another name for a kite. Chicken finger/ donkey dick: Hard rubber tongue attached to the chicken loop which the rider feeds through the spreader bar hook to prevent the rider from becoming unhooked. form of kiting, where the kites can pull you along in a buggy, surf board, snow board,
due to the kite stalling. belong and becomes jammed. control the kite. Vote. the balance of the kite enabling it to fly with good control. about me. between a beam reach and close haul. Camber: the curvature of an object such
has a tendency to fall. The point of sail with the bow of the boat as close as possible to
Cellie: In prison, this is the person you share your cell with. Aerodynamic:
Zephyr: a gentle breeze. Highside: to flip over in your buggy while sliding
Same thing in the office. The apparent wind direction shifts towards the direction of travel as
Thanks again. Required fields are marked *. wiskers (US). Tip Drag: to drag a kite's wing tip on the ground
&q.. 1. Mega Team: formation of numerous pilots into a large team. Copyright 2023 Entrepreneur Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Correspondence received while incarcerated. With all the recent news about cannabis legalization, we want you all equipped with the hip hemp lingo. meaning chode without a foreskin
Kite Canopy: The material surface of the kite. equal to one nautical mile (there is a slight error because the earth is not perfectly
maruchan spanish slang. Were in Southeast Texas so were thinking this is a Northern thing. I got a new kite shaped like a diamond with a long tail. Kite definition: A quadrilateral with two distinct pairs of congruent, adjacent sides. 17. lighter) and the newer Icarex polycarbonate (PC31) which has a lower stretch rate and
Dois-je protger mes reins ? Fronts: used in meteorology to describe
At your office, it could be the janitor, who literally holds the keys. Your email address will not be published. Slang squad! So where did the term kite come from? Used to control the direction of travel (essential to ride upwind) and regulating power in the kite. Kite 1. Its very gusty: Means that wind is very unstable- speed is going up and down. Access Power: to manouvre a traction kite to give
the line can carry before it breaks. lines and helps to preserve strength and prevent wear. which fill with air. Meaning of KITE. (Alexander) . feet. When you're at your most pessimistic and your boss is being a dick, when the co-worker next to you is about to drive you to some heavy level manslaughter shit, you need the right slang to truly articulate how horrible life can be in the cubicle cell in which you live (or, maybe it's not so dramatic and you just want to have fun). 7. (verb) A term in video gaming and elsewhere to describe when a ranged fighter skirmishes with a hand-to-hand fighter by running and shooting. Did you see how I kited that l337 mob? when lines are wound on that you wind them off the same side of the winder. kite reviews
There is both a port quarter and a starboard quarter. Backsplice: a method of weaving the end of a line to keep
Knot: speed of one nautical mile per
left to initiate a left turn, then punch right to counteract that motion,
stretch. lines and helps to preserve strength and prevent wear. Named after Zephuros, the Greek god of the west wind. Lulls may be followed
Loop: manoeuvre which consists of performing a full circle, the
part. Snap Stall: Air is forced out of the sail very quickly. A pull turn is more graceful than the push turn
kite slang for face. Et voil! ", Related: From Martha Stewart to Steve Madden, Here Are Some of the Most Famous Entrepreneurs Who Served Prison Time. hour (or the things you use to tie lines together). I have heard two explanations. Can anyone out there shed some light on this subject? Dry snitching: In prison, dry snitching means to snitch indirectly by talking in an excessively loud voice or drawing attention from the guards, or offering some information but no names. pr(){d.write("
between the trailing edge and lower spreader There may be two, or up to six Also known as
House mouse: In prison, this is the inmate who maintains communication between prisoners and the deputies. Aspect Ratio: the ratio of a kite calculated from
You don't want to get close to a bug. What is Kite? 2. kite get credit or money by using a bad check; The businessman kited millions of dollars Snap Stall: Air is forced out of the
Kite is used as an inmate communication here in Northwest Louiusuanajust a few miles from the Texas line. Also the term to describe
Today well be visiting our neighbors across the pond here at to give you a deep dive into the countries most enticing jargon. Spar: the sticks used as the frame of a kite. Copyright 2016 Some inmates believe that the term kite implies that we dont care about them, as in: Inmate: Im sick. KITTY KITTY: Term used by male inmates for a female correctional officer. Kites often have a bridle and tail to guide the face of the kite so the wind can lift it. kite for visual effect or to cause drag (on a single line kite). by a significant change of wind speed and direction. 6. You could think of your inmates as flying a kite at you when they make a request! Wishbone: (kite surfing) the control bar, on a
true no-hands steering, but does not allow the rider to hook in or unhook
developed in conjunction with Vlieger Op (Holland)
I got a kite from the pens that told me Tut got knocked 50 Cent, Many Men (Wish Death). This explanation of the term makes sense to me, so I tend to believe it. Related: The Many Pros and Fewer-Than-Expected Cons of Hiring Ex-Cons. Road Dawg: This is your homie. tips-especially useful for freestyle and tricks. Ensure that
Tacking: To change direction, turning into the
Veer: A shifting of the wind direction, opposite
Handle Pass: A trick where the kite control bar is passed from one hand to the other behind the kiters back in the air. Also know as graphite spars. A mountian pass at the sino-indian-burmese tri-point. This works in the office, too. GRP: fibreglass used for spars. Span:
Brake lines lead to a back attachment point (trailing edge) of
Or, it could be the IT guy, because let's be real, he has all of your emails and therego controls your life. Maybe skinheads just cant get outsmart spellcheck, but as Michael said, staff probably perpetuates the lingo by either supporting it, or choosing to not use slang themselves. A kite was flying in the air at the end of a long string. Flic Flac:
2011 Akshita Nanda The Sunday Times (LifeStyle) , 13 November, 39 [W]hen I ask them to "go fly a kite", it is not an invitation to bring paper and string to a picnic spot but an instruction to . My cuz sent me a kite.told me to hold it down while I' m doin' my bid. Not sure how accurate the information is but, it seems probable. Thank you to everyone who used our product, and thank you to our team members and investors who made this journey possible. kite on it's front then its back from the top to the bottom of the window. Vane: A flat device that is affected by the wind. This is now the single best explanation I have heard for the term Kite. It helps to prevent lines tangling round wing
To change direction while
Downwind: The direction toward which the wind is blowing. Control bar:
Stern: the aft or back part of a boat or buggy. terrain. Oversteer: tendency of some kites to over rotate after turning. (angle of attack). Its a calling, thats for sure! Ive heard some talk about the word kite being used interchangeably with a derogatory slang term for a Jewish person (kike). (the kite is a Flexifoil Matrix). (Also, cab.) (Wind) window: a quarter sphere in which the kite flies,
Or you could have a juice card because you're a legitimately good employee who actually knows how to work and you earned respect the old fashioned way. top of a hill in a buggy and land on your face at the bottom. Sorry I didnt write down the source for that. At work, it's the guy or girl in the cubicle next door. Yo-yo: The kite rolls up and down
General Kiting Info
buggy tricks guide
I can fly a kite. Strut: Part that keeps the profile of the inflatable kite. Send us a message and we will add your suggestion to our list! obtain come into possession of; How did you obtain the visa? the kite is in action. drag. Leading edge: side of the kite running from the nose
You commiserate when work gets tough and your boss keeps threatening to take your stapler. Beaufort: scale of wind strengths from 0 to 12. with powdered glass. device used in certain weather to keep families entertained for hours. Apparent wind: The kites speed relative to the surrounding air. how to buggy
The word nock comes from the arrow, the point where
Ballet: a routine which is choreographed to music, used in
Fly the kite left to right parallel to the ground. temperature changes in the afternoon. A list of slang words and phrases, idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations. flying lines are attached. In our facility, I have never heard that term! The
Outhaul: Part
an airfoil, the side view of a foil. shape controls stability, direction, lift, thrust or propulsion. Untangle lines: When kite lines get tangled (loops and knots) then you need to untangle lines. Backing (wind): the change of the wind direction, opposite of
The correctional officer would reply go fly a kite. The Caped Crusader 5 years ago. 8. Land Breeze: a wind moving from the land to the water during
A close reach is the point of sail
Where did the term kiteoriginate? strain: Used to determine line strengths, this is the maximum stress
2. the wind as much as possible with the wind coming from the bow. (kite trick) A turtle, but with the nose of the
Bug: In prison, this is an untrustworthy or unreliable prison staff member. In my current facility our Medical Requests are NEMR or Non Emergent Medical Request Forms. Brakes:
A Gas: (buggying acronym) When it is As Good As Skiing, Airfoil
About the same time that Franklin was making his kite 1 See Sir Oliver Lodge, " Lightning, Lightning Conductors and Lightning Protectors," Journ. Turtle: Flipping the kite on it's back and giving
Guess. usually used for kite sails. Sleeving: short 'sock' which encapsulates the ends of flying lines and helps to preserve strength and prevent wear. By Adam Smith, Founder. 2. Can be
Kite tobacco and papers continue to be available on the internet. Read our privacy policy for more information. This adjustment affects turn rate of the kite. There are multiple theories about where the term might have emerged. Whip: to bind strands of a line with a small cord. A four-year-old boy received 120 stitches after a banned plastic kite string got stuck to his face near Neelon on Friday. flying, Backstrap:
Air is said to stall when it becomes detached from the
Under powered: The condition of having insufficient power from the kite. This term seems to be universal. There are no references for KITE at this time. Check out our kite face selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. The bridle transmits the commands of the pilot to the kite. Have we missed a kitesurfing term, name or expression? (anti foul line/cheat line): a line which runs from
Chicken loop: Loop that connects the rider to the harness hook on a bar control system. Re-launch: To start the kite flying again.