panchen lama controversy

Critics cite the government-sponsored migration of large numbers of Han Chinese into the Tibet Autonomous Region, deemed Chinese settlements, as a major component of sinicization. It might be China or some other anti-Tibetan elements. The efforts are undertaken by China in order to remake Tibetan culture into mainstream Chinese culture. One was from China which later mainly spread to Korea, Vietnam and Japan. For socio-economic conditions in Tibet, see, The idea of Tibet and the concept of serfdom, Tibetan welfare after the Chinese takeover, Goldstein, Sherap, and Siebenschuh 2004, pp. The Tibetan word "lama" means "highest principle", and less literally "highest mother" or "highest parent" to show close relationship between teacher and student.[2][3]. (Batchelor, 1998, p. 64) The Tibetan government in exile is said to have conducted house searches, demanding that people sign a declaration stating that they have abandoned Dorje Shugden practice (Batchelor, 1998, p. The Heart Stra (Sanskrit: Prajpramithdaya or Chinese: Xnjng, Tibetan: ) is a popular sutra in Mahyna Buddhism. Meanwhile, the western part of Xikang (i.e. [16][17] According to Isabel Hilton, it remains the "most detailed and informed attack on China's policies in Tibet that would ever be written. Dorje Shugden has become the symbolic focal point of a conflict over the "purity" of the Gelug school and the inclusion of non-Gelug teachings, With Gshi Khan as a largely uninvolved overlord, the Dalai Lama and his colleagues established a civil governmental body referred to as the Ganden Phodrang. [51], On March 10, 2016, the International Shugden Community suddenly suspended all operations. [web 22] "[web 35], Similarly, Tibet scholar Robert Barnett of Columbia University states that "ID cards are not given out by the Tibetan government in exile, but by the Indian authorities". "[43], When the Dalai Lama confirmed a Tibetan boy in 1995 as the reincarnation of the Panchen Lama, the second-ranking leader of the Gelugpa sect, the Chinese government took away the boy and his parents and installed its own child lama. These areas (i.e. The Tibetan Army was established in 1913 by the 13th Dalai Lama, who had fled Tibet during the 1904 British expedition to Tibet and returned only after the fall of the Qing power in Tibet in 1911. Harada's cross-philological study is based on Chinese, Sanskrit and Tibetan texts. [27], China's National Strategic Project to Develop the West, introduced during the 1980s after the Cultural Revolution, encourages the migration of Chinese people from other regions of China into Tibet with bonuses and favorable living conditions. [38] Richardson, the British Trade Envoy to Tibet in the 1940s, agrees with Tibetan authors, stating there was little difference between the rich and the poor. - Dalai Lama's visit to Buddhist centre met with 'sectarian' protests, "The International Campaign for Tibet's statement on the Shugden demonstration in Washington D.C", "Breakaway Buddhists take aim at the Dalai Lama", Concerning The Current Wave of "Protest Demonstrations" Against His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 6 Things You Should Know About the Anti-Dalai Lama Protesters, "Buddhist group leading global anti-Dalai Lama protests disbands", Shugden acolytes decry ostracism within Buddhist ranks, "The Dalai Lama Speaks Clearly About the Dorje Shugden Ban", "Dalai Lama Says We Can Practise Dorje Shugden Finally! The sutra concludes with the mantra gate gate pragate prasagate bodhi svh, meaning "gone, gone, everyone gone to the other shore, awakening, svaha. [39] Some young Tibetans feel that they are Tibetan and Chinese, and are fluent in Tibetan and Mandarin Chinese. "[2] The text has been translated into English dozens of times from Chinese, Sanskrit and Tibetan as well as other source languages. It is common to see banners promoting the use of Chinese. The Pachen Lama incarnation line began in the seventeenth century after the 5th Dalai Lama gave Chokyi Gyeltsen the title, and declared him to be an emanation of Buddha Amitaba.Officially, he became the first Panchen Lama in the lineage, while he had also been the sixteenth abbot of Tashilhunpo Monastery.. "[web 1] Dodin also states, "The NKT can be described typologically as a cult on the basis of its organisational form, its excessive group pressure and blind obedience to its founder. Religion in Tibet It is also the earliest copy of Xuanzang's 649 CE translation of the Heart Sutra (Taisho 221); made three years before Xuanzang passed away. There could not be two protectors under the same roof, wrote the abbot to His Holiness, the Thirteenth Dalai Lama. [12] He also vehemently rejected Dorje Shugden's associated sectarianism, emphasising that all the Tibetan traditions are equally profound dharmas and defending the unbiased and eclectic approach to Buddhist practice as exemplified by the Second, Third and Fifth Dalai Lamas. [10]:6769[11]:2[note 7][note 8], The text has been translated into many languages, and dozens of English translations and commentaries have been published, along with an unknown number of informal versions on the internet. 28 "Prajpramithdaya Sutra" Tripitaka Master Xuanzang translated by imperial decree Volume 2, Page 1, Scroll 1, Engraved 661 CE], If listing starts with 'T' and followed by number then it can be found in the Taisho Tripitaka; if listing starts with 'M' and followed by number then it can be found in the Manjizoku Tripitaka; If listing starts with 'B' and followed by number then it can be found in the Supplement to the Great Tripitaka, 16831724, If listing starts with 'M' and followed by number then it can be found in the Manjizoku Tripitaka. "[21], However, the members of the cult are not content with this situation of having to choose between adopting His Holiness the Dalai Lama as their spiritual mentor or ignoring his judgment and persisting in the Gyalpo Shugden worship. However, Tibetans also believe that theft and banditry were common especially along trade routes. The changes, which have been evident since the annexation of Tibet by the People's Republic of China in 195051, have been facilitated by a range of economic, social, cultural, religious and political reforms which have been introduced to Tibet by the Chinese government. Seventeen Point Agreement See human rights in the People's Republic of China and Human rights in Tibet (include all the Tibetan areas) for an overview. "[16], According to Georges Dreyfus, the sectarian elements of The Yellow Book were not unusual and do not "justify or explain the Dalai Lama's strong reaction. AFP The Tibetan government in exile claims that other ethnically Tibetan areas to the east and to the north also belong to Tibet, i.e. [web 2][note 8], In 1975, The Yellow Book, also known as The Oral Transmission of the Intelligent Father,[12] was published. This is a particular persons wrong view. August 1971, Seite 5-9. "The method involved the placement of a smooth, round yak's knucklebone on each of the temples of the prisoner. [web 23], In response, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) published different statements and corrections to the protesters' claims. Infobase Publishing. [11] He was recognized by the 14th Dalai Lama when they met in 1952. In 2010, on the 5th Tibet Work Forum, the central government declared its intention to make the Tibetan areas in the four provinces steadily progress as well as the Tibet Autonomous Region. [web 4], This change is reflected in artwork, since there is "lack of Dorje Shugden art in the Gelug school prior to the end of the 19th century."[9]. First of all, international law does not accept justifications of this type. We are ashamed and sorry that this causes the reputation of Buddhists in general to be damaged. In particular, your search for the support of a worldly guardian to ensure benefits in this life is contrary to the principle of the taking of refuge. It was an intra-CCP struggle to eliminate political opposition to Mao. It enumerates a series of stories that Zimey Rinpoche had heard informally from Trijang Rinpoche about the many Ge-luk lamas whose lives are supposed to have been shortened by Shuk-dens displeasure at their practicing Nying-ma teachings. [79], In 2008, Robert Barnett, director of the Program for Tibetan Studies at Columbia University, said that it was time for accusations of cultural genocide to be dropped: "I think we have to get over any suggestion that the Chinese are ill-intentioned or trying to wipe out Tibet. 10th Dalai Lama On 1 October 1949, the 10th Panchen Lama wrote telegraph to congratulate the liberation of the Northwest, and the establishment of People's Republic of [10] On 16 October 1950, news arrived that the People's Liberation Army was advancing towards Chamdo and had taken the town of Riwoche (which could block the route to Lhasa). the western Kham/Xikang) which was legally incorporated into the TAR when Xikang Province was abolished by the NPC in 1955. 'The Ancient Palm Leaves containing the Prajpramit-Hidaya Stra and Unia-vijaya-Dhrai.' [12] In a series of talks, he sought to undermine the status elevation of Dorje Shugden by reaffirming the centrality of traditional supramundane protectors of the Gelug tradition. This is understood to be highly important in persuading readers of the legitimacy or illegitimacy of Chinese rule. Summary of the sutra. The organisations extreme fanaticism and aggressive missionary drive are typical cult features too. If a slave was not well treated, it was easy for him to escape into Sikkim and British India. [47][48], A 2015 Reuters article alleged "that the religious sect behind the protests has the backing of the Communist Party" and that the "group has emerged as an instrument in Beijings long campaign to undermine support for the Dalai Lama". Bayan Har Mountains, a southern branch of the Kunlun Mountains, forms the watershed between the catchment basins of China's two longest rivers, the Yangtze River and 127, A History of Modern Tibet, 19131951, Melvyn C. Goldstein pp. When the Dalai Lama visited Mao Zedong in Beijing in 1954, Mao told him that he would move 40,000 Chinese farmers to Tibet. Five others, all linked to the Dorje Shugden Society in New Delhi, were questioned for months about a possible conspiracy. I believe that Nyingmapas have a complete path. [4]:109 Line 19 refers to the Four Noble Truths. In 2001 the Chinese ambassador was guest of honor at "The Millennium Conference on Human Rights" organized by the Shugden Devotees Religious and Charitable Society of Delhi and held March 2022 at the most prestigious venue in the Indian capital, the India International Centre. 109. In 1964, he was publicly humiliated at Politburo meetings, dismissed from all posts of authority, declared 'an enemy of the Tibetan people', had his dream journal confiscated and used against him,[22] and was then imprisoned. Traditionally, the Ge-luk tradition has been protected by the Dharma-king (dam can chos rgyal), the supra-mundane deity bound to an oath given to Dzong-ka-ba, the founder of the tradition. ", "The Cultural Revolution in Tibet: A Photographic Record", "After 50 years, Tibetans Recall the Cultural Revolution", "Temporary Labor Migration in Urban Lhasa in 2005",, "Report Says Valid Grievances at Root of Tibet Unrest", "China's Money and Migrants Pour into Tibet", New height of world's railway born in Tibet, "Is development killing Tibet's way of life? Only Miller responded in the next The Tibet Journal, in a short letter, in 1987. The old people's commune economic system was dismantled (while in other provinces it was ended in 1985), so farmland started to be used by the household, and livestock started to be owned and used by the household. They want to force their supposed mentor to adopt their perspective that the demonic spirit is an enlightened being, almost more important than the Buddha himself, and perhaps also rejoin their worship of it, or at least give them all his initiatory teachings in spite of their defiance of his best advice. Originally from the Sakya school as a minor protector that was part of the Three Gyalpo Kings (Shugden, Setrap, and Tsiu Marpo), Shugden was subsequently adopted as a "minor protector" of the Gelug, the newest of the schools of Tibetan Buddhism,[7] headed by the Dalai Lamas (although nominally the Ganden Tripas). Comparison of Buddhism and Christianity The Great Paramita Heart Sutra. [web 30] The advice of the 14th Dalai Lama was approved by the Central Tibetan Administration[web 31] and the Parliament in exile[web 32] in 1996. The Chinese government has failed to bring to justice those responsible for the shooting death by People's Armed Police officers of a 17-year-old nun, Kelsang Namtso, while trying to cross the border into Nepal on September 30, 2006.[78]. [46], Within Tibet, schools issue warnings to parents that students should not be attending classes at monasteries, a long-standing tradition, or engage in any religious activity. [7]:239,1820[note 4][8]:311319,308309[note 5] The stature of the Heart Sutra throughout early medieval India can be seen from its title 'Holy Mother of all Buddhas Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom'[9]:389 dating from at least the 8th century CE (see Philological explanation of the text). [6] He coupled Dorje Shugden to Gelug exclusivism, using it against other traditions, and against Gelugpa's with eclectic tendencies. Ronggyal Adrak was detained and charged under state security offenses by police on August 1 after he called for the Dalai Lama's return at a horse race festival in Sichuan province. "Greater Tibet". On 23 January 1989, the Panchen Lama delivered a speech in Tibet in which he said: "Since liberation, there has certainly been development, but the price paid for this development has been greater than the gains. [44] In 2020 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement that "Tibetan Buddhists, like members of all faith communities, must be able to select, educate and venerate their religious leaders according to their traditions and without government interference," "We call on the PRC government to immediately make public the Panchen Lama's whereabouts and to uphold its own constitution and international commitments to promote religious freedom for all persons. This is not a fault of Buddha-dharma, not a fault of Tibetan Buddhism, or even a fault of Tibetan people in general. Religious freedom is not at issue here. Tsepon Lungshar, an official educated in England, introduced reform in the 1920s; after losing a political struggle the reformist was sentenced to be blinded by having his eyeballs pulled out. The next stage in the status elevation process was Phabongkhas claim that Dorje Shugden had now replaced the traditional supramundane protectors of the Gelug tradition such as Mahakala, Vaisravana and, most specifically, Kalarupa (the Dharma-King), the main protector of the Gelug who, it is believed, was bound to an oath by Tsong Khapa himself. The long version differs from the short version by including both an introductory and concluding section, features that most Buddhist sutras have. In the centuries following the historical Xuanzang, an extended tradition of literature fictionalizing the life of Xuanzang and glorifying his special relationship with the Heart Stra arose, of particular note being the Journey to the West[60] (16th century/Ming dynasty). [3] Still in Lhasa, the Dalai Lama recognized the Panchen Lama Choekyi Gyaltsen a few years later, after they met. Robert Thurman, for example, states, "The cult and agency attack campaign is futile since its main claims are so easy to refute. Sinicization of Tibet includes the programs and laws of the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which force "cultural unity" in Tibetan areas of China, including the Tibet Autonomous Region and surrounding Tibetan-designated autonomous areas. [35] Other people, including the Dalai Lama,[25] believe that he was poisoned by his own medical staff. Bn, the indigenous animist and shamanic belief system of Tibet, revolves around the worship of nature and claims to predate Buddhism. (internal conflicts in Tibetan Buddhist sect)", The Dorje Shugden conflict: Interview with Thierry Dodin, Delhi High Court Dismisses Dorjee Shugden Devotees Charges, "Dalai Lama Fighting Ghost In Religious Dispute", "Tibetan crisis forces govt to expel Chinese journalists", "Shar Ganden Monastery: Venerable Abbott", "Buddhist faction protests Dalai Lama as he visits U.S", "Shugden Buddhists protest during Dalai Lama's visit to Berkeley", "Protesters denounce the Dalai Lama as a 'dictator', "Demonstratie tegen Dalai Lama in Rotterdam", "Shugden Followers' Baseless Allegations A Rejoinder from the Central Tibetan Administration", "Declaration concerning the demonstrations against His Holiness the Dalai Lama", His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Advice Concerning Dolgyal (Shugden), The Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies' Resolutions, Resolution Passed by the Tibetan Youth Congress (1997), "Are We Prisoners of Shangrila? "[web 1], According to Robert Thurman, the International Shugden Community is a front group of the New Kadampa Tradition. Generally, the government of the PRC also limits Tibet to the area it has designated the Tibet Autonomous Region, consisting of the traditional areas of , Tsang, Ngari, along with Qamdo (i.e. [web 36], I also made it clear that the Western Shugden group's allegations are problematic: they are akin to attacking the Pope because some lay Catholics somewhere abuse non-believers or heretics. [47], Raimondo Bultrini documents the Chinese government coordination of Shugden activity in the book The Dalai Lama and the King Demon. He is awaiting trial. "[web 7] In itself, the nuanced statement neither asserted nor denied the validity of the claims made against the TGIE, just that they were not actionable according to AI's mandate. "Translating the Karmapas Works, Vlez-Mlaga Spain (2019)p. 11, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Basic points unifying Theravda and Mahyna,, Articles needing additional references from April 2019, All articles needing additional references, Articles containing Standard Tibetan-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 September 2022, at 11:58. He has written, "with the exception of about 300 noble families, all laymen and laywomen in Tibet were serfs (Mi ser) bound via ascription by parallel descent to a particular lord (dPon-po) though an estate, in other words sons were ascribed to their father's lord but daughters to their mother's lord.

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