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Mark talks about how older WCF apps can often move to gRPC pretty easily, but moving the app has other problems, like out-of-date libraries, build practices, tests, and so on. Oren explains how he came to the realization that he needed to build his own data store, and the advantages of document databases over relational databases. As Justin says, TDD is just a tool in the toolbox for making long-lived software. How do you get girls interested in programming and help them learn? The conversation digs into the power of staying within Visual Studio - tools that you know and understand! You need more actors in your life! As Rick says, it might be called a beta, but it is acting more like an alpha at this point - new features and breaking changes are occurring regularly as the toolset develops. Check out all the links below for F# resources and community! It's a skill like any other, and well worth cultivating! Carl and Richard talk to Steve Teixeira, Product Unit Manager for the Parallel Development Tools team within Developer Division's Parallel Computing Platform organzation at Microsoft. Carl and Richard chat with Brian Randell about the latest version of Team Foundation Server and it's ability to support a DevOps practice in your organization. Joe did a session at TechEd 2004 called "How Hackers Hack" which was the number two highest-attended session! The conversation starts out focused on AngularJS and Rob's role with the open source project and ultimate departure. In the end, a bot is just another front-end over your well-organized services layer that can handle web and mobile front-end services as well. How do you test your web applications? DonXML) is all about XML and related technologies, and as such he told us Why XML? for the as-of-yet unbeliever.

Other topics include what the community gets wrong with XML, what's wrong with typed datasets, Object Constraint Language (OCL), what's wrong with the XML DOM, declarative programming and XAML, and SVG. This is architecture perfect for the cloud! The conversation spans over use of computers in schools, teaching fundamental uses of computers, actual programming, and looking beyond. After her life in America, she later moved to the Mushroom Kingdom by presumably being imported by a fruit company there, and was purchased by Mario on Christmas 2019, who gave her distinguishable features (Meggy's Inkling goggles, beanie, and headphones) as a stand-in for Meggy. Carl and Richard talk to Jeremy Miller about Marten, an open source document data store library that runs on top of PostGreSQL. Test Driven Development (TDD), good idea in theory, but in practice? This show wraps up our three-part series on WIF. Donald Farmer talks about data mining with SQL Server and related technologies, including a fascinating discussion about using algorithms for predicting future trends. This was recorded live in front of an audience at the MS Financial Services Developer Conference in NYC last month. While at NDC London, Carl and Richard talk to Ian Cooper about hexagonal architectures. In that episode, "Melony" appears twice: Playing soccer with Mario and later shooting ink to make Waluigi fall to the ground. Autonomy and mastery, that's what keeps developers motivated! It's tricky to make money on mobile apps, but it is possible, you just have to know your options! This is the non-subdued version of Glenn Block we all know and love! "No.""Yea(h)!""Yay!" Later the conversation turns to the evolution of Application Lifecycle Management, with concepts like Continuous Delivery and DevOps becoming essential skills for the modern developer. Carl and Richard talk to Bart de Smet about the beta of Reactive Extensions (Rx) Version 2. Carl and Richard talk to Denise Jacobs about creativity. Shawn also talks about some ideas around building VR apps - is there something beyond games worth making? Udi begins the conversation talking a bit about the history of CQRS and how it derived from Bertrand Meyer's work on CQS back in the 80s. JD Trask talks to Carl and Richard about, a service for instrumenting your clients and servers in production and feed errors directly to your project tracking and bug reporting systems. This is an interesting show simply because the veil of secrecy has finally been lifted. This leads to a conversation about team building, creating trust within the team and dealing with remote workers - how do you create trust when you can't see each other. The impact of this change means developers have to write parallel executing code, something that object orientation makes difficult. If you're a fan of vanilla JavaScript, web components can be a big boost to development, but its up to you to do the right things with them! He shares his insights into .NET and provides real world stories of development in J2EE and Visual Studio.NET, and compares the results. Dustin talks about some the decisions made in the re-engineering of C#, including whether or not to keep in the bugs! Carl and Richard talk to Troy Hunt about his experiences around his web site Have I Been Pwned and how the Ashley Madison hack blew up his traffic and made him think deeply about privacy. What a great year! But having Microsoft resources available does open some interesting doors - Phil talks about the vast amount of resources that Microsoft has to move quickly on cool features and projects around the open source world! Carl and Richard caught up with Dino Esposito at DevReach in Sofia, Bulgaria to talk about AJAX architecture. Support via Discord allows you to improve your quality of service and response times. How do you improve the performance of your application? What's an IoT device and what isn't? A large part of this conversation ends up diving deep into the relative merits of machine learning in systems. The conversation starts out with a discussion about Microsoft's focus on IoT and the recognition that this a thing that is happening, and developers need tools to be productive. Rob Conery has the Elixir bug! What does modern open source look like? Time for a Geek Out experiment! What went wrong? Carl and Richard chat with Billy Hollis about the ever-improving ability of WPF to build great looking desktop applications. The focus of this talk is on setting up the environment before tackling the code with a special focus on testing. Stephen digs into the Async-CTP, released in October 2010, to provide asynchronous keywords Async and Await. Twenty years of .NET! At the inaugural DevIntersection conference in Las Vegas, Carl and Richard hosted a panel to discuss what developers should care about in 2013. Jason Olson goes through some of the most important new features. RavenDB is a NoSQL JSON document database. Awesome show! Of course there are tools to take it further like Code Rush and Resharper - which ones are your favorites? Ready to be scared? Then the conversation turns briefly to Robert's work at Rackspace and their attempt to make the cloud even better. Vue does that too! It was awesome. There are also examples and code on GitHub - check it out! Kim talks about a 30-day blog series written by the SQLSkills team about being an accidental DBA - you didn't want to take care of a SQL Server, you just are! The conversation drives into how the advertising models around these events work. Danielle focuses on user-oriented design and how developers can decrease confusion, increase satisfaction and generally make the world a better place. Do the labels developer, tester and IT separate us or unify us? The tooling is complicated, but it is possible to get going fast with mobile development! Ionic brings controls to the table in two forms - pure CSS components and CSS/JavaScript. Carl and Richard talk to Jeffrey Richter about his role at Microsoft working on with a number of different groups that help keep Azure APIs consistent around key features like authentication, logging, and tracing. What about Windows 2016? But that's not enough, there's a cultural shift that has to happen also. This article, transcript, or section is incomplete and needs to be completed. Maxime dives into the patterns that durable functions provide, starting with the chaining pattern, where you can declare a series (or chain) of function calls that only start when the previous function completes. In the end, the substrate is a set of APIs that are used by Microsoft product teams and third-party developers alike. Carl and Richard get giddy geeky with the amazing Dr. Amber Straughn who is part of the Project Science team for the James Webb Space Telescope. Carl and Richard talk to Rob Labbe about the Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). Scott Ambler from IBM talks about the Agile Process Maturity Model, which defines three levels of Agile methodology. Carl and Richard chat with Elijah Manor about his experiences becoming a "real" front end developer and embracing CSS development. Ready to transpile your Javascript? Anthony talks about how SignalR has evolved since the first versions in 2011, today there is still the Standard Framework edition as well as the new .NET Core edition. Jason and Raymond talk about how developers can add functionality to their applications to take advantage of Sets to further increase productivity. You could win an Aston Martin!, Carl and Richard talk to Eric Boyd about what the power of Netflix Chaos Monkey can do to your cloud application. We talked about shipping VS2010, ASP.NET MVC, and Phil told us how he got into the business. The conversation dives into how the different teams are able to collaborate, how they've built a service bus based on Biztalk and the future of even more rapid application development with TFS 2012. Dare we say the future? The father of C# and TypeScript drops by for a visit! What is coming up for .NET Core? Giorgio talks about his experience with Imagine Cup a few years back before diving into what's new in IE9. Rene talks about what it's like to develop for Hololens, discussing the relative merits between writing code in Unity3D and the Universal Windows Platform (XAML!) The conversation digs into memorable moments on the show for each of the guests, plus lots of commentary about making shows, the state of the industry, and favorite funny (if maybe a bit off-color) story. You should check it out! Impostor Syndrome is real and pervasive in the development industry - what can you do about it? They cost more too! What's wrong with microservices? Carl and Richard talk to Marc Mercuri and Mark Simms about resilient cloud architecture. As always, Rory does Google Weirdos, and Carl exposes the Linux Vulnerability of the Week, He's back and he's pissed! Carl and Richard talk to Daniel Egan about Windows Phone 7, present and (dare we say) future. ASP.NET developers? If it's on the cloud, it'll scale and perform, right? Carl and Richard talk to Mark Arteaga about his experiences building Windows Phone 7 applications. Studio continues to evolve, the 2017 edition is awesome! Carl and Richard talk to Robert Schiefer about his experiences using MSDeploy to automate complex deployment solutions throughout the enterprise. Time for a Geek Out! What doesn't it do? Rob talks about how often folks that don't have formal computing science education feel like they are faking it when it comes to software development, no matter how significant their contributions are. Can Big Data actually hurt society? * Declarative Programming
Google's announcement on quantum supremacy is debated, as is the idea that quantum computers could ever be general-purpose computing devices. The conversation explores getting to the root of concerns in systems so that everyone understands what is hard and what is easy. The Road Trip event in Edison New Jersey brought out DonXML, Miguel Castro, ScottW, and lots of other great speakers and members of the .NET community in the Edison, NJ area. Since September 2010, Brian has been adding controls to the library, as of April 2011 he's up to 21 controls! Electric powerplants could help in all those aspects, but how much power can you pack into an aircraft and how much do you need? You can still make desktop software make sense! Great Apple conversation! Carl and Richard talk to Mike Richter about his work helping companies move .NET applications into the cloud. The conversation digs into the various uses of gRPC - Irina advocates for inter-microservice calls, but you can make gRPC work for a browser using gRPC Web. The conversation digs into how sysadmins and developers see applications differently, and how standard telemetry systems make it easier for everyone to be on the same page! The discussion goes down his preferred toolchain and inserting as much automation as possible - not so much for speed as for repeatability! Thanks to the long training, Melony is now ready for anything, no matter what threat may come. From there Stephen talks about 2-way symmetric and asymmetric encryption. While at NDC London, Carl and Richard chat with Michele Bustamante on how she talks to companies about utilizing container technology effectively. While at NDC is Oslo, Carl and Richard talked to Chris Hardy about Xamarin's latest work - Xamarin.Forms. Containers take virtual machines to the next level, with lower resource requirements and detailed manifests. There's a huge array of application types that make sense for Node, starting with IoT solutions, but also exploring the more traditional web applications. While iBeacons are specifically an Apple technology, there are lots of third party implementations that are more open. Also, be listening for a special musical performance at the end of the show. This inevitably leads to the hardest debate: Is your organization okay with data in the cloud? It takes some time to get used to the patterns around event sourcing, but for the right project, it can make all the difference! Jay is one of the leaders of LightSwitch at Microsoft and talks about some of the new features coming in LightSwitch including HTML 5 clients. Making whiskey is an amazing and ancient art, and the boys have been studying it for awhile perhaps a bit too closely! Also on Kickstarter is Arkyd, the space telescope that anyone can use - get a picture of yourself in space! The potential of Docker for facilitating efficient development is obvious, but could this change how we use applications as a whole? Scott also digs into the DevOps movement, talking about how all stakeholders in an application, including operations and tech support, need to be part of the process. After missing his bus, a sad Mario tries to "replicate" his friends, one of Mario's friends that Mario "replicated" was Meggy who was "replicated" with a watermelon with Meggy's separate which led (several episodes later) to the original Melony's design. Carl and Richard talk to Steve Gordon, who recently moved to Elastic to work on the .NET clients. But it's a happy chaos. Carl and Richard talk to James Montemagno about the latest features coming out of the Xamarin team to make developing cross-platform native applications faster and easier. Are you ready to take your UX design to the next level? While at the Norwegian Developers Conference in Oslo, Carl and Richard sat down with Dominick Baier to talk about claims-based security. While the focus of the discussion is on ASP.NET vNext, you can't talk web without also talking cloud, and that means Azure. Carl and Richard talk to Troy Miles about his experiences building mobile apps with the Ionic Framework. The conversation starts with a discussion about Azure Mobile Services, which is really a REST storage system that doesn't need to involve mobile at all - maybe they'll fix the name! It's important to calculate the cost of downtime, as that helps set the budget for what it takes to stay up. Carl and Richard host a now-rare telephone-based conference call (remember when these were cool?) John talks about the tooling around doing web development in Azure, including the Azure CLI and more. We have arrived at our 100th show! While he's capable of native development, he's also looking close at the various evolving tools out there. And today that is clearly wise architectural design: The diversity on the client side means you have a lot more devices accessing your application, and CSLA supports most of them in one form or another. Rod talks about his experiences running nuclear reactors in US Navy submarines and then digs into nuclear power generations world wide. OpenRasta will work side-by-side with ASP.NET MVC, Webforms and more. How do you make your APIs accessible to everyone? Carl and Richard talk to JD Trask of Raygun software about his work making applications run fast - and knowing how to do it! The challenge is in using the capability well to make retail transactions faster and more enjoyable. She later started working in the science and technology field at the Black Mesa Research Facility in New Mexico. Every approach to cross-platform development (and different browsers on different phones represent different platforms) have compromises that need to be made. The conversation digs into how you manage your source, do deployments and consider the cloud in your Sharepoint plans. Most of what you need to know to build an application lives in that language, and most of what can go wrong goes wrong there. Beyond all the endless puns, is a great conversation about memory management in .NET. The conversation also explores additive and subtractive manufacturing with CNC milling machines, laser sintering and more. Carl and Richard chat with Julia Liuson, who has been involved with Visual Studio since its very earliest days in the 90s. Carl and Richard talk to Seth Juarez about the latest developments in the machine learning space for the Microsoft space. Venkat digs into the idea that functional programming is less about language and more about practice, exploring how C# can build functional code just as well as F#. Great conversation from a brilliant guy! It all starts with talking to your people! Carl and Richard talk to Microsoft EVP and CTO Kevin Scott about his work in software with Google, LinkedIn and Microsoft - and what he focuses on today. Jonathan Pepper is back with another great Xamarin case study! Is it worth it? It's not easy building languages, especially popular ones! Carl and Richard talk to Blake Helms about the projects he's been building with Workflow - and they're awesome! Jen focuses in on the challenges of the least mature of the trifecta of web applications - CSS. While at Build, Carl and Richard chatted with Nat Friedman and Miguel de Icaza about what the acquisition of Xamarin means. This makes control over access much simpler - no need to change certificates because someone left the company! When was the last time you thought about Windows Workflow? The conversation starts out as usual with a bit of a history lesson - many things that were once called AI are now common, reliable technology like speech synthesis, natural language recognition, even vision systems. In the Carl bot dashboard, click on the Reaction roles option in the left sidebar. Oh, the stories! What can HashiCorp's Packer do for you? The conversation explores the huge diversity of photovoltaics, including concentrators and quantum dot technologies, the advantages and disadvantages involved. Yes, there's more to do to make the ORM better, and parity is close between the versions! Joel is back to talk about how small development teams can best utilize Team Foundation Server. Beyond passwords, what aspects of application security are the responsibility of the developer, and what are more the focus of operations? Is it worth it? Did we cover everything? You can be an HTML Native with just the code you need to make an application do what it needs to! Carl and Richard talk to Phil Haack about his experiences with Abbot - the chatbot designed to work within Slack. Carl and Richard did a series of interviews at Oredev with folks building mobile applications. This leads to a conversation about Event Tracing for Windows, which Dina uses primarily to take measurements of different applications running on Windows machines - but you can have your app add to the ETW stream as well. The conversation dives into what sorts of machine learning tasks make sense for ML.NET and your application, and there are a ton. As Martin says, the future is very bright - amazing free libraries are now available that make it simple to do image and character recognition with all sorts of cameras, even one on the Raspberry PI! Carl and Richard talk to Richard Reukema about his experience shifting workloads into the cloud.

  • Target the entire .NET platform
  • Concentrate on other technologies but are also interested in .NET INETA is the next evolution in user group communities - a non-profit, independent organization, chartered with supporting all user groups interested in the Microsoft .NET platform. Machine Learning has been around for years, what does it look like today? While at That Conference, Carl and Richard recorded the 900th episode in front of an audience. With pressure from SpaceX, ULA is starting to innovate - is this a good thing? Another total space geek out! Great way to think about using the cloud for testing! The pandemic is sending a lot of work to the cloud - are you ready to move? OpenRasta is a framework for simplifying building resource-oriented web-based applications. The conversation starts out on Cordova, which takes a bit of effort to assemble a coherent code-build-debug cycle from. The conversation digs into how SmartGlass works with television events to create a more social experience, how you can provide secret information to game players on an otherwise shared screen, and more! Carl and Richard talk to Scott Hunter about the latest announcements from Microsoft about Azure App Service. Past guest Stuart Lodge started MVVMCross way back in 2012 when it was focused on building MVVM apps in Silverlight, but today the focus is on Xamarin. Kubernetes seems to be the popular choice in the public cloud space, but Docker Swarm, Apache Mesos and Red Hat OpenShift all can play a role as well. David talks about how many projects start with an individual making something for themselves, which then evolves into many people utilizing the project, but not contributing to it. If you've been listening to the latest episodes, you've heard Omnisharp mentioned - time for a show on it! While at NDC London, Carl and Richard were on stage for a live show with Heather Downing, discussing the modern developer career. Check it out! Yngve talks about the limitations of the software in the medical industry and how he's learned to work around it with some of his own programming. John and Barry talk with us about Test-Driven Development, Unit Testing, and other aspects of Extreme Programming that are being used today. Brian also talks about the role of the cloud in building software fast, as well as the challenges around instrumentation in production. The benefit of Go is easy-to-read code that has great concurrency capabilities - the Actor model is a standard pattern of development for Go. The conversation digs into the issues of trust, value, play and food being key to success in leading any kind of project. Rey also walks through his tool kit of Javascript libraries. Namely, patterns, practices, anti-practices and anti-patterns, best practices, patterns in .NET, the future of C++ and managed code, VB6 as the ultimate anti-pattern, lack of OOP in ASP.NET 1.1, and looking forward to ASP.NET 2.0. Check out the link for signing up to the previews of all the Universal App Bridges. Jakub talks about the portal framework being built on TypeScript and Knockout so that all the different Microsoft teams building Azure products don't get delayed in delivery because they can't get on the portal. They're all common terms, but understanding how to do them well within your system is a challenge. Carl and Richard talk to Donald Farmer about Project Gemini, which brings Analysis Services to Excel in a very elegant way. Oh yeah, he's also given up Twitter. Really! Collaboration is key - how do you add it to your applications? Could native be making a comeback? But first - what about VB.NET? Carl and Richard talk to Sam Basu and John Bristowe of Telerik about the data they've gathered in their 2016 Developer Report. But as the product matured, a server-side model from the Razor world emerged as a hugely powerful way to build forms-over-data web applications - and the component vendors have jumped on-board! Time for a craftsmanship update from Uncle Bob! The conversation ranges over the evolution of source control, the effects of the internet on creating distributed version control and how Git, SVC, HG and many other version control systems all get along. Using Visual Studio .NET 2003 and VB.NET they were able to develop a great application for managing real-time racing data and reporting. Carl and Richard talk to Geoff Smith and Howard van Rooijen about S#arp architecture. Daniel Simmons from Microsoft joins Carl and Richard on the DNR Live Weekend for an hour of Entity Framework goodness. The challenge is making them suck less. Joel talks about helping developers understand how debugging works, utilizing stack traces, working backward through code, using watches, and so on. This is a very relaxed show, but don't think you won't learn a thing or two. Brandon Watson from the Windows Phone 7 team tells Carl and Richard how his job is to delight developers, and he's doing just that! Rob used the Phoenix MVC framework with Elixir to build web pages quickly. The best-known supervolcano today is the Yellowstone Caldera, and depending who you ask, it's due for an eruption. Carl and Richard discuss how agriculture started, how it has evolved and what the future could look like going forward - this is a foundational show for even more conversations about how we feed the world and ourselves - be part of that conversation! While at ProgNet in London, Carl and Richard sat down with Clemens Vasters to talk through the strengths and weaknesses of each messaging service. There are plenty of laughs as well. Dan talks about his experiences with Silverlight, HTML 5, MVC and jQuery. So much happened at Build! Of the new features, Juval's favorite is Generics. As Mark explains, functional programming techniques work especially well for property-based testing, allowing you to define parameters (properties) that will generate ranges of values to test against. Making connections to people in companies, understanding what the company does and who is responsible for hiring is all part of the practice of getting the right job - you can do it! Check them out! What does it mean to have clean architecture? The war ultimately provided the catalyst in the form of the Manhattan Project, culminating in the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What happens if the project goes away? Carl and Richard talk to Mads Torgersen about where C# has been and where it's going. This is a great show for parents or anyone who works with kids. The conversation dives into adding capabilities to interactive mode of F# including working easily in Jupyter Notebooks. What a gas. Carl and Richard talk to Yochay Kiriaty about his work creating Azure Functions as part of the App Service Platform for Azure. While at Ignite in Atlanta, Carl and Richard sat down with Michael Rys to talk about Azure Data Lakes - a place to store your data "as is" so that you can easily query and organize the data for further analysis. deployment options, emulators and side loaders and the fun that is app stores. Jack loves .NET! Carl and Richard talk to Carson Gross about htmx, a small Javascript library that extends HTML through attributes so that almost any element, on any event, can trigger a GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE. 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