mesa labs monitoring login

For more information on how we account for weather in metrics, please refer to our Permissions. ORANGE is a registered trademark property of Orange Music Electronic Company Ltd. PEAVEY is a registered trademark of Peavey Electronics Corporation. The purpose is to empower customers with data. For more information, see the glossary term for Licensed Professional. These properties may include low-rise buildings (1-4 stories), mid-rise buildings (5-9 stories), or high-rise buildings (10+ stories). Massachusetts AmpliTube 5 boasts an all-new, fully-scalable GUI to adapt to any display size, including the latest Retina displays. There is only one Occupancy rate for each property as a whole. In most cases, this is the person who submits the application online.

  • Award Recipient is the person to whom your ENERGY STAR congratulations letter and ENERGY STAR decal will be mailed.
  • Signatory is the person in the organization, who will sign the final ENERGY STAR application in hard copy, along with the Licensed Professional. Given the interconnected nature of the electric transmission and distribution system, it is not possible to identify the specific plant that provides electricity to a building. The Number of Surgical Operating Beds is a count of beds where outpatient surgical procedures, similar to those which would be conducted in a hospital, are performed. A Gym/Fitness Center may be staffed or unstaffed, and may range from a single room with a treadmill and a multipurpose machine to a full fitness club with a wide variety of machines and program offerings. You can also set a different baseline date for energy and for water.
  • Current Year is the most recent 12-month period for which you have 12 full months of data. The water baseline, for buildings with plumbing fixtures installed in 1994 or later, is 120% of the Uniform Plumbing Codes (UPC) 2006 or the International Plumbing Codes (IPC) 2006 fixture performance requirements. A sterilization unit is defined as equipment dedicated to inactivate or remove all living organisms (including vegetative and spore forms) as well as viruses. The Property Data Administrator is the person who owns the account where the property was initially entered. The Sustainable Buildings Checklist evaluates sustainability in existing buildings. California The user must justify a Not Applicable selection for these required actions to count towards Sustainable Buildings Checklist completion. Third Party Certification Date Anticipated. Please note that if your property has not earned certification, no value will display here. TM Authentic Hendrix, LLC. You can enter the name, title, organization, phone, email, postal code, and professional credentials of the person who verified the benchmarking report, as well as the period being verified, and the date the data was verified. Study record managers: refer to the Data Element Definitions if submitting registration or results information. Ice Events is entered as either Yes or No.
    • Yes The property hosts ice events such as organized hockey games, ice skating competitions, and/or on-ice shows.
    • No The property does not host any ice events.
    If your property is in the design phase, use your best estimate for the intended conditions when the property is fully operational. This value is entered along with an upgrade so that you can track your cumulative investment and compare this with your energy savings. SILVERTONE is a registered trademark of Samick Music Corporation. Degree Days Calculator. Kill team datasheets pdf. Months Main Indoor Ice Rink in Use does not apply to curling sheets. The Number of Rooms is the total number of rooms at the property, including occupied rooms, non-occupied rooms, rooms in the process of being renovated and rooms for permanent house/administrative use. The Scorecard is a visual representation of a buildings score. Missouri
  • If the Hours of Operation differ by more than 10 hours from the main Property Use
  • More on this rule. Exterior Entrance to the Public is entered as either Yes or No.