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* License Activation: Stop GsRunner and GsServer services before Activation, not after. * GSTP server: fixed GetFileOwnerACL not implemented. * Add option to exclude subfolders: in exclude filter lines. * Command Line: improved command line parse, to catch more errors in CL options. Our own ability to see the things in the world using the eyes is nothing but a photochemical reaction where a retinal that happens to be rhodopsin (photoreceptor cell molecule) changes its shape after sunlight or light absorption.. Matrix Calculator is a simple app which you can use to perform all basic matrix operations including: multiplication exponentiation inversion Gauss elimination null space computation determinant computation Gram-Schmidt normalization Characteristic Polynomial computation igenvalues computation Eigenvectors computation. * SkyDrive: note that you cannot upload files larger than 2Gb to SkyDrive. . * OAuth2 + Browser: Run OAuth2 request from main thread, in Browser, not from worker thread. * Add Delay option to On File Change. * FTPS: Do session reuse, even if certs are not checked -- fixes session reuse problems. * Fix FTP file system issues. * Add 64-bit GoodSync version for 64-bit Windows. * SSL: Change support and activation URLs to always use SSL version of GS site. * Runner: Fix worker thread closing sequence, it could cause rare crashes. * Server Account Normalization: misc fixes to make it work better. If the problem persists continue to step-2. 1998) from publication: Broad exploitation strategy and risk benefit appraisal. * Speed up termination of job if file system becomes long-disconnected. Universal time is EZ = 0 in this calculation. * UPNP: fix data collection for HTTP/1.0 devices. * Server UI: apply better graphical design. * Change locking of the Local Disk and Local Network (Windows) file system to the remote locking. * Amazon Cloud Drive: fix persistent 503 error. Version 6.1.5 * When creating _gsdata_ folder, make it hidden on GS server side too. * gs-server: Fixed massive and memory leak, related to storing txns in memory. * Auto On Logoff: restore setting AutoEndTasks, so that Windows does not kill our job. Logged In (Attended) and Logged Out (Unattended). HOW TO WIN You win by doing one of the following, depending upon the victory conditions you chose prior to the game: 11 1. * Auto: Change execution priority and order of appearance of Auto job mode to: * Add Windows menu that lists all Job windows. * File Tree can be viewed in one of 4 projections: * Browse: Fix display of file filters. * Do NOT scan excluded folders anymore, propagation of deletion of * Selection of file system is done by Browse/Edit button to the left of folder path. * GS server: prevent Windows computer from going into Sleep while serving files. * Unattended Auto Jobs: Fixed artifacts of flipping Unattended + Auto mode Off/On. * Free Space Computation: Fix update quant not computed correctly, too small at 256 Kb. * Dynamic View buttons: show only buttons that have non-zero counts on them. * Remove Quick Backup Mode, as it was confusing and can lead to sync problems. * Explorer: Implement keyboard accelerators for common commands. * Control Center: Change from logging log lines into database to writing them into log files. * GSTP: Both email and old-style GS Connect UserId may be used to authenticate. **. * On File Change: fix listing folder error causes bailout from Partial Analyze. * GsFileSys: GsCopyFileAppend: more fixes to Assert that happens when source file becomes shorter. * FTP: allow 200 reply to CWD, used to be only 250. * sib-http: Some cleanup and fixes. Receive SMS online free from all over the world, No additional conditions and no need to register, You can receive verification code from the website or app, like google voice,apple id,gmail,facebook,whatsapp,telegram,twitter.. 1. * New Browse dialog that shows folder tree for all file systems (Windows, FTP, WebDAV). * SyncLib: optimize performance bottlenecks, so that it runs faster. * Instances: make GoodSync instance detection work correctly in No UAC mode. * Remove Job Advanced options Compare ACL and Compare ExtAttr, they are implied by Copy options. * User Change of Sync Direction: tighten up conditions for allowed operations. Please redeem it yourself. * Google Docs: Fix native document import and export. * GoodSync Account Setup: show more detailed progress on last page of wizard. * GSTP: speed up GSTP to GSTP transfers, make them resumable and do delta copy. * CC-Runner: fixed /cc-acct-passwd= and /sys-passwd= specified in command line were lost on elevation. * Sync Tree + Filters: Fixed Sync Tree was not updated when Filters were changed from Context Menu. Version 10.1.4 Oct 10, 2016 Version 10.2.2 Nov 28, 2016 * Delete File Tree upon folder disconnect if On Folder Connect option is On. An anthropologist at The Australian National University (ANU) may have stumbled across a clue to resolving one of the most enduring mysteries of Pacific history - the fate of famous French. * Add Analyze And Sync command, it analyzes and then syncs one job. * Browse Dialog: Fixed wrong root in multi-folder when home folder is not root. * OneDrive: fix crash in Browse dialog. * Job Tree tab: fixed problems in Group and Job renaming. * GSTP: Allow gstp:// prefix if it is IP name/addr without .goodsync in it. * Add command line options /userid1 /userid2 /password1 /password2. * HTTP: fix proxy auth not working in Automatic proxy mode. Version 11.2.0 May 26, 2020 left side charging ar upper. * GSTP download: fix not releasing handle after download is complete. * New Job Dialog: Set initial job direction to undefined, user has to select it explicitly. Version 8.2.8 Number +15614751156. * FTP: fix RNFR-RNTO combo in situations when disconnect happens after RNFR. * SibSmb: Fix SMB1/CIFS listing errors, etc. * Browse dialog: Do not allow to change Account options in Folders, allow it only in Accounts tab. Version 10.9.24 Feb 15, 2019 * S3: implement multi-part file copy inside S3 server. * SMB FS: Use timeout value from SMB Server Account, not the default 20 sec. * Mini-Progress Window: more improvements in showing Job Lists, fixed some bugs. When skin fold is pinched, the practitioner should be taking reading at the middle of the pinched skin, not apex or base. and use only 1 Gb of main memory for analysis. * Help -> About: show all licenses this computer has, not just one. * Sync Algorithm: Copy Folder Mod Time: Do it only in 1-way jobs and never in 2-way jobs. * Account Setup: If canceled by user, do not show error message. * On File Change: fix crashes that may happen when picking changes before Analyze. * Google Drive: Google has error, whereby it sends us listing with missing items. * Change Export Jobs command to export/import jobs in human readable TIX format. * Lock File lock.gsl: use local time, not GMT in the file. * Fix remote file system reconnection problems. If on, do not write any files to Source Side of the job. Version 9.9.57 Sept 07, 2016 * Browse Dialog: Add New Account button, needed for OAuth2 systems to browse to new account. * SkyDrive: convert to the latest SkyDrive name escaping scheme. * Remove WinInet implementations of FTP and S3, only WinInet DAV remains. In the latest update, according to a report from Zee Business channel, hackers are now using a new trick to steal your personal data even on apps like WhatsApp and no one will know. * Send Post-Analyze/Sync emails not only in Auto mode, but also when use clicks Analyze/Sync buttons. Import of FA into Mitochondria 1. * New Browse Dialog that shows both Left and Right sides at the same time. * Account Setup: Do not show Cancel button on Finishing progress dialog, it cannot be canceled. * Fix column width problem in Job List pane. * Recycled and History and Log Cleanup: now do it after every sync, as it runs faster. * GSTP Mediator: Remove Talkback processing, as it is 2 years old, so only really GS versions use it. Version 9.9.1 July 21, 2014 USA SMS verification code US Mobile Phone. * Backblaze FS: Release Part Uploaded memory, if we got an error and are out of retries. * On File Change: skip monitoring errors, instead of interpreting them as overflow. Free usage Quota consumed ! * On File Change: fix errors when folder is replaced with a link to folder. Version 6.2.9 * Account Setup: Server Setup is presented as Advanced option, On by default. * SFTP: do new handshake per RFC 4419, discontinue Diffie Hellman Kex method. * AutoUpdate: improve checking for version number, use both sockets and WinInet. * Added normalization after loading of new Accounts and Jobs. Version 9.0.4 -- Jan 26, 2012 * Account Sync: if you are using it, all your Jobs must be synced before you upgrade to this version. * Improve Move/Rename emulation for file systems that do not have Move to other folder (MTP, some FTP). * DropBox, WebDAV: improved exponential backoff on codes 503 and 429. * Side Options: Use Temp Files: Make this option always On for Local File System. * Account Setup: Impersonation option now appears only for Enterprise versions. * Version 11 has been released, see its Official Feature List. * Registry Jobs: Fixed Folder Options got damaged when reading. * Unattended Runner: Clear Sync Tree to save memory, when we finish non-On File Change job. * Fixed crash in File Monitoring when one sync folder is empty. * Explorer: fix WebDAV mount of Japanese file names with 4-byte hieroglyphs. * Google Drive V2 and V3: change captions and help. * Changes Limit Exceeded - Attention Required: make this work in Unattended mode too. * Google Drive: fix a bug in MoveFolder, was caused by GetInfo changes. * Fix setting modification time after upload to remote file system. * Browse: Fixed rare crashes on Browse dialog close. * Copy Locked Files was not working when backing up to net file system: fixed. * Gs2Go: Use lang.opt file in Profile folder to store Language setting, not registry. * Delete State and other files/folders (user command): do not drill down links when doing it. * Browse Dialog: Allow selecting root node of remote servers and creating New Folder there. * GoodSync Ver 9 to Ver 10 update page consolidated: * Mediator Web UI: Instead of CAPTCHA require users to have verified Email. * TIC: Store a copy of Accounts and Bookmarks in file accounts-bmks.tic as it may be updated by FS. * Folder Moves: fix sequence of operations, so that folder is never moved to missing parent folder. Version 8.6.1 * Auto Script: fix sending emails on Pre-Analyze. * GSTP client: get to direct connection faster, when previously direct gs-server goes back online. * Proxy: If Auto-Proxy is specified, then use it right away, without testing direct connection. * Activation: fix Goodsync2Go started by RoboForm2Go could not activate. * GUI: separate Copy Files view from Delete Items view, they were combined before. * SkyDrive: file types SD does not like now have ._gs_ appended to them. * Gs-Server + File Monitoring or User Stop: improved termination sequence. to get around FileZilla server bug. * Gs-Server on Windows XP: Fixed error: User Impersonation failed: acquire privileges. * Job List: added more locks on Job List operations, to prevent crashes. * Browse Dialog: Fixed race condition in New Folder that could lead to errors. * GSTP: provide forwarder only to GS ver 9.0.0 and later, not ver 9 beta. * Command line: Fixed crash in 'gsync sync /all'. This is not a direct payment on JumpLoads, we are selling redeemable JumpLoads voucher on this page. * UI: Removed Exit menu item from Job Group context menu. * FTP: fix errors on some reconnect sequences. * Better and faster version checking. * SkyDrive: note that you cannot upload files larger than 2Gb to SkyDrive. * Email: fix Date of outgoing email format. * Revive Case-Sensitive File/Folder Names option. * GSTP: improve local discovery. * SFTP: add error catcher on Close Download, some connections errors were missed. Version 12.0.0 -- Sept 11, 2022 * AutoComplete for file paths. * On File Change: fix was not detecting (dis)connect of =Computer\=VolumeName. Version 7.5.1 * Fix old-new rounded time shift processing, applies only to FTP. * GSTP forwarders: more aggressive cleanup of dead sessions, so that they don't linger. * Groups: Increase number of allowed groups from 10 to 40. * Fix WebDAV protocol interaction with IIS 7 server. Version 9 beta * Runner Service runs under your Windows User credentials, so it requests them on install. . * MS Graph: Added Region option for National Clouds: US govt, DE, CN. * Browse dialog: Do not allow to change Account options in Folders, allow it only in Accounts tab. * Added DropBox file system, so now one can sync with DropBox storage. * Scripts and Email: Added variables: %TSTART% %TFINISH% %TELAPSED% * SFTP: fix unwinding of upload/download on user stop. * FTP: active mode: disconnect control connection after getting error on data connection. * Activation: if user enters License Key (Batch Code) into OrderID, advise him to do it in GS Account online. This makes him an heir to the world's greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra's al Ghul. * Italian localization updated. * Forwarder: increase timeout for ongoing operations, to reduce reconnects. * Make 2-way sync work in FTP/WebDAV in spite of its inability to copy file modification date. * Explorer Progress: fixed upload/download progress for many small files. Version 10.10.20 Jan 23, 2020 * Log Viewer: fix some rare crashes. * Account Manager also tracks and propagates Refresh Tokens and Access Tokens of OAuth2. * Do not lock folders which have only No Copy operations, when starting Sync. * CC Runner: Fixed Local Elevation did not work in CC Runner, in case of AutoUpdate. * High-Res DPI plus font scaling: make UI buttons bigger in this case. * Google Drive: Fix rare MIME-type mismatch on small file overwrite uploads. * Log Viewer: show log files both from _gsdata_ folder and mirror folders. Suppose the time period is 3 months, then the ninety-day government security, i.e. * WinFileSys: Fix processing of Locked + Access Denied files. * Fix bug in activation for Limited users. Please like and share this guide to help others. * File and Folder renames case only: make it a special new Case Change operation. * Job List: update Last Run Time at the end of On File Change jobs too. * S3 and RF Everywhere DAV: re-institute default temp files option for these file systems. The battle simulator seeks to calculate and illustrate the answer to that question. * GUI AutoStart: Use /miniwin mode in Windows Start, so that Mini-Progress windows is shown. * Client-Server: fix transfer and progress reporting for large files. * Help - Contact Support: Auto-Login to GS Support System, if GS Account is present. * GS Connect Setup: do not show Advanced option on initial setup. * Google Docs: fixed some http 500 and 400 errors. * Backblaze: fixed expired certificate error: Remove expired DST Root CA. Version 8.3.5 * Server Accounts: Added User Email, User Full Name to accounts. char at end of file name. * Fix not showing free space estimate after Analyze. * Delete Previous Versions renamed to Delete History (Recycle Bin), it now cleans up _history_ too. * MTP: provide our own name if device does not return DeviceFriendlyName. * GSTP: improve speed of reconnect on Receiver Server, if connection is lost on Client side. * SFTP: Major Speedup of Uploads, up to 20 times faster on fast networks. * Amazon CD: Fixed GetMetadataEndPoint Unauthorized Error 401. It greatly improves convenience and speed of the program. Rates of inflation are calculated using the current Consumer Price Index published monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( BLS ). * gs-server receiver: Fixed Cannot wakeup FS: Cannot open file on wakeup .. (error 32) Version 7.7.1 * On Schedule: schedules from 9.8.5 and 9.8.6 have to be redone, because of ranges/steps. * Allow unknown Certificate Authorities if Allow Bad Certificates option is On in DAV. * Latest changes from ver 10.9.21. * GoodSync Explorer: major rewrite of internals, fix a lot of bugs. * Show free space quota on RoboForm Online DAV server. * FTP: fix errors related to listing items in root sync folder. * Options: introduce Side Options, these are options specific to Left/Right sync folder. Collects data on user behaviour and interaction in order to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant. - Manage Account: auto-login * Do not disconnect after Analyze and reconnect on Sync for Auto jobs. * On File Change: make changes overflow not start old-style monitoring. * Google Drive: Refresh authentication token before starting long file upload. they are the same as it was originally recorded in the Job. +12014222748. * Server + UPNP: fix handling of FIOS ActionTec routers. * Proxy + GsRunner: Fixed Proxy setting change was ignored by GsRunner until restart. * GSTP: reduce chunk size to 256 Kb, do not use Expect-Continue. * Azure: added check for illegal '.' * On File Change: show all changes, sum them up only in Increment Analyze, not before. And 429 < subfolder > in exclude filter lines 1-way jobs and never in 2-way jobs end! 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