Clarendon, Oxford, UK, Harmsen H 1950 Notes on abortion and birth control in Germany. However, a simple random sample isnt quite that easy to build. (eds.) There is no list of residents of New York City (or any other city). In classical Greece, the most martial city-state, Sparta, enacted laws that made marriage compulsory and imposed special taxes, civil indignities, and political disadvantage on celibates. So youve developed your research question, figured out how youre going to measure whatever you want to study, and have your survey or interviews ready to go. It should be concise, but don't feel like you need to cram all of your information into one paragraph. Example 1: What is the median household income in Miami, Florida? Although many branches and organs of the UN would eventually be involved in curtailing rapid population growth, the creation of UNFPA was critical to the entire multilateral eort. Literary Digest had run the poll since 1916, and had been correct in predicting the outcome every time. Based on the distribution pattern and density of archaeological sites, it seems that human species lived in small populations with low population density during most of human evolutionary history. The maximum potential life span of humans is longer than that of other great apes. For instance, the framework might have a primary division into males and females and then a secondary division of each of those categories into five age groups, the result being a framework with ten compartments. Contribution This article provides clear definitions of the population structures essential to research, with examples of how these structures, beginning with the unit of analysis, are described within research. However, it means the results of the study may have limited ability to predict motivations or behaviors of people that arent included in the sample, i.e., people outside the age of 18-22 that are going to college. PDF Sample of the Qualitative Research Paper - Alvin Independent School In roughly the same time period, Pakistan and Sri Lanka instituted population policies. The USA played a particularly signicant role in shaping world population policy starting in the 1960s and in framing the modern debate over the politics of population. The biggest issue is that you have to know who everyone is in order to randomly select them. The steps to this method are outlined below: 1. Total population sampling | Lrd Dissertation - Laerd Meanwhile China, the worlds most populous nation, captured the imagination of many Third World countries at the Bucharest Conference in 1974, by proudly proclaiming that socialist China could accommodate increasing numbers of people. As a preliminary study he examines the hospital case notes over the previous 10 years and finds that of 120 patients in this age group with a diagnosis confirmed at operation 73 (60.8%) were women and 47 (39.2%) were men. Population Forecasts Research Paper - iResearchNet While maximum life span implies a biological limit to how long an individual lives, average life span is estimated from the mortality data. In K. Hawkes & R. R. Paine (Eds.). This technique is used when the study calls for participants who are hard to find because of a unique or rare quality or when a participant does not want to be found because they are part of a stigmatized group or behavior. Read only the first three digits, and go down the column starting with the first row. Recognizing that in the contemporary world national power no longer depended on numbers alone, policy makers gave increased emphasis to enhancing the quality of the population, that is, the health, education, and other factors that contribute to what has been called the eective population (Organiski et al. Industrial and Scientific Innovation. This is how your paper can get an A! RESEARCH STUDY PROPOSAL TARGET POPULATION - 1 RESEARCH - Course Hero Target population is population of ultimate clinical interest. The adult mortality rate for humans doubles every 8 years, while for mice it doubles every 120 days (Hill, 1993). But, because of practicalities, entire target population often cannot be studied. The terms unbiased and precision have acquired special meanings in statistics. And so on. Step 1: Reflect on your hypothesis The hypothesis you've developed for your research includes a piece of crucial information about your research question and variables that you want to evaluate. Even in captivity, maximum life span on record is about 60 years for apes, in contrast to the markedly longer life span of the oldest human on record. Child allowances were increased and long-term maternity leave of one to three years was introduced (McIntyre 1975). Making a uniformitarian assumption that the relationships between body size, brain size, and maximum life span that are observed in the present are as valid for species in the past, maximum life span can be estimated for various fossil human ancestors (hominids; Weiss, 1981). It is a common mistake to try and use the standard error to describe data. With recent advances in medical care and nutrition, mortality has decreased, while fertility has not changed much. There seems to be a central regulator of aging that regulates the multiple genes involved in aging (Cutler, 1975) by responding to environmental signals: When environment is hostile and nutritional access becomes difficult, organisms will change allocation of resources, diverting energy away from reproduction and into somatic maintenance. Population growth will continue, if for no other reason than the momentum inherent in the age structure, that is, the large numbers of young people who have yet to complete their reproductive years (Bongaarts 1994). 96104, Davis K 1971 The nature and purpose of population policy. Not really. Convenience sampling, also known as accidental or opportunity sampling, is a process of choosing a sample that is easily accessible and readily available to the researcher. The maximum life span for hominids that existed before the genus Homo came into being (Australopithecus africanus, A. robustus, and A. boisei) is around 50. Maximum life span is thought to be biologically determined, while average life span or life expectancy is subject to extrinsic mortality rates. With a lower extrinsic mortality rate, adults will live long enough to die from age-specific frailty (Robson, van Schaik, & Hawkes, 2006); therefore, senescence rates are directly related to the extrinsic mortality rate. That would exclude anyone that was born in the United States or and that wasnt a politician, and Id have to define what I meant by prominent. Proportional quota sampling refers to ensuring that the quotas in the sample match the population (if 35% of the company is female, 35% of the sample should be female). They further discussed opportunities for achieving zero population growth vis a vis NRR=1 by the end of 2010. While there is a trend of increase in longevity over the course of human evolution, the increase is most dramatic in the modern age since the Industrial Revolution. 8. All of that probably sounds pretty complicated. What that requires is a sampling frame, a list of all residents in the population. Theres an appendix later in this book where I walk through the actual steps of creating weights for a sample in R, if anyone actually does a survey. Research Methodology Module 3 resource Title: Educational Research: Sampling a Population By Richard M. Jacobs, OSA, Ph.D. . According to Charnov, it is the slow growth that is driving the evolution of slow life history (Charnov & Berrigan, 1993). Caspari, R. E., & Lee, S.-H. (2006). Sample means a subset of the members of the population chosen to participate in the study. Pepperoni wins right, 4 to 3? A slower rate of aging among humans would lead to greater differences in maximum life spans between humans and great apes (Hawkes, 2003). Population & Sample: Writing Your Participant Section (The - YouTube Other writers go so far as to treat population policy as any government action that directly or indirectly exerts an eect on health, well being, status, or quality of life. Usually, however, we are not in a position to take a random sample; our sample is simply those subjects available for study. See the example using the list of 20 names below. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. Build your survey now. Thus, slow aging and longevity are connected. That was made painfully clear when the magazine Literary Digest ran a poll to predict who would win the 1936 presidential election between Alf Landon and incumbent Franklin Roosevelt. Although a statistician should clearly define the population he or she is dealing with, they may not be able to enumerate it exactly. Kaplan, H., Hill, K., Lancaster, J., & Hurtado, A. M. (2000). Random selection is not used in nonprobability sampling. Suppose we chose a block size of ten. Its a fun mental exercise to think about how you would go about creating a sampling frame for different groups though; think through where you would look to find a list of everyone in these groups: Plumbers For instance, lets say youre studying illegal fight clubs in your state. Despite the increase in average life span, there is no evidence of increase in the maximum life span. Fig. Probability sampling is a sampling technique in which every individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected as a subject for the research. Fossil data show that adult survivorship increased quite recently in human evolution.Adult survivorship has been very low for much of human evolution, increasing dramatically with the modern humans of the Upper Paleolithic age (Caspari & Lee, 2004). The maximum life spans of most mammalian species form a straight line when they are plotted against various biological variables. The population refers to the collection of all the elements that have common characteristics, which comprises the universe. In retrospective studies of this kind numbers can be allotted serially from any point in the table to each patient or specimen. Stratified random sampling often provides greater statistical accuracy than simple random sampling and helps ensure that certain groups are accurately represented in the sample. Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental or selective sampling, refers to a method in which the researcher decides who will be selected for the sample based on who or what is relevant to the studys purpose. By drawing blindly, you can eliminate human bias in constructing the sample and your sample should represent the population from which it is being taken. Williams, G. C. (1957). Assuming the numbers are actually random, anyone might be called. In statistics the term population has a slightly different meaning from the one given to it in ordinary speech. They also observed that high production density fostered industry and commerce and provided the basis for the establishment of colonies that would further enrich the nation. A population is thus an aggregate of creatures, things, cases and so on. Since one would expect the precision of the estimate to increase with the sample size, the standard error of an estimate will decrease as the sample size increases. Examples The population of all workers working in the sugar factory. Difference Between Population and Sample (with Comparison Chart) - Key Although this technique allows for quick and easy access to available participants, a large part of the population is excluded from the sample. Sampling is the process of picking a numerically representative group of individuals from a population of concern. Consequently, population size was small. Sample populations are often used in research because of the near impossibility of polling or studying the entire group. There is always a question of whether specimens adequately represent the populations to which they belonged. TARGET POPULATION - Research Foundation - Target population - Subject On the other hand, Non-publication in qualitative studies is more likely to occur because of a lack of depth when describing study methodologies and findings are not presented. In modern days, external factors also include medicine and public health measures. Usually, a sample of the population is used in research, as it is easier and cost-effective to process a smaller subset of the population rather than the entire group. Academic Press, London, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Aairs 1973 The determinants and consequences of population trends: New summary of ndings on interaction of demographic, economic, and social factors. Since the Stockholm Conference on Environment in June 1972a conference generally regarded as highly successfulthe United Nations has increasingly relied on the mechanism of international conferences to shape global policy on a variety of social and economic issues ranging from women, children, and human rights to population and development. The deeply held beliefs that make population policy an object of intense dispute have their roots in such issues as political and economic ideologies, religion, morality, nationalism, and ethnicity. Research Reports, Vol. Although a substantial proportion of research concentrates on discovering a specific single gene that is directly responsible for aging, there is increasing awareness that aging is a phenomenon contributed to by multiple factors and genes. In quantitative research methodology, the sample is a set of collected data from a defined procedure. In a research proposal, an introduction can be a few paragraphs long. Members of national delegations were not exclusively government ocials and political leaders; governments also chose to select physicians, family planning activists, social workers, as well as feminists to represent their countries. Chinese ocials realized that their population goals could be achieved, albeit more slowly, and with less public resentment, by implementing the one child policy less strictly. Panel study: Research traces the same sample over time. Indirect support for this model can be found in the match between intrinsic longevity (maximum life potential) and extrinsic mortality (Ricklefs, 1998). What is the standard error of the mean? When the number of people reaching adulthood and reproducing equals the number of people dying, the population size is at equilibrium, and there is no growth. The value increases with Homo habilis at 61, Homo erectus at 69 and 78, archaic Homo at 89, and more than 90 years of life span is predicted for Neanderthals as well as modern humans (Weiss, 1981). Population policy has a long history of engendering political controversy that promises to persist as it is fueled by divergent views of the Good Society. To the Mercantilist rulers, a large and growing population was equated with a rich and prospering nation; therefore, the more people the better. Shim, Chin Yee Chan, Si Yee Wei, Yuan Ghani, Hazim Ahmad, Liyana Sharif, Hanisah Alikhan, Mohammad Fathi Haji Bagol, Saifuddien Taib, Surita Tan, Chee Wah Ong, Xin Mei Wang, Lin-Fa Wang, Yan Liu, An Qi Lim, Hong Shen Wong, Justin Naing, Lin and Cunningham, Anne Catherine 2022. Grandmothers and the evolution of human longevity. The sample is the specific group of individuals that you will collect data from. The majority of centenarians are women, and most of the oldest old are women. In fact, women can be expected to live 25 years or more after menopause; a woman undergoing menopause does not experience a corresponding aging process in other parts of her body. This is a convenience sample. Typically, the sample is small with very specific experiences and perspectives. It is with the appearance of the genus Homo in the terminal Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs that ancestral humans spread out of Africa into the world. Weiss used hunter-gatherer population density of 0.28 per square kilometer to estimate population size from areas of habitation during the Pleistocene: His calculations indicate that there were 0.5 million people between half a million and a million years ago, and that this number increased to 1.3 million in the Middle Paleolithic (Weiss, 1984), although such estimates are far from accurate and associated with large error. You might say easy!, theres people all around you. Where do they live? For example, a population could be "all the residents of Germany "which in 2017 was estimated to be about 83 million peopleor "all the freshman in a certain high school"which can range from a single person to a couple thousand depending on the school. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. With the appearance of the genus Homo in the early Pleistocene, hominid populations expanded throughout the world, continuing to grow in size. Further work has shown that this increase in adult survivorship is not a direct consequence of the emergence of modern humans as a taxon (Caspari & Lee, 2006). Statisticians also speak of a population of objects, or events, or procedures, or observations, including such things as the quantity of lead in urine, visits to the doctor, or surgical operations. 1. It is unknown how much of the life span differences are attributable to the extreme discrepancy in sample sizes. Often times, they use a little help. The aging process is intimately associated with the accumulation of damage on the molecular or the cellular level. That means you can get your survey completed with a small grant ($1-2k at the low end) and get the data back in a few hours. Current research supports the combination of the mutation accumulation model and the antagonistic pleiotropy model. SAMPLE Accessible Population Target Population 3. The decrease of mortality results in the increase in average life expectancy, as more people survive to later age. When you're doing research, you're not always able to ask everyone you'd like about your topic. Mortality rates among wild chimpanzees. Few studies show that maximum life span has changed much over time (Wilmoth & Robine, 2003). Lets go through a slightly more complex example, still just considering one quality about people in the class. Thus the variation between samples depends partly also on the size of the sample. They polled their own readership, which tended to be more educated and wealthy on average, along with people on a list of those with registered automobiles and telephone users (both of which tended to be owned by the wealthy at that time). Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. Definition of Sample By the term sample, we mean a part of population chosen at random for participation in the study. A research question is an inquiry into a specific concern or relevant issue. However, this was not always the case. Pennington, R. L. (1996). (2004). The cost of accumulation of wear and tear (somatic damage) that is not repaired is the aging process. Quota sampling is used for the same reason as stratified sampling, to ensure that your sample has representation of certain groups. Sometimes he or she can completely enumerate its members before beginning analysis for example, all the livers studied at necropsy over the previous year, all the patients aged 20-44 admitted to hospital with perforated peptic ulcer in the previous 20 months. An example is the students who speak Hindi among the students of a school. The population could be everyone on planet Earth, everyone in the United States, everyone in rural counties of Iowa, everyone at your university, and on and on. It is then important to bear in mind that the distributions of the categories on two samples made up on such a framework may be truly comparable, but they will not reflect the distribution of these categories in the population from which the sample is drawn unless the compartments in the framework have been designed with that in mind. Both pro-life and pro-choice advocacy groups created international linkages whereby they have attempted to replicate the Western abortion controversy in developing countries as well as in the international arena. The resulting increase in population size has subsequently met with another change, a decrease in fertility. The examples of total population sampling below attempt to highlight two of the characteristics of total population samples, discussed above: (a) the fact that the population size is very small; and (b) the fact that the population shares an uncommon characteristic (s). For instance, a study on students in schools would probably benefit from randomly selecting from all students at the 36 elementary schools in a fictional city. Hawkes, K. (2003). In case you need help on any kind of academic writing visit website and place your order. Sampling Frames in Research - Key Takeaways. Research example: Parameters and statistics In your study of students' political attitudes, you ask your survey participants to rate themselves on a scale from 1, very liberal, to 7, very conservative. Across populations, mortality causes are the same, but in different order of importance. But a physician might embark on a study to try to answer the question What is the average systolic blood pressure of Englishmen aged 40-59? But who are the Englishmen referred to here? The cycle continues until the needed sample size is obtained. Life expectancy is the number of years that a cohort is expected to live. Say for instance were trying to predict who will win an election in a county with three cities. The proportions of people at different ages are often represented by a population pyramid, which shows the percentage of population by age and sex. To conduct sampling, a researcher starts by going where your participants are. Convenience, they relied on lists they had available, rather than try to ensure every American was included on their list. Evolutionary perspectives on human aging. As in the case of life, the point of death that is culturally acknowledged can vary from biological point of death. Earlier, both fertility and mortality rates were high. As Kingsley Davis has pointed out, Never, apparently, is a demographic goal sufcient by itself to justify a population policy. A simple procedure is to place the names from the population is a hat and draw out the number of names one wishes to use for a sample. Cross-species comparisons of life spans that are explained by biological variables such as brain size, body size, metabolic rate, and body temperature have yielded statistically significant relationships (Cutler, 1975; Sacher, 1978), which suggest that life span is an evolutionary variable that contributes to the fitness of a species. The maximum life span can be empirically noted by observing the longest survival of an individual member of a species, which provides the minimum threshold of the maximum life span. What sex are they? In Western Europe, by contrast, fertility fell below replacement level, and governments once again adopted pro-natalist policies. Weiss, K. M. (1981). If fertility rate increases, the base will expand, as there will be a higher proportion of younger people in the population. As such, non-probability sampling is more common because of the researchers desire to gain information not from random elements of the population, but rather from specific individuals. As the USA exported its expertise and beliefs in voluntary family planning, so too did it export its profound political problems centering on the population issue. Lets say your class actually has 100 students, but you only received votes from 50. While great ape females in the wild who survive to age 15 can be expected to live 15 to 20 more years (Hill et al., 2001; Wich et al., 2004), humans of forager populations who survive to age 15 can be expected to live at least 30 more years (Blurton Jones, Hawkes, & OConnell, 2002; Hill & Hurtado, 1996; Howell, 1979). Cluster sampling is an approach that begins by sampling groups (or clusters) of population elements and then selects elements from within those groups. People judge a population trend to be good or bad only in the light of its presumed social and economic consequences (Davis 1971, p. 6). In Table F (Appendix), what is the distribution of the digits, and what are the mean and standard deviation? A population is the group who is the main focus of a researcher's interest; a sample is the group from whom the researcher actually collects data. A population pyramid with a wide base and narrow top (approximating a triangle) represents a high mortality or high fertility rate. Reasons for sex differences in longevity are not clear, although many have attributed it to greater testosterone-driven mortality in males. Scaling of maximum life span in mammals: A review. What if 5/12s of the school was yellow and 1/12th was green, how would I get the right proportions? It is important that the researcher builds rapport and gains trust so that participants can be comfortable contributing to the study, but that must also be balanced by mainting objectivity in the research. To draw a satisfactory sample sometimes presents greater problems than to analyse statistically the observations made on it. Example: A researcher examines if and how employee satisfaction changes in the same employees after one year, three years and five years with the same company. In this view, life span is extended or shortened as a result of selection. Furthermore, it is a matter of common observation that a small sample is a much less certain guide to the population from which it was drawn than a large sample. This research paper will discuss the diculties faced by governments that adopt policies to either lower or increase birthrates. Chimpanzees in the wild start a visible aging process characterized by external appearance of frailty and senescence in their 30s (Goodall, 1986), and once they reach this age, they seem to age rapidly, dying by age 40. There are a lot of differnet options in how you can select the people to participate in your research, but typically only one that is both correct and possible depending on the research youre doing. 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