property binding angular

Modify the app.component.ts file as shown below. To bind to an element's property, enclose it in square brackets, [], which identifies the property as a target property. Attribute directives; Building an Property 'value' does not exist In Angular, Interpolation is used to display data from component to view (DOM). any changes made in the controller. Ahead-of-Time compilation. Note: The Angular team recommends using the property binding or Interpolation whenever possible and use the attribute binding only when there is no corresponding element property to bind. To bind to an element's property, enclose it in square brackets, [], which identifies the property as a target property. In the next example two text fields are bound together with two ng-model directives: controls (input, select, textarea). In an event binding, Angular configures an event handler for the target event. This will restrict your [innerHTML] values from using