harry potter headcanons tumblr

potter-head243. harry potter - peter pettigrew headcanons peter pettigrew headcanons. Follow. Welcome to Harry Potter Next Gen Headcanons. They were too alike not to be related in some way. Through these headcanons, we aim to promote these positive aspects of the house so if you have a headcanon of your own to submit, or simply have a question then just send us an owl! yes this is true as well!! started the unsupervised midnight quidditch matches (with remus as commentator) constantly loses his glasses because sirius hides them when he takes them off, and he can't see anything to help him find them. Harry potter x reader masterlist tumblr - oltazv.geats.shop Harry Potter Headcanons (and other things) on Tumblr Filed under: harry potter headcanons ginny weasley harry james potter weddings tw heterosexuality that last tag is a joke anyways i like the idea of these two taking care of each other in very deep ways sometimes in the form of deep dramatic gestures that speak to each other's insecurities sometimes in the form of eggs and hangover cure . Harry Potter TK Headcanons #2 this is the offical Tumblr Blog of the Facebook Group Harry Potter Headcannons! I think the most important thing is to just forget about what the online quizes say for a minute. Harry Potter TK Headcanons #1 So. There arent too manyjust enough to feel daunting most of the time. Here you can submit to us and if we like you're submission, we'll post it! ! and Clarks mourning the loss of his anonymity, meanwhile Bruce thinks its fucking hilarious, enjoy dealing w the press in both of your alter egos now, pretty boy, so Clark waits several months for the whole thing to die down before showing up as Superman to some party Bruce is attending and flying up to Bruce and goingpaybacks a bitch and just full on makes out with him in front of like a million reporters, #imagine all the criminals trying to kidnap batmans boyfriend and clarks struggle to look like a Normal Human Man#yes you have definitely stabbed me i am very stabbed right now(x). Ravens are the chillest of the houses, usually because they avoid the drama of the Eagles, and occasionally the Owls, at all costs. That first kiss they don't know who started. Pranks are gonna be pulled, sure. Albus didn't remind people of Harry or Ginny, he didn't look like James Potter or Lily Evans like his siblings, if it weren't for his eyes people would've thought he was adopted and originally he disliked not being immediately linked with his family but since he's gotten older he realized this can make him his own person. and were truly sorry for not keeping this blog up. harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban, chapter 5, harry potter and the order of the phoenix, chapter 14, me while rereading poa: chill harry, malfoys life doesnt revolve around yours. Warnings on the ends of the railings on the variable length staircases to fix a few petty annoyances. Albus didn't remind people of Harry or Ginny, he didn't look like James Potter or Lily Evans like his siblings, if it weren't for his eyes people would've thought he was adopted and originally he disliked not being immediately linked with his family but since he's gotten older he realized this can make him his own person. in 2016/2017, on their revolution radio tour, green day chose only female led punk bands to open for them to help create recognition for these artists in a male dominated scene. Harry Potter Masterlist - Tess currently staffed by mod Dante and mod Peter | Tumpik . homepage postbox tags - by character - by family name - all submissions - all. Having a Picnic Date With Harry Headcanon - miamlfy Youre lovely too, never forget it, A Harry Potter headcanon blog run by Emily and Adiba | NOT ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS | Please read the FAQ | Sidebar art by @loquaciousliterature. Harry Potter HeadCanon @potter-head243. I encourage you all to consider ceasing the creation of HP content, in order to minimize the damage she can cause and show your support for the members of communities who have been wronged. Remus would have kept peters sweater but couldn't find it. // Angst, pain, the like. spotted: Lucy Weasley in the Great Hallnot flirting with Frank Longbottom II. We are here to bring you quality headcanons about the next generation of the Harry Potter series. But there will be no new content posted. stayed relatively small until seventh year when he went through a massive growth spurt; for months afterward, every time the marauders saw him they would gasp and say "petergrew"; incredible at coming up with excuses (unlike james, who always manages to come up with obscene ideas, or remus who never manages to come up with anything at all) Think about what the traits of those houses are. but then there was that night in the shrieking shack and he knew, he knew, and the shattered pieces of his heart began to feel warmer than they had in twelve years, the seventh time Sirius and Remus slept together was June 16, 1996, there hadnt been many chances since Sirius came back to Grimmauld Place, with Remus being out so often on Order business, Sirius had coaxed him up the stairs with kisses and caresses that made Remus feel seventeen again, does sleeping here give you nightmares? Remus asked a few hours later as he lazily traced the lines of tattoos on Sirius chest, and thought of the family that had never accepted this beautiful, loving man, i dont really dream about them any more, Sirius finally said,not after Azkaban, Sirius remembered everything Remus had ever told him, about the anxiety of falling asleep after a werewolf had attacked him in his own bed, but Remus remembered everything Sirius had told him too, and that was why he whispered,i want to stay, so they fell asleep, hair tousled, limbs tangled, breathing even with the certainty that they were safe in each others arms, one year a Slytherin paints their face silver and green before a quidditch match, before they know it theyre painting everyones faces, even students from other houses come to get their face painted, and its not just their house colors, but little designs too like flowers and animals and stars, one Slytherin whos particularly good at charms starts working with the face painter, soon the paintings are dancing across students faces, every one thinks Hufflepuffs are the first to start a food fight but really its always Slytherins, one year a muggle born Slytherin gets permission to rig up a movie night in the Great Hall, it becomes tradition and all the tables get moved aside and there are pillows and blankets spread out every where so the students can watch disney and marvel and romcoms to their hearts content, they love taking care of and chatting with the owls, even if they belong to a different student, some of the wealthier Slytherins organize a stand outside their Common Room entrance and fill it with sweets from Hogsmeade trips, soon they start filling it with other things too, extra quills and parchment, warm hats and mittens, the things are free to take for anyone who needs them, Slytherins are known for giving the longest hugs, they wont let go until youre ready for them to, they also love to sing, very very loudly and not always well, but they dont really care what you think of it, Slytherins also tell amazing jokes, they seem to know exactly how witty, punny, or dirty to make it depending on their listener, Slytherins love to sit outside in the sunshine on warm days, often they come back inside with flowers in their hair and infectious smiles on their faces. spotted: Roxanne Weasley subconsciously being a gorgeous model on her way back to Hogwarts. And new friends! :////, submitted by @ifelldownthatruddyrabbithole. #harry potter headcanons on Tumblr Just imagine Dumbledore having to spell that snitch to recognize every variation of Harry saying, "I want to die." "I'm ready to die." "I'm willing to do this." "I'm ready to be sacrificed." "I open at the close." and just imagine Dumbledore breaking down with each variation of this phrase that . Harry Potter Headcanons - infinitebookshelves.tumblr.com 7/10 SEVERUS SNAPE IS HARRY'S FATHER. Being a straight ally doesnt mean creating things for LGBT+ people. 15 Harry Potter Tumblr Posts That Will Break Your Damn Heart. Draco always staying at Harry's flat. Decisions are pesky things. Headcannon: Neville's parents remembered him for a couple seconds before their death. So I have this head cannon/ idea thingie-ma-bob where if the marauders were to somehow come here to our time 'n' muggle codswallop, they'd eventually find out about the ships with them. // George Weasley: George Weasley and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) have been pretty much inseparable since they stepped off the Hogwarts Express in their first year.After years and years of constantly denied tension, it all finally comes to a head on one late night during a Gryffindor Common Room party where they share a . 'Prongs my dear it is I who is sorry for I am actually in an love with Moony!' Harry Potter Headcanon. this band has always been using their voices for the right reasons and i love them so much for that. #Lily Luna Potter #Harry Potter #harry potter next gen #harry potter next generation #harry potter headcanon #headcanon #hogwarts #Teddy Lupin #Albus Severus Potter #roxanne weasley #gryffindor #slytherin #ginny weasley More you might like Coeur blanc Harry Potter (soft) headcanon On a random day, Ramdom text that make us sad or happy like every single things in Harry Potter. The two couples were incredibly close. . BoredPanda staff. Nowell this one said Im this orbut what about that result I got just think of the houses outside of the quizes you took. (captured by a laughing Dominique Weasley). Just think about all the details these fools went through to be there for their friend. Fred Weasley II was one of the most creative humans in the world, he saw things no one else did and understood the most abstract and conceptual ideas like they were everyday math problems. Harry Potter Headcanons Originally posted by dial-666-for-satan. Because they know that Remus Lupin is . What if Petunia was cruel to Harry because Vernon was but Vernon was cruel because he knew how much it hurt Petunia when Lily had magic and she didn't. The anger at Harry's existence mixed . #if you read this message me and i'll follow you back. About . Harry and Dean LOVE saying "all tea, no shade" and "all tea, all shade." (I know this series takes place in like the 1990s, but leave me be). when his father found out, he wasn't mad . That will never change. Profile pic creds to @potionpatr0nus on IG. it was then that Sirius finally, finally, at first Remus called him names, that shall not be repeated, but between chaste, slow kisses, he told Sirius that, when Sirius woke up, Remus was already gone, the sixth time contained barely any sleep, theyd barely seen each other in weeks and Sirius felt himself being pulled apart by, and Remus, the man he loved, he barely saw him anymore, the sixth time was in early October, 1981, he and Remus talked, and argued, and argued, and fucked, and argued, and made up, and, until Sirius had to leave, too soon, again, he pressed a light kiss to Remus forehead, but didnt wake him to say goodbye, he didnt know that it would be the last time, in Azkaban, it was the soft feeling of Remus arms wrapped around his waist, their legs tangled together, the way the morning light emphasized the freckles on his face, the hoarseness of his laughter in the morning, the way his skin had felt during that last kiss goodbye, those were the things that he thought of during the long nights, and Remus, heart broken, also thought of Sirius. Then she went to bed and had a dream. (Not my gif, credit to whoever made it) Harry would be the one to bring up the idea of having a picnic. Whenever she sees harry in her sweater she can't help but think of lily and James so long ago. The Slytherin makes the first move after that, Its calculated and careful because they are so scared to be vulnerable with this person, But when they slip their hand into the Gryffs, the Gryff smiles this Smile To End All Smiles, Its a smile that shatters their heart and puts it back together better than before, The Slytherin sneaks the Gryffindor into the kitchens, (The Gryffindor lets the Slytherin think they never knew how to sneak into the kitchens until that point), They are obnoxiously soft with each other- little caresses on the cheek, forehead kisses, sharing sweaters when its cold, piggy back rides across campus, The Slytherin likes it when the Gryffindor takes them flying on cold fall mornings, even though they pretend to complain about waking up early, (They actually become a bit of a power couple, both of them top of class, its kind of terrifying), The Slytherin is fierce and protective but they also allow themself to be soft, Because they realize that falling in love with a Gryff means falling in love with someone who is fierce and protective too, So the Slytherin lets themself relax, knowing that with a Gryffindor they are safe, no, Sirius and Remus only fell asleep in each others arms seven times, the first was during the summer after their third year, when they were at the Potters for a week and fell asleep under the stars with James and Peter by their side, James knew at the time why Sirius curled closer to Remus and flung an arm across the other boys chest, but he did the second time, when he crept into the hospital wing after a particularly bad full moon at the end of fourth year, i cant sleep with other people, im a light sleeper Remus had muttered as he tried to push the boy away, shut up, you need me tonight and i refuse to fall asleep in that bloody chair, Sirius said as he made a space for himself on the bed, Sirius wondered, as he waited for Remus breath to even out, if the pounding of his heart would kill him before morning, they didnt sleep together again until the first night of their seventh year, when Remus was awoken by the nightmare Sirius was having across the room and- despite his struggle to sleep with others- crawled into his friends bed and wrapped his arms tightly around him, the next morning Sirius told him about the nightmares of his family, Remus told him about his inability to sleep deeply ever since the attack, ill stop bothering you then, Sirius said, and Remus kissed him softly in that bed, in the tangle of sheets and morning light that filtered in between the curtains, but still Sirius was aware of what Remus had said and tried to do what would make his, they didnt sleep together again until the end of seventh year, and stumbled back to their dorm with James and Peter, the four of them slightly drunk, and immensely afraid, but high on the thrill of doing what they thought was right, Sirius and Remus collapsed into bed together and slept deeply, aware that they may not get any more chances to just, after graduation they had even fewer chances, they were constantly on missions for The Order, on opposite patrol schedules, on different missions, always apart, so the fifth time they slept together wasnt until they were on the brief break they had for James and Lilys wedding, they fell into bed that night, full of happiness and light.

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